Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Sorry guys.. haven't been posting for a very long time.. 1 week to 2 weeks.. haiz.. very busy and no mood do blog xD haha well im back to post xD Just apologise.. so long nvr post something XD Who dying read my post? If u dying read my post BREATHE!!! WOW! everyone dying read my post wee!! lolololol!! haha lame. XD hold ur breath 2 minute while reading lololol.. jkjk. let's see.. what happened these days xD hmm..
Here's sth lame... xD we all die in dodge.. leave poor jiejie dodge herself >_<
Sp life has been great for me.. just about kuro.. he used to be so nice.. a very funny guy.. dowan admit but i used to like him b4 >_> zzz.. secret hor.. don say out. now don like ler.. i don't even wan see him ><" never expect his attitude so bad.. kick ah gong out of racing in front of Dj.. If he said sorry to ah gong.. i wud have forgiven him.. instead of that... he quarrel with us.. say we all biased... i dam angry with him.. gudbye kuro.. *LoSt AnOthEr FriEnD* don wanna tok about it anymore...
Met a new fren ~ JaS.. a dam nice girl.. >_<
Of cuz~ Ah GonG KiA hahaha~ ah gong is by now.. my best fren in sp le lor.. he veli de nice.. although always do ugly emo -_- but that's probably part of his personality ba hahax~ he very understanding.. never got mad at me before.. >_<
P.S. Normal. hehex.. my normal mood maybe ur happy ba xD i abit siao siao this week.. wakakak.. i will do post more often ^^ promised~ Gdbye readers, gud luck to those taking O levels. stay healthy.. stay urself.. AlWaYz~

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