Tuesday, December 28, 2010

!gnidnE erA syadiloH

This happens every year, holidays ARE ENDING! :(
Christmas wasn't special! :(
Malaysia trip was great! :)
One more year till my misery ends! :)? :(?
Tomorrow - a final chance to sing to my heart's content! :)
Tomorrow, tomorrow - May be better! :)
Tomorrow, tomorrow, a year of tomorrows - WOO! :)

darn. I missed a november post! :(
At least I didn't miss december! :)

I haven't had a proper fast-food meal in SO LONG!

Monday, October 18, 2010

!niaga eerf

Life is busy even after eoy! PW.. OP... I&R..
well, I'm glad I got through everything and was able
to meet the full promotion criteria!

I guess studying hard really works :)

my head is cleared from all those messy stuff and,
I swear to study really hard this holidays to make
up for the past 4 years of slacking...

as much as I don't know what I wanna do, the idea
of NUS setting up a liberal ARTS college sounds
attractive~ at least I know where to end up should
I screw up my A levels xD

I want artificial intelligence....!

maybe that is it.
that could be the next treasure for me

Friday, September 17, 2010



omg, i felt like squealing the moment the teacher said "times up" for
chem paper 1! AHHHHAHAHA! :D

not because I did well, but because its finally all over. The worst two
weeks of my life, IS FINALLY OVER!!!!!! :D:D

at least now I know,
its not worth my time to carry on,
not since the beginning and not even at the end,

Thank you.

I'm happy,
will stay happy,
won't let you make me any less happy.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

?siht daer uoy od yhw

its bent, uneven, doubtful and tiringly confidentless.
twisted, broken, unfixable and bound.

my will, that is.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Ok. I really need to start mugging like mad!
thx ms sab for making me all stressed up again! :D
I mean it.

only 84 people in the level has met the criteria for un-conditional
promotion.. that's very very very scary! O.O But of course, I have
a PASS but its under conditional promotion :X Ah.. why am I even
engaging in self-comfort. I'm completely in danger..

Today was a.. mixed up day. The CO room was freezing hell. as if
there's an intentional oxymoron. and I'm reminded of what I said
when I came out of the CO room xD "I felt VERY endothermic."

and then after recess there was a group of lower sec girls walking
towards us singing loudly LOL. I mutter after them... "enjoy while
you can~ wait till you get into year 5~"

I really should receive a mug and put it on my desk to warn me
repeatedly about scoring well or else.

I WANNA GET IT OVER WITH! D: Its so not like me to not enjoy life!

PROMOS! I shall charge at you with full speed. If I flunk again, it
must mean I'm either retarded or barred from gaining further ability
to absorb knowledge.

on the brighter side, My dad gave me 5 bucks for no reason :D

If only thoughts could travel;
Its so hard to pen them down.
even harder when you won't know what it'll mean.

Monday, August 02, 2010

300th post!

Is there any difference between cheering somebody up and comforting
someone? Tell me please because I really don't know o.O

And.. To that someone, u-know-who-u-are! Don't be sad anymore! I'll
try to make you feel happy on mondays or all other days! :) Life goes on,
someone might throw you aside without knowing so, but your real friends
will never do so! :D

Is happiness something to be achieved or is it a feeling?

Whichever one, even if it means both;

I tried to be brave, if not braver;
it didn't work! not even with chinchow!
There's something wrong there, insecurity.

This post is completely a mixture of random dumb stuff O.O!

anddd.. once again, I hope this time my desire to cut off some
weight will actually be carried out! Its so difficult to initiate.. like
the high activation energy req to start some reaction.. RUNNN..
I hope I'll really runnn tmr~

"How can I be so happy,
now that I have one more person I'm afraid of losing?"

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Ice cream oreo, dam cool right! xD
I got it from buying mudpie mcflurry from JP. wasn't expecting
to get free oreo, and ice cream ones to boot. First time seeing :D

Thursday, July 22, 2010



never imagined I'd ever be upset over such a stupid thing.

Today ximeng dislocated her shoulder in class, god, it
was dam scary even though I've looked at worse injuries.
Never in my life have I EVER had to treat a dislocation!
Nor have I ever encountered one. Nobody taught me how
to either. Isn't courage and brute force all that's needed?
I'm so dam sorry I've got none of the above -.-"

I felt so.. insulted. So... upset, when I heard someone say
something. Don't feel like revealing who, but if you ever
find out who you are, DAMN YOU!!! GRRR. you're lucky
I forgive easily.

