Monday, October 02, 2006

xinyi <33

haha, geog's over.. my worst subject is finally over XD Its not as horribly difficult as i imagined it to b HAHA xDD thank god haha! if not i 100% fail, now is 50% failing chance =X.. ait worried liao.. for my geog =/ tmr's science - bio,physics and chem... hope i survive through this.. i know i will do horrendously horrible for my physics and bio.. bio - first module, completely forgotten everyting.. physics - maths, a large part of maths.. I HATE maths.. hahahah.. chem is bestt hheheherhx xDD

Today sp event around noon.. killed aurelli(gm) once XD.. so SHUANG la hahaha!!! if gm's team wasn't better than mine.. i cud've beat em pretty easily XP' hahah.. wonder how old aurelli is.. hehehe.. seems young for me XD de earth axe maxed dmg.. pwnage axe = = but sadlyy gm donno how to usee it XP... give me tt set and WOOOTS xDD hahaha! sp life was great.. went to get 4 sp point cards today frm tiong bahru.. wah seh.. everytime tt auntie tt say no stock always there de.. wait until she not there den i ask de uncle if got card XD hahaha.. de auntie look abit scary nia =X and she say the anime bleach always sold out so fast xDD.. i agree bleach is a really nicee anime.. du hui tai "chnl 56" at 6.30pm.. catch bleach XPP.. hahaha! ah gong got his 3848 eles by today.. i kept my promise x]] hehehex..

At night around 10pm, my DARLING SEE XIN YI CALLED!! it's been like soooo long since she called.. and i soo dammit miss toking to her >_<" DAMM MISSED YOU MY DEAR GIRL ><" hehe.. glad u found urself a lao gong HAHA! but don get into a real relationship now.. 13 iss still too early for love life XP rmb.. u hab to go NUS with me haha!! xDD ~ ! we went on a 3 ppl conversation on the handfone.. no idea how xinyi did it.. but i got to hear her bf's voice XD.. aiyoo.. every nan ren voice all e same.. low and cold.. :X.. i bluff him say i his early life he betrayed before de person xDD.. hehehe sioo fun haha!! he frm same school as my cousin siaa.. zhong zhen sec. XD donno how to spell laa.. hahahah xDD same as mii xiang xiang korkor xDD.. hahahx.. its fun toking to a guy on the fone.. never done that in ages XDD.. missed it.. i mostly missed toking to my dear girl.. she kenna scolded by her mum.. sadded~ :[[ mean mum :[[ anywayss.. dear bao bei tc of urself kk? don skip dinner.. i luvya n missya 4everrr ><" hope to see u everyday in e near future XPP.. i wonder.. ah gong.. wan come out tis sat? with my best fren her lao gong n me? HAHA X i noe ur answer sure no de :X... when u see this sms me orh!! XD so fun...

P.S. happy happy happy me!! hahaha! like i promised.. today's mondae and im all bak to my gud o' self XD like it? U BETTER! hahah!! today super good mood.. although exam week.. with e support and company of all e close fwens ard me.. i have confidence i'll pass through this :]] gud luck to all who mean alot to me ^.^ after this.. its happy holidays~ prank and funn timee xDD E NJOY~

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