Wednesday, December 06, 2006
back frm taiwan
Monday, November 20, 2006
no title
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Chalet-1st day Part II
So.. We were bored.. I wanted drink sth cold so much.. so we went to chEErs FairPrice to get it.. and suin bian buy the barbeque suppies.. etc etc... but hor.. i buy ruffles crackles and pink dolphine.. den realise there de ting so ex.. walou.. i money lover sia.. <3>.<" then hor.. leeyin gayle n hoching worse.. they oredi put all the needed stuff into the basket le.. den realise ex.. den nid put everyting bak.. WAH SEH and i HAD to HELP! my precious energy T_T ...
Chalet-1st day
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Thursday, October 19, 2006
A few funny moments ^^

Saturday, October 14, 2006
exam results
Haizz.. why did i do so badly.. i wish i had worked harder.. too late for me to regret now.. i am so sad... i jus wanna break down and cry.. my own future ruined in my own hands.. >_<>
Enuf for the results part.. im growing sadder each day becus of it.. and i can bet.. no one can even tell im unhappy.. >_<><" im so dammit touched when u told me not to cry.. telling me i'll make it to sec 2.. telling me u'll be there for me.. telling me u'll help me in wutever way you can... even though ur results r dam gud.. u r never proud.. u console those who r sad over their results.. im so lucky to have a fren like u..
Wednesday, a day i look forward to XD I'm going ice skating with Ailing~!! learn laa... i don noe how to ice-skate :X Wonder how many times will i fall.. i place a bet.. 50 times ^^ hahaa!! which i don fall to death can ler :X those who wan see how hilarious i look when i fall.. be at JEC ice rink on wednesday XD afternoon ahhahaa!!
P.S. I know i haven't been posting for like 1 week.. apologies.. exams + disappointments one after another :/ mood's normal. ^^ cya lata people~! be at the ice rink~!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
~meet ah gong! part II
meet ah gong!
Friday, October 06, 2006
exam donee~

P.S. avg mood today. ^^ also looking forward to meeting.. ah gong tomorrow.. =) for sum reason.. abit nervous siaa.. xD hahaha.. abit unlike me <.< hehehex~!? kk cya tmr ah gong.. and i don tink i will regret meeting u de ba <.< hahaz.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
damm worried over de dam maths paper 2 laa.. paper 1 was duck feet.. but paper 2, really eatin' up miie brainz ><" save me people ~ x[[ Sp life noww.. today was gr8! x] got to soccer/quest with ah gong again.. and i got muii ss at a bargain of 780 eles.. li hai ba? xDD todaee dam happy in sp niaa... chienz jiejie oso played with me.! we cud do quest together xDD.. i lent ah gong my set to try drag quest, flame quest 5.. den horr.. he only managed kill dragon at first drop once HARH! xDD ben dan !! warkakakazz.. jkjk xDD ah gong shen qi ler.. T.T dui bu qi laa.. ah gong >__<" anyway.. guess he's not vry used to arch set ba xD welll.. i melee and arch both gud gud :X *thick skinned* FACT ROFL x]] ~ hahaha.. ah gong set soo fun.. and somemore he use 19k code send me l9 pendy xDD.. traded off his l8 earth mag get de.. vry cool laa.. de pendy! and guess wut, im really happiee.. becus its the first time im holding a real non sp-card lvl 9 item :] man.. i jus soo love my life today~ great stuff's been happening in my life x] and great fwens i have met :]
P.S. kk im happy again today~ normally its sp life that makes me so happie ^^ i love my fwens family and sp frens.. mostly.. my dear bao bei xinyi and gud frens at school (e.g. SI PANG ZI ailing) LOL ~ heheherhxx.. ~~ sp rocks.. im rocking on~ ^^ staying as myself as usual. im still loving u readers ~ 4everrrzz..
