Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Haizz.. todae is the worstttttt daee everr.. i woke up in the morning.. 5am likedat.. calf area there muscle kenna pulled.. its freaking painful.. i believe many of u experienced that when u just woke up lol.. soo painful.. wake up at 6.25am also still pain.. dam hard to walk.. ++ soree throatt really sianxxx lehh ZzzzzZz... =____+.. denn go school track there assemble for flag raising ceremoniiee.. after that. is one of e slackiest lessons- com.. BUT noooo!!! the darn principal Miss Ek Soo Ben had to give uss thisss LONG LONG SPEECH.. public complain bout RV.. like they said.. ITS PUBLIC.. we have our freedom to do wutever we wan.. wtf.. scream shout in bus.. only rv pupils do ar? u teachers scream shout i heck noe la.. zzz.. everytime only noe how to scold.. never think before scold.. somemore waste my godd dammmnneedd time Zzz... keep toking boutt how successful ex-rv-ians are now in the community.. wtff.. think we wont be successful in future mehh? nowadays adults bo brain sia.. and generations are diff noww.. cnt expect us to followw wat.. wat traditional wutever shett.. wan me be traditional? sure one way out.. u either pay me to study.. or QUIT SCOLDING US.. school sukzz todae.. thanks(rofl) you Miss Ek for making my day a WONDERFULLLL one.. ZZzz..

aiyoo.. i came bak frm school.. headache siaa.. ask ailing and lydia.. both dowan go with me to tiong bahru get card.. ZZZ.. headache + no company.. = go home rofl =X go sp.. say hi to ah gong awhile later.. POOF : "pls log out in 10 mins bla bla bla" ZZZZ.. thats eee worst thing.. and it bloodyly worsen my dayy further.. my day entirely ruined lee.. zzz.. sian.. cough cough.. angrier i get.. the coughier i get.. maid nagging for me drink water lol >.> i think water worsens it.. i drink so much water at school.. 1 lesson nid go pee at least once ZZZ.. stupid water.. its bad for health! dont drink water, avoid water, conserve water ^^" rofl... kidding.. = =" haizzz.. its 3.30pm now.. another 1 hr till sp can play again.. meantime chat with ah gong on msn haharxx.. XP i can only appreciate living today only if sth good happens frm 4.30pm onwrds.. chatting to ah gong maybe sooth my anger barhs? hehe try try lolx.. >o<" siannn.. sp cnt play.. headache.. maid nag.. thinking bout my morning assembly kenna scolded incident ZZZ.. spoill my day.. yesterday was better i guess.. :/ P.S. terrible lol =__= school sukzz go home dam gm hav to maintenance on todaee the particular day where my school die totallieee sukxx ZZ... haizz.. dam sad.. dam bloody no smile for me today :/ how can anyone smile with a sore throat lmao.. zz.. might edit post tonight if sth good happens to me >.> for now.. its burbai <.<

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