Because of your own personal feelings, don't think I don't
know, you chose to be so "harsh" on me. Yeah you may
think I'm sensitive, but I felt like punching you with that
sort of tone that you used. I'm so sorry for being a girl,
so UNDARING and WEAK. Just because I'm a first-aider
I'm not allowed to feel fear? anguish? anxiety? uncertainty?
Just because I'm a first-aider, for not being of help to
someone despite trying to actually PUSH THE FREAKING
worst? So much worst than all the other girls and guys who
were sitting in their own seats and performing eye power?
cowering in fright too? If you're all that great, why the hell
didn't you stand up and push the bone back? you have no
rights to "wah lao" me. Bastard.

My heart was crying at me, telling me to help her, when I
saw her tearing face. My hands refused to move, they were
totally tembling in fear. She cried, and looking at her hurts,
physically and mentally. I'm a first aider, if I'm not calm,
she'll just be more frantic and that'd worsen everything. I
was completely fighting back my own consciousness and
reaching forward to try to push back her bone. Fighting
back my tears as well. It was ... difficult. I scream at rats
and lizards and cockroaches, everyone who knows me well
know just how terrified I am of blood. What makes you
think its all that easy for me when I treat casualties? Clean-
ing up the bleeding in wounds... calming not only myself,
but the casualty down. Dislocations.. are you kidding me?
Do I look like I'm fond of science? fond of medicine? fond
of being a doctor? It wasn't easy for me at all, and there you
were, mocking me like a useless person. Someone's who's
training has all been redundant. It must be obvious now
isn't it? If you're ever reading this.


Today was a completely scary day. The first ever
injury that left me trembling with so much fear.

Is this how it feels to be useless when others are in danger?

Well, thank god tianqi fixed it.
I think I finally breathed

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Sadness, yeah I shall feel that. But ah well, its all over, too
later for regrets actually. When the results end up sucking,
I'm glad I've got friends to encourage and cheer me up, a
family that cares for me and the ability to cheer up!

I've been working really hard for the past 2 days. I'm going
to put in my all and stake EVERYTHING on the EOYs. I'm
gonna get As! Can't afford to waste my time here anymore

I really feel sorry for pulling down the ranking of my class :(

I'll work VERY VERY hard from now on! I'm glad someone's
there for me, encouraging and literally helping me improve
on my sciences. you won't read this but, I LOVE YOU!! :D


I've been sad enough, I guess my reaction was kinda odd
compared to normal people because I was smiling and joking
about it (frm the btm of my heart) after I got over it in a day.

that's kinda what I mean by wanting to put spilt milk back
into the cup instead of crying over it~

Oh ya, while walking home after guitar lesson, I saw 2 malay boys
around 4 or 5 years old playing at the void deck. They were very
adorable :x Soccer was it? Kicking some ball around. One of them
(he looked older) was singing "He like to Move it~ Move it~" LOL!!
I almost bursted out laughing XD and saw a packet of cigerettes on
the ground with the yellow n ugly stained teeth on the package.

Well, Life's fun because its unpredictable :)

Just when I started looking at you,
you turned away.

Just when I decided to devote,
you made me sway.

Monday, June 28, 2010


I feel so dead for the test today. Just like any other science paper
I've ever done! ah... I'm so freaking afraid to fail.. You know? the
kind of feeling you get when all you can depend on is lady luck and
you can't predict the outcome of the paper at all?

Please.. I really don't want to retain this year. The principal is
going to retain many people if there is a need to..


First day of school-

Too normal for a start I'd say?

Well my normal days are somehow always fun :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

...eziloponom ot erised ehT

9th July is the last paper if I'm not wrong! Right after theres PW
and stuff but.. at least chem is all I have to care about right now.

well and.. one word to describe how my holidays have been. PLAY. :X

Yes, I don't deny my life isn't ending soon! I read through 3 topics
for chem today! Thats the most I've ever done this whole holidays..
and.. I'm left with math assignment 5C for math~ Study!! STUDY!
See.. even something as simple as typing these out is a distraction..
so much for telling my parents, I-need-a-laptop-cus-I-need-it-for-
work. Why is playing a boyish game such as soldier front so ... very..
addictive? especially when I get to laugh like mad with my bro LOL

Maybe I'm not being boyish by liking that kind of game, maybe I
just need a medium to laugh and interact with my bro, since we're
of opposite gender... I can't just tell him, "hey! i saw a dress at..."
what would life be like with a twin sis instead?

I've been thinking ALOT less these days. and well, I CAN HULA-
HOOP! FINALLY! LOL! Don't laugh at me!!!! T.T I was so happy
when I realised I could finally do it like.. 3hours ago!

What's wrong with only being attracted to things that are attracted
to you? I'm not talking about gravity or gravitation.