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
no sp life for me.. 99% no access to sp today =/ siannn.. missed those days.. 2 people quitted chocfudge so far.. sth to do with i never on9 baa >.> siann.. wish ppl stop quitting.. vry xin tong de orh! ><" missed ah gong's set and soccer-ing ><" it was soo fun.. wish more of these take place in future during holidays.. where freedomm is MINE ALL MINE xDD muhHAHAahhaHAHAH ~ xD ~ ! okk laa.. jus hope guild ppl don quit.. be faithful and loyal like Ah GonG LOL ~ ! I'm glad he likes my guild.. besides my bro.. he first to really like and appreciate my guild larhhz.. so touched *-* haha~! hurry after exam.. then i can have full freedom >.<>
These days have been filled with joy.. frm my best fren.. frm Ah GonG... frm my guild.. and from my lovely class 1A.. Lydia and Chua Ailing the si pang zi.. have really brought me alot of joy in school.. especially ailing.. she's really one dat takes all my crap.. and she's laughy and all.. all i can say is.. she's a really fantastic fren to be with.. BUT NO ONE IS BETTER DEN MY BAO BEI ~ SEE XIN YI WOOTS xDD.. who can compare with her wor.. after all.. she bring me joy for 2 and a half years~ i'll nvr forget e gud o' daes ^^ never.. ~ x]
P.S. ReAlLy HaPpY ~ this week rocks~ i bet next week wud be even better X], my life's jus getting better and better x]] welll.. u may not noe.. but im someone who is greatful for what i have and that i existed :]] hehehe ^.^ really wanna meet sp fwens someday~ Ah GonG u included niaa xDD don malu malu la HAHHAHA xDD i not soo bad de laa.. x] im a cute lil' angel dat u can only meet maybe once in a lifetime? HAHA *thick skinned* anyway gd luck and stay happy, be urselves everyday everybody ^^ guu' dae :]
Monday, October 02, 2006
xinyi <33
Today sp event around noon.. killed aurelli(gm) once XD.. so SHUANG la hahaha!!! if gm's team wasn't better than mine.. i cud've beat em pretty easily XP' hahah.. wonder how old aurelli is.. hehehe.. seems young for me XD de earth axe maxed dmg.. pwnage axe = = but sadlyy gm donno how to usee it XP... give me tt set and WOOOTS xDD hahaha! sp life was great.. went to get 4 sp point cards today frm tiong bahru.. wah seh.. everytime tt auntie tt say no stock always there de.. wait until she not there den i ask de uncle if got card XD hahaha.. de auntie look abit scary nia =X and she say the anime bleach always sold out so fast xDD.. i agree bleach is a really nicee anime.. du hui tai "chnl 56" at 6.30pm.. catch bleach XPP.. hahaha! ah gong got his 3848 eles by today.. i kept my promise x]] hehehex..
At night around 10pm, my DARLING SEE XIN YI CALLED!! it's been like soooo long since she called.. and i soo dammit miss toking to her >_<" DAMM MISSED YOU MY DEAR GIRL ><" hehe.. glad u found urself a lao gong HAHA! but don get into a real relationship now.. 13 iss still too early for love life XP rmb.. u hab to go NUS with me haha!! xDD ~ ! we went on a 3 ppl conversation on the handfone.. no idea how xinyi did it.. but i got to hear her bf's voice XD.. aiyoo.. every nan ren voice all e same.. low and cold.. :X.. i bluff him say i his early life he betrayed before de person xDD.. hehehe sioo fun haha!! he frm same school as my cousin siaa.. zhong zhen sec. XD donno how to spell laa.. hahahah xDD same as mii xiang xiang korkor xDD.. hahahx.. its fun toking to a guy on the fone.. never done that in ages XDD.. missed it.. i mostly missed toking to my dear girl.. she kenna scolded by her mum.. sadded~ :[[ mean mum :[[ anywayss.. dear bao bei tc of urself kk? don skip dinner.. i luvya n missya 4everrr ><" hope to see u everyday in e near future XPP.. i wonder.. ah gong.. wan come out tis sat? with my best fren her lao gong n me? HAHA X i noe ur answer sure no de :X... when u see this sms me orh!! XD so fun...
