Saturday, October 07, 2006

~meet ah gong! part II

[If u haven read the first part to this post, scroll down, 7th oct has 2 posts, the first one that u should read before this is below. after that, then read this]
Ok.. now for the mrt station and train. wutever happened there.. it makes the most of the meeting with ah gong meaningful LOL!!!~! realliee larhh~ xD 1st the trip to the mrt station. i borrowed xinyi's hp to take video of ah gong n gay fren walking to the mrt.. i dont even think they know i taking video lor! LOL! they never talk to each other de.. only i behind freakily grinning behind xD then the lmt walk in front.. hoping ah gong walk faster xD.. ah gong jus like me. take one's own sweet time to walk! LOL!
At the station - Haa!! here comes the funny part. we went up the escalators to the top there where we take the train home laa.. then i use xinyi's hp to try take pic of they 3. wah sehh.. lmt run dam fast. always escape my shots xD he oso very funny la xDD ~~ then the gay fren look at me with this inoocent look.. like gonna cry if i take him LOL!!! basically he looks so cute >.<" LOL~! okkk laa.. i don siao xD then my main target - AH GONG!!!! HAHAHA! managed to take his pic, side view de. after i take he so despo wan me delete.. like my PERSONALITY. the more u wan me to do sth.. THE MORE I HAVE THE WILL TO DEFY YOU! MUAHAHA!!! too bad xD ok laa the pic oni show my bro.. ah gong can R.I.P le ba? LOL!!
on the mrt train.. me and xinyi tok tok tok xD very fun toking to her u noe? my bao bei ma! of cuz laa!! hahaha!!~ ah gong, lmt and gay fren chat oso.. i see dey keep crappin' n luffin' ard.. like so fun.. wish i cud join in xD but when i join in.. ah gong malu again T.T after xinyi alight at bukit batok station, which is where her house is xD i suddenly say this.. without sense of malu " er.. nan ren ar.. i very bored, she leave le.. pei wo jiang hua leh! " SURPRISINGLY, ah gong came sit next to me.. *_* ooo!!!! soo nice right?? i bored.. he come pei me!! SO NICE!! ok laa don siao.. his fren take pic of us together.. dam laa.. i din pose.. LOL!! HAHA! bet ah gong likedat le >> "- -" hahahahahahaha~! wanted to twist ^^v, but too late lee hahaha! ah gong so angry when tt gay fren take our pic sittin' together HAHA! luv it when tt nan ren angry LOL!!
when alight.. he say bb to me TWICE leh!! so nice! second nice thing he did to me! then i say "tata" hahahaha! den we each go our own homes le hahaha... so sad.. saying goodbye is always sad.. LOL!! then go home still talk alot bout our meeting todae xDD.. vry vry fun and meaningful for me today~!
P.S. u'll nvr gues.. IM EXTREMELY HAPPY xD becus of the meeting ba! i never regret meeting u ah gong. u and ur gay fren are the nicest guy yet!

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