Saturday, October 07, 2006

meet ah gong!

Yay~! finally met ah gong xD one of the best sp friends i have x]] ~ hehex ~ he's nicer then i tot in real life xD hahhaa! i thought he would be extremely bad n stuff likedat.. but it turned out that he is one extremely nice guy xD haha~ abit malu shy shy only ba haha!! he say i shy.. where got laa??! T.T
he has been following me since like 1++pm when he reached courseway point at woodlands.. say at the shop 77th street he saw me and was right behind me! i didn't even realise laa! how can, he so bad.. behind me also don't say "hi" or stuff likedat T.T gui gui sui sui de.. donno what he up to.. follow me all around the shopping centre.. WITHOUT ME KNOWING LEH~! somemore 4+pm then he come say hi.. wah seh! zzz!! cud've chatted with me and pei wo shopping le ma! so bad ler he T.T hahax..~
he say the coldstorage there got theft incident. at first abit don believe when he say his friend is future policeman xD haha!! but turn out he definitely suitable to be one la! the robber was about 23 yrs old, according to ah gong. and he stole S$26.90 worth of stuff from coldstorage. my aH gong's fren lmt, wait 5 secs, then gave chase to the running robber xD someone was already chasing him laa.. of cuz. lmt managed catch the thief siaa.. so heroic haha!!! xDxD can't believe im praising the qian zhou lmt LOL!! ah gong's gay fren so sociable and really really nicee la! see me then ask my gang go over to their seat there at macdonalds.
my best fren n her bf were like.. typing messanges on the hp to communicate.. i sit in the middle there feeling the cold weird, quiet ambience xD no one started a conversation. ah gong leh? sit beside me. click click click his hp.. HPHPHP! ALL HE CARES IS HP! LOL!! hahaha jkjk!!~ xD all his frens follow him.. click hp.. my hp no bat liao.. on immediately off diao lol.. diao xD den his gay fren suddenly stand up and say "wei! u all izzit take mrt de?" I said "yeah" then he say "hao ba! -hits the mac's table top- lets go!" soo cute lor! this type of guy.. yea I LIKE! lololol!! jk! hahaha!!! today i gonna do double post. make up for 5th oct ba xD haha ! wut happened at the mrt station n train - to be continued~ xD

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