P.S. happy happy happy me!! hahaha! like i promised.. today's mondae and im all bak to my gud o' self XD like it? U BETTER! hahah!! today super good mood.. although exam week.. with e support and company of all e close fwens ard me.. i have confidence i'll pass through this :]] gud luck to all who mean alot to me ^.^ after this.. its happy holidays~ prank and funn timee xDD E NJOY~
Sunday, October 01, 2006
wheres those words i want? what happened to "gud gurl", "waa.. ur working hard girl!" WHAT HAPPNED TO THEM? i'm dying to hear those words... why must u hit me with the direct opposite? i've studied continuously for 8 hours... the only break was lunch... jus becus henry wanted to show me something on internet.. delayed his bathing by 15min.. u came out blasting " WHAT? HAVEN BATHE? PLAY PLAY PLAY,NOT EVEN STUDYING! U'LL BE THE DEATH OF ME! " and without further hesitation.. u clicked off the broadband... what the fuck is wrong with u mum? u don even care if i had any unsave info i nid in my studies.. and u jus.. clicked the internet off.. what the heck... my geog info.. all gone.. how do i trace it back..? jus becus he delayed his bathing by 15 MINUTES.. u blasted at me like a mad ass.. U THINK IM NOT A HUMAN? i have this heart.. all u r doing is jus firing holes and piercing it... indirectly abusing ur authority.. i don even have a chance to voice out how i feel.. i say sth.. u tink i'm toking bak.. what the heck is WRONG with u mum?!
Have u any idea how i cried my heart out while bathing? that's the only time and place i could scream n shout.. the bathroom.. i turned on the water.. and tears poured out.. water with water.. thats the only way i can cry my heart out.. without anyone knowing im doing so.. and i know YOU are never interested in what i say.. never ever interested in thinking how i feel.. i have been hurt physically.. by school stress.. mentally and physically hurt.. what i wan last is to have the support and love of someone else.. e.g. my family.. but i noe its impossible.. i knew that TODAY! now i have emotional stress and pain.. that's what u tink is good for me.. some extra stress will make me wanna study hard.. succeed in life.. all the ding dongs dats going on in ur brain.. mum.. if u continue thinking like this.. i may one day pull my hair off.. give up studying and scream everyday... scream OUT all THE things THAT i HAD wanted TO SCREAM out SINCE years AGO. if u ever read this.. i'll be glad.. everytime u scold me.. i wan to say even a sorry.. u will tink im trying to tok bak.. i never had a chance to apologise. never... now i know.. as long as i shut up when u scold me.. i will stay alive.. that has turned into one of my survival procedures.. do u know? of cuz not.. u never cared to know...
some people might think im not matured enough to know my mum is doing that for my own good.. i noe this.. out of 10001 times she scolded me.. i knew all was for my own good.. but whats the point of it? all she does is continue scolding.. if she ever talked to me nicely.. even once in my entire life.. about sth i did wrong.. jus tell me nicely.. and i will only think " i will change, im sory mum ". my heart is fully destroyed... today.. mum.. i hope u realise.. through the tears i shed..
child's day XD
ah gong cui me n bro for 3848 eless ler.. he so bad T.T don gimme those eles for free.. i soo cute.. still dowan gib for free.. HAIZZZ.. ROFL XD.. jus kiddin' HAHAH!! i noe ah gong will cry if i no returnn de xP.. fraid nt.. tmr u'll get ur eles :]] if u help me spam at trade chat :X HAHA XD.. SOO FUN XD and chocfudge reached 40 members today xDD.. next weekend i plan event X]] hahah to celebrate this joyous occasion XD i bet some members r alrdy dying for event le lo XD hahahaha XPP prizes will be given of cuz laa..! but dont expect too much.. UR LEADER DAM POOR DE OK! XD HAHAHA! most probably will be team play/racing or soccer. these three. winners will get sum eles frm me laa.. hahaha xDD trade for social kiss oso can de ROFL XD
P.S. this post covers today and yesterday, overall im pretty happy ^^ these days have been filled with joy. happy stuff : playing with ah gong, chatting with guild members, NEXT WEEKEND I'M FREE XD.. most probably holding a high day ss MUAHAHX xDD event not yet confirmed. might not be next week hahaa.. maybe wait everyone exams over.. nov n dec den event :D ehe. tmr exam - geog.. gud luck~!