In the end. Is it worth my time and heart or my entire consciousness?
Its like waiting for..

someone that never shows up..

something that will never occur..

some being that won't ever care..

some mythical monster that won't ever exist..

some miracle that exists in the perfect sense of itself..

somebody that will be the last to realise you're waiting for em'.

is it impatience? cowardice?
Why is your every action making me think I was wrong from
the very beginning?

on a lighter note: I finally cut my nails so I won't scratch my kb!
its like cutting hair.. it pains to see them shorter, LOL!

I must finish chem bonding today!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Personal Preference is really awesome! :D I really recommend
the drama! heh!

I think I'm about the only one who hasn't touched s SINGLE
homework or picked up a SINGLE piece of note to read.. and,
well, study. Yes, this phrase must be in your mind right now
even if your situation is like mine. "You're so dead."

I'm so guilty.. guilty beyond hope LOL. and I must have quite
alot of courage since I'm actually doing nothing about it LOL.
well.. I swear I'll work like mad in the last week. Or maybe
after 5G chalet. Which is like.. 1 day :X

Oh where are you? My jian-fei resolve... *echo* *echo*...

Instinct comes to you when the bearer wishes to keep the
absolute truth hidden. Can I trust my instincts? Is it really
what I think it is? If it is... its just a...


calm, clean, shore.

No one moves. No one wants to move. No one moves.

And that's when you or someone else screams, "MOVE IT!"
Don't just scream! Force or push!!!

ok I'm really retarded and in my own world. LOL!
(Don't say that to me ok! I will deny the retarded part)

whhh-aaaaai! :D Furry vengeance! I hope it'll make me laugh
really, REALLY hard.

Will there ever be a weather clear enough for me to fly a kite?

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

back from macau!

Finally back!
took me quite a long while to start blogging about it though haha
Many happy things happened during the trip, there were some
sad and angry moments too apparently.. Well, all that starts well
ends well (I would want to believe in that)

I realised I'm a bad person who hates. well I think everyone is
like that too. The zebra-crossings required traffic police.. there
were 3 of them, "guarding" one zebra-crossing that's less than 3m
long, LOL! Singapore is REALLY safe, trust me on that!

Not enough money! I couldn't buy my mango shorts ): darn!

I miss macau! I miss my room-mates! I miss uni life, it was a short
week but it was nice :) It pains me to think I may never get to
experience it ever again!

Its when one is emotional that one can truely realise another's
true heart. I came to realise this at the end of the trip :) Some
people are just meant to be there, polished and stationed;
impossible to replace.

I wanna return to macau again next year, and it'll be my 3rd
time there! And this time, I'm going to go crazy on SicBo &
Baccarat! I shall win big $! muahaha :D
alright, tomorrow is chalet, I'm busy for this entire week again!
Hope I stay in good health!

There's something I need to tell you, or rather, you have to

know. Chance, grant me you.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I feel so busy.. I guess distracting myself from strange thoughts
by participating in numerous CIP will kill me someday! And ...
there's another full-day CIP at ECP tmr, I just hope I won't fall
sick and that I can go to Macau in good health :)

On a lighter note: happy birthday yongen! ha, they said that the
class tee looks girly! just the kind I like (for the whole class)! pft~

What other things can I do to distract myself? No studying pls.
I'm so sick and tired of the notes, they look like hokkien-english
to me. some sort of jargon gibberish! ok well, I'm making a general
statement for science. I'm having alot of trouble with sciences!
HELP!! (can you hear my cries?)

Things won't happen even though it should. There's always
someone or something that will initiate the occurance. Maybe
I should find enough courage to face this head-on. Get it over
and done with. Should it result in a bad outcome, I know at
the very least that its really time to move on.

and then again. What if it gets out of hand?

Its not like anyone knows what I'm thinking...

Even if there is, it'll still be unbelieveable, or maybe even

I shall swear that I'll get it over and done with! PLEASE! just
one minute or less! let it be gone!

hm, I wanna fly a kite :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


... and then you're kinda reminded that tomorrow really never comes...

struggling with math, it doesn't feel like holidays are coming at all.

today while going home, after I have reached clementi MRT, there
was this malay guy with his group of friends travelling up the
escalator to take the train (I was going down) Then throughout the
whole "journey" he kept saying in a loud voice, "faster la, in front
the people can faster or not? The train coming lah~" (it was the train
I alighted from so there's no way they could've made it) Then when
they reached the top, I heard him shouting, "alamak! see la, the train
go already!" I wanted to burst out laughing but contained myself
and ended up grinning xD (It was quite embarrassing considering
the fact that nobody around me knew why I was grinning)

First Aid course... pretty interesting (good recap) and.. gruesome
because of the blood-spurting thing.

