Friday, September 22, 2006


Another day passed haha.. now i begin with sp barhx :P today Ah GonG lend me his 888 earth set.. so cool larhx XD stll cannot believe he trust me though :P i thought i look like those siao siao people u cnt trust ><" hehehex~! anywaysss.. i go big battle own alot.. due to shortage of time access to sp XD, i was unable to get a decent record XD HAHA! *thick skinned* anyway thats the screeenshot XP. point is 227723.. nice barhx? XP Really very touched ah GonG lent me his set~~~ >_<>.< what totally rocks is tt we ownnned the server XD It rocks!! especially when im e leader LOL! anyway all this is thanks to ah gong.. for err SKIPPING SCHOOL and helpingg gett pointss.. tt adds to double *make my day happy* for Ah Gong XD

Now for my school life XD. seems like my life is full of "entertainment or what..". while listening to my maths teacher teach us about our mistaked from standard form - a topic I have absolutely no interest in, this TERRIBLY HORRIBLY ORIGIBAL SMELL ( amonia + shit ) drifted into the not so big classrm... and i nearly PUKED on e spot =_= serious zzZzz... Its dammm sickk la.. out of no where u smell shit and wutever.. EWW zZzZzz.. and somemore during maths?!!! spoils my entire mood =_= whats worse is tt, they tink by spraying perfume will make stuff better.. so noww itss amonia + shit + perfume... Ok.. itss too sickk to be explained withinn wurdss.. Zz... = =... i pinched my nose and my fren stick her entireee head into her bagg.. and not only that, I realised ee truth about boyss.. THEY DO NOT HAVE THE SENSE OF SMELL ... ! seriouss... we were like screaming in utter disgussttt and they were sitting there like cute lil angels waiting for e teacher to continue teaching yar? Ohhh.. and they tink they expect us to think they're soo cute ZZZ! Boys in RVHS class 1A of year 2006 are sickoos without their 5 senses. =_=

P.S. my mood was actually really badd zzz.. but Ah GonG changed everything when i gott to usee his set XD it wass realli funn and sortaa brightenedd up muii day XD hehex.. so after all u readerss r lucky again.. maahh mood's normal ^_^

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