Friday, September 29, 2006
SP life.. rocks too. started with some crystal capturing.. kept losing till ah gong came in likee a heroo xD den we kept winning harhx! XDD farnii. afterr tt we went soccer.. me and ah gong trade sets XD i used hazel at first.. but too unstablee.. so i changed to cream XD.. pretty guud for someonee who hasn't striked in soccer for ages haha xD overall, it was an enjoyable sp soccer funn with ah gong XD you enjoyed playing with my set? ah gong? haha xDD bet u did.. and u better do cuzz my sett pwnss~~ haha kiddin' XD ur set rawks too.. luvv using it XDD bad ting is.. lagged alot.. sad yaa.. lag till i make ah gong lose.. ITS ALL MY FAULT T.T hahah... no laa computer's fault XPP sio laggy~ laggy day~ cheapskate way of winning~ hahah.. racing n crystal capture bahh hahaha~ xP fun day in sp again~ happy todaee throughout haha.. sad tmr cnt play sp due to need to study for exams comingg week ><" wish mii gud luck.. and i wishh all my fwens out there gudd luck to their exams~
P.S. ReallY HaPpY todaE~~! ^.^ nvr been so happy for so longg.. thX to fwens wHoo brighten up my dae today.. this weEk rawked cuz of todae ^^ special thanks to Lydia, Ailing and Ah GonG for spending my day to de FuLLesT ~ :] T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U~! feeling muchh better noww.. i'll get welll and bak to muii self again on Monday~ promised~!! XP
Thursday, September 28, 2006
sp life, hahah today nthh bad happened X]]! ah gong me and my bro filgadron aka henry aka theiry henry(hahAA!) were crystal-capturing e whole afternoon.. damm funn XD i lag like shett in there lor.. i can hit ppl they cnt hit me.. fun fun! XD ehheheheex! and somemore i win while lagging.. killed someone while i lagging and got x10 points XD SHUANG!~! never had such a enjoyable time in sp for such a long timee le.. thanks to my lovely bro(extra) and my ahh gong~~ ^__^""wee~ sp life today wass cool :]] though nvr captured server.. i'm really happy today.. weird thing is.. im more sick then ever for today~ but ah gong n henry changed everyting ><" xie xie ah gong cum korkor :] ehehx~ today damm happy sia, although vry sleepy after medication :[[ sadd.. i vry imune de lorr.. how can fall sick X]] xD ~~ at night somemore fall asleep on sofa.. i abit siao siao.. TV on till so loud still can sleep.. WHATS WRONG WITH ME ROFL! lol!
P.S. woooots~!!! vry happy today! suppose be really really REALLY happy X]]], but sick maa.. so naturally nt so gud lo >.> hope i get well soon :] support me yerrr mateyyss ~~ ^^ dehh end .. cya in mui nxt post.. LUVYA PEOPLE!~! <333
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I'll start with school first.. sian... as usual.. as exams seem to draw nearer.. my school life suks more and more...zzz first after chem then is PE le.. after PE some of the slackers in my class kenna scolded by the PE teacher which led to another scolding frm our maths teacher for being late ZZZ.. scold scold scold.. im sick of it.. give me a break wud u? during lesson.. go through finish one qns.. immediately ask if we wan go through another.. we no response.. u angry again.. wth? we nid time to absorb what u explained previously.. and u did not give us tt time.. we no response, our fault? what de... zz.. say my class is not a worthy and useful class to teach... ohh puhh--lleaseee.. wash ur brain and tink properly.. ur the teacher who is not worthy to teach our class.. ZZZ! as usual.. my school life stinks. somemore flew + sore throat + near case of fever, went see doctor.. took mc.. mum still wan me go school.. tmd..