Um.. where's my FA manual?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


moods are unpredictable, like how burnt a cake is.
(its just a representation)

I never knew it was so terrible to feel so terrible, and in fact,
for no proper reason. Someone... be my punchbag! ~

times when you feel your life is ending just because your eyelids
can hardly keep themselves apart i.e. I'm tired! :(

tomorrow will be better :S

Monday, May 03, 2010


Lol I had a nightmare a few days ago, just thought I'd share it xD

it was raining heavily and I was staying up late using the comp (it seemed
like around.. maybe.. 1am? and then for some weird reason the window in
the living room was open and I left my laptop near the window (like why
did I do that? LOL) so it was soaking wet. LOL! and then when I walked
away, I heard some tapping noise at the window so I went over to look, I
saw my laptop out in the rain, it was being put onto the window ledge. I
took it in and closed the window. Then after awhile I heard the tapping
noise again.. Then I walked over to look. I saw a strange looking creature
with luminous eyes staring and smiling at me while tapping on the window
at an unbelieveable speed. I dashed away trying to call my parents up
but they had no response. and then I heard the tapping coming from my
room. I freaked out and I woke up. LOL!

Ok fine. it doesn't sound that scary but if you were actually in it, its dam
scary... LOL! T.T

am I just obsessed over my laptop? Like is the dream telling me I'm
gonna lose it soon? haha

some ppl say dreams depict reality, some say its the opposite. well all my
dreams are really crazy and senseless anyway. I still rmb when I was in
primary school, I had dreams like being in some pumpkin-waterfall
wonderland and that my mum had become a vampire. LOL! Am i actually
really deviant in nature? xD

well uh. that's it for the nightmare part.

Friday, the one that passed, was an overly hectic day. I lost around 100
billion brain cells. (I'm reminded of the fact that I told liuqiao that if she
can write out the number 1.0 x 10^(one billion trillion zillion trillion billion),
I'd give her that amt of money in cash. LOL! sorry, random.)

anyway, it was after school and mrs tan refuse to release me early to rush
for my guitar lesson at 4. So we took half an hr to rush to qiao's house,
change and everything. (we had to carry 3 guitars. my stupid bag and my
fat file) So we nearly died carrying those. And then we had to rush for the
train.... and then to my house so that I can put the stuff down (cos I had
sth on that night, dun wanna carry so many things) So.. we had no choice
but to take a taxi to guitar. AND, we MADE IT IN TIME! LOL! We did all
that in around 1hr 15min? that's what you call, super-human.

I swear to never go through that experience again!

28 more days. Seriously, what will I do?

and ya... darn, after I type finish I'll have to turn to work.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Pensando En Ti

I can't believe PI and GP has completely stolen my weekend
away from me! D: Spare me a weekend please...

I'm so busy with work I can't even breathe! I hope that does
not become literal anytime soon.. A levels is the last hurdle
EVER. I'll get over it... it... it......

Hm.. muffins, ate some at qiao's house and she said it was bought
from Shengsong. It was really nice but her mum looks down on
such low-grade fatty substances LOL! I don't even have time or
will to lose any weight! I've got plenty of brain cells to lose though..

I love to stand and watch
when you keep absolutely still
I won't hesistate to pounce.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I didn't expect to get my new laptop today LOL. Especially
when I didn't go anywhere to look at models anytime before
today at IMM. I chose the VAIO 'S' series white. Its pretty,
the design is really similar to a macbook, which is kind of why
I decided so fast. Strangely, my parents didn't really hesitate

oh ya, while there, I saw some of my audi fam friends. It was
such a coincidence haha

I've been slacking off too much. will I work more tomorrow?

Its nice to know somebody knows. Do I think the one that
doesn't know, or one(s) with an 's', should be more knowing
about what they do not know? Sometimes its best just not
to know. Knowledge is to be obtained. Not given.

and some day I'll find myself thinking about something so senseless
all over again. idiocy, they say.

12:34:56, 11:11:11
I just want it to happen.

my bro has a monstrous appetite.
More so than my dad.

Friday, April 02, 2010

made my day

This was from quite awhile back but.
It really made my day that day, its so freaking adorable :)

It was nice talking to pnghang and liuqiao today, it made me happy
despite a continuous 4hours of science lessons. I realised that I've
met a considerable lot of weird people in my life. Its funny how ppl
agree with you but none of both parties are willing to voice out that

Studies.. as usual, always difficult to comprehend.

My