Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Today during sec 1 assembly so funny, the DJs from fm987 came to RV and told us all about what they do at their radio station. daniel Ong has a natural sense of humour lol! If my future boyfriend was half as good i'll be soo happieee XD

Haiz.. today at school while eating "da rou bao" XD my good fwen told me what happened during PE class... name protected due to a matter of my life and death =X got one classmate go pull her bra from the back during PE lesson.. i hear le completely grosssed outt laa!! if you read this u will noe who u r de =X.. hoho~! next time become les oso won't surpriseee le laa! XP

Sad.. Chienz jiejie gonna leave me today~~ sadddzz! I don wan her to go! How i wish now got people make her stay like me T_T Don't leave me~ what about tehh guild symbols? tehh guild races? nuuu~~!! I'm so lonely T_T Ho ching so nice to help meee tagg ^^ aiyerrr.. yet another day.. tomorrow lang arts cum chinese test paper 1! zzz.. wish meee luck! 1A people~ Hope u all do well in tmr's exammm!! <3>

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