nth to say bout sp life lol.. spent like 1 and half hour on it then nida goo.. parents come bak early today ma rofl.. jus cool thing laa.. ah gong can capture server today.. happy happy =DDD tyty ah gong!!! thats well the only good thing tt happened to me.. cnt even watch finish the matchmaker show.. den go see doctor.. ask my dad help me tape down.. he promise den i go doctor de.. when i come bak.. he gib excuse say what suddenly spoil cnt tape down.. psps.. wth??! normal days i help him tape bo problem.. he help me tape dare say got problem? im so pissed orf.. zzz.. i cried while taking medicine.. stupid unreasonable dad zzz.. im not angry over not being able to watch the show.. im angry over my dad's attitude.. >_<" P.S. sickly... no smile seen again.. don really feel well today.. IM SICK.. BOOHOOHOO.. :'(
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
aiyoo.. i came bak frm school.. headache siaa.. ask ailing and lydia.. both dowan go with me to tiong bahru get card.. ZZZ.. headache + no company.. = go home rofl =X go sp.. say hi to ah gong awhile later.. POOF : "pls log out in 10 mins bla bla bla" ZZZZ.. thats eee worst thing.. and it bloodyly worsen my dayy further.. my day entirely ruined lee.. zzz.. sian.. cough cough.. angrier i get.. the coughier i get.. maid nagging for me drink water lol >.> i think water worsens it.. i drink so much water at school.. 1 lesson nid go pee at least once ZZZ.. stupid water.. its bad for health! dont drink water, avoid water, conserve water ^^" rofl... kidding.. = =" haizzz.. its 3.30pm now.. another 1 hr till sp can play again.. meantime chat with ah gong on msn haharxx.. XP i can only appreciate living today only if sth good happens frm 4.30pm onwrds.. chatting to ah gong maybe sooth my anger barhs? hehe try try lolx.. >o<" siannn.. sp cnt play.. headache.. maid nag.. thinking bout my morning assembly kenna scolded incident ZZZ.. spoill my day.. yesterday was better i guess.. :/ P.S. terrible lol =__= school sukzz go home dam gm hav to maintenance on todaee the particular day where my school die totallieee sukxx ZZ... haizz.. dam sad.. dam bloody no smile for me today :/ how can anyone smile with a sore throat lmao.. zz.. might edit post tonight if sth good happens to me >.> for now.. its burbai <.<
Monday, September 25, 2006
Finally reached home XP yayy~~ can go sp meet ah gong liao.. to tell u truth.. thats sth i look forward to from the beginning of the day.. donno why haha.. ah gong's nice laaa.. oni stupid lydia donno how to appreciate LMAO XD ~ i find ah gong is a fantastic person to chat to.. dam thing is~~ he is the splitting image of my ex-crush in maple =___= zzzZZ.. haiz don mistaken ba.. ah gong is like my brother.. better then HENRY ROFL XD hahahaha. today go bmdm with jiejie and ah gong XP... vry funn LOL.. all 10 times we own blue XD shuang~~ today damm funny.. jiejie created acc name lovepotion but she tink i wont noe its her XD.. her staff exactly same skill items exactly same rofl XDXD so cuteee ~ hahaha XD . Eeeks today the stupid max laaa.. piss me of ZzZzz.. after playing dodge with chienz jiejie and ah gong.. me completely no mood duel with him le la ( or at least don't feel like ), then he go say all those crap ZZzz.. i scaredy cat.. once nvm.. say somemore.. i angry le ZZ.. ask him race? dowaannnn.. call me scaredy cat somemore.. yaaa! vry vry funnn!! i noe!!! HMPH. si max.. u will die a terrible death.. and suffer tragically before ur tragic death.. Zzzz.. HUO GAI ARH.. de zui wo de ren mei you hao xia chang de! hahaha~~ who ask him ZZzZz..
