Saturday, October 14, 2006

exam results

Haiz.. i better stop sighing.. it makes ppl old if u keeping sighing.. but HAIZZZ.. can't help it.. why do i regret only after it happened.. why can't i change my own past and future and present? I am so downright freakily disappointed with my results.. i passed chem paper 2 failed bio failed physics.. i don wanna live anymore.. i've become dumber as we're talking.. what the hell is going on to me? why am i always stuck at being the worst? i want to show others i can be the best.. i wan to.. the key is to work hard.. which is a "so near yet so far" thing for me.. saying sth is easy.. applying/doing it is definitely impossible.. maybe only for me :[

Haizz.. why did i do so badly.. i wish i had worked harder.. too late for me to regret now.. i am so sad... i jus wanna break down and cry.. my own future ruined in my own hands.. >_<>

Enuf for the results part.. im growing sadder each day becus of it.. and i can bet.. no one can even tell im unhappy.. >_<><" im so dammit touched when u told me not to cry.. telling me i'll make it to sec 2.. telling me u'll be there for me.. telling me u'll help me in wutever way you can... even though ur results r dam gud.. u r never proud.. u console those who r sad over their results.. im so lucky to have a fren like u..

Wednesday, a day i look forward to XD I'm going ice skating with Ailing~!! learn laa... i don noe how to ice-skate :X Wonder how many times will i fall.. i place a bet.. 50 times ^^ hahaa!! which i don fall to death can ler :X those who wan see how hilarious i look when i fall.. be at JEC ice rink on wednesday XD afternoon ahhahaa!!

P.S. I know i haven't been posting for like 1 week.. apologies.. exams + disappointments one after another :/ mood's normal. ^^ cya lata people~! be at the ice rink~!

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