P.S. Yeaa normal mood today ^^.. at first is really happy de.. stupid max lorr.. ruin everything for me.. ah gong make my day good.. he worsen my day.. maybe thats why they r such good frens rofl XD max can be reallyy nicee and reallyyy MEANN like todaee T.T looking forward to tmr~ hopefully a better day for me :]]
Sunday, September 24, 2006
I noe its no use haggling overr it zz.. afterall its only trickster .. haha.. jus saw the wonderful side of my mum today.. she actually helps me solve and get problems off my mind at school. hahaha... i love my mum >.<>.<" sometimes.. u just regret not treasuring someone after u loose them.. soo i'd better treasure all my good frens.. crushes(jkjk) hahah, and family :) all of u better do too ha.. its another way sometimes.. u only realise someone is important in ur life after u loose them.. zzz.. talk talk talk.. vry vry sad lehhhx :/ haiz today e worse day ever laa... bro afternoon not at home to talk to me.. im all alone lerr.. lucky all my guild people play with me :) thats sth gud.. seeing everyone soo happy n stuf.. i'm happy too ^.^ donno why leh.. today feel weird weird de... i jus wonder sometimes.. the smile i carry on my face is to let others feel happy or am i truely happy myself?.. i jus realise its actually so that others will not have another worry about me.. and noe im always a cheerful girl haha.. im glad im such a person though ^^ everyone has their sad side.. im human too :/
P.S. Not really happy today.. bit moody ba.. zz... still continue be happy de.. no worries aahah.. >.<"
Saturday, September 23, 2006
errrr.... lol

Once again... ChocFudge owns the server XD... hahaha I'm soo happiee hahahaxx.. It's actually all thanks to ah gong de laaa.. cuz almost all the pts he earn de XD ahaha... another happy thing is.. ah gong lent me 1848 eles to fulfill my set ><" ... soo touched.. lend eles to me still he first one niaaaa! :S and nida thank maxx too la.. sell me high gf fire mag only 6.6k.. even my frens say itss like ripping himm off lerr... >_<" But nida thank de both of them.. especially ah gong >.<>___<" haiz.. today whole day played sp... few hours of trickster at night hahaha XD it was an enjoyable time in sp.. played soo much with my guild mates.. soccer, racing.. stuff likedat.. its really fun u get to hang out with ur own guild :)
and I'm sure many of u noe bout ee xiao hai bu ben TV series hehex.. first episode damm funny n not badly done le lorr! second episode suree nice de XDXD de tom look like guai zai tt kind of shuai.. de cheng cai have the bad boy shuai looks.. both of them equally handsome laaa XD hahaha.. diff types of shuai-ness .. woot XD ok.. la.. enuff of siaoness :D
P.S. I'm really happy again ^^ u r lucky im a born cheeerfull girl ^^ lang arts and chi paper 1 jus over.. 1 week relaxation and we're down to e last week o' exams! wish everyone and myself gud luck.. my future depends on u.. down to october :] and after tt.. its freedom.. freedom and MORE freedom! woooots! getting a lil too over-happii now XD hehehe..
weeellll... i guess tts the end of my entry today ^^.. jus wanna say again.. thank you Ah GonG!! for making my day a great one ^^ >.> wish he was my real brother yaa noe? really :P
Friday, September 22, 2006

Another day passed haha.. now i begin with sp barhx :P today Ah GonG lend me his 888 earth set.. so cool larhx XD stll cannot believe he trust me though :P i thought i look like those siao siao people u cnt trust ><" hehehex~! anywaysss.. i go big battle own alot.. due to shortage of time access to sp XD, i was unable to get a decent record XD HAHA! *thick skinned* anyway thats the screeenshot XP. point is 227723.. nice barhx? XP Really very touched ah GonG lent me his set~~~ >_<>.< what totally rocks is tt we ownnned the server XD It rocks!! especially when im e leader LOL! anyway all this is thanks to ah gong.. for err SKIPPING SCHOOL and helpingg gett pointss.. tt adds to double *make my day happy* for Ah Gong XD
Now for my school life XD. seems like my life is full of "entertainment or what..". while listening to my maths teacher teach us about our mistaked from standard form - a topic I have absolutely no interest in, this TERRIBLY HORRIBLY ORIGIBAL SMELL ( amonia + shit ) drifted into the not so big classrm... and i nearly PUKED on e spot =_= serious zzZzz... Its dammm sickk la.. out of no where u smell shit and wutever.. EWW zZzZzz.. and somemore during maths?!!! spoils my entire mood =_= whats worse is tt, they tink by spraying perfume will make stuff better.. so noww itss amonia + shit + perfume... Ok.. itss too sickk to be explained withinn wurdss.. Zz... = =... i pinched my nose and my fren stick her entireee head into her bagg.. and not only that, I realised ee truth about boyss.. THEY DO NOT HAVE THE SENSE OF SMELL ... ! seriouss... we were like screaming in utter disgussttt and they were sitting there like cute lil angels waiting for e teacher to continue teaching yar? Ohhh.. and they tink they expect us to think they're soo cute ZZZ! Boys in RVHS class 1A of year 2006 are sickoos without their 5 senses. =_=
P.S. my mood was actually really badd zzz.. but Ah GonG changed everything when i gott to usee his set XD it wass realli funn and sortaa brightenedd up muii day XD hehex.. so after all u readerss r lucky again.. maahh mood's normal ^_^
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Miracles happen! Like today!! Chienz jiejie could online! I'm like worshipping any god now! Soooo Happy!!! Chienz is e besttts jiejie i everrr met!! she's eee bestt! Snow jie u see this no scold me horh =X I lubb my jiejie~<3><" wish she were my real sister sia :P ah gong also vry vry nice to mee! Help me spam everytime i ask him help me.. nicest ah gong ever! wish he were my real brother too~! XP
Haiyoo! now for e badd parts. Today 5 of my classmates came to muii house - Gayle, Ho ching<3,shereen,><" Too bad! they pissed me off when they were leaving my house hrmph! >=( so angry hmph! better apologies to mee tomorrow sia!! XD shereen take my wallet, lee yin took my SjAb uniform de shoulder flash.. zzz SIANX and somemore lee yin bluff me say she threw down from the balcony outside my home zzz... SCARE ME SIAX! that shoulderflash very impt de lorh! If i lose it I DIE! AND I MEANT DIE! DEAD OUT OF OXYGEN! ZZZ. basically im pissed orf HMPH! wallet returnedd.. donno whether they got steal muii money mah.. zzz they steal they die! still hovering over e shoulderflash thingy.. How can she prank me likedat laaa! scare the wits out of me one leh!
At least their stay was a enjoyable one~ soo fun to hab soo many frens at my house at once! It was a wonderful time XP
Chienz jiejie! Make a miracle happen tmr!!! COME BACK TO ME ! :DD
P.S. Ok you are lucky again, my mood is fine.. WELL IF U EVER PISS ME OFF AGAIN ANYMORE TODAY!... u noe e consequences! HARH! xP tmr normal school again.. no early dismissal...! X_X very sianxxxx tmr! nid complete D and T project if not kenna minus marks from my overall score.. teacherr soo bad nia!!! looks like another tough day ahead~~ luvya muiii bloggy readerss ^^
lived through today, another day of my life passed.. yea ^^ v
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Haiz.. today at school while eating "da rou bao" XD my good fwen told me what happened during PE class... name protected due to a matter of my life and death =X got one classmate go pull her bra from the back during PE lesson.. i hear le completely grosssed outt laa!! if you read this u will noe who u r de =X.. hoho~! next time become les oso won't surpriseee le laa! XP
Sad.. Chienz jiejie gonna leave me today~~ sadddzz! I don wan her to go! How i wish now got people make her stay like me T_T Don't leave me~ what about tehh guild symbols? tehh guild races? nuuu~~!! I'm so lonely T_T Ho ching so nice to help meee tagg ^^ aiyerrr.. yet another day.. tomorrow lang arts cum chinese test paper 1! zzz.. wish meee luck! 1A people~ Hope u all do well in tmr's exammm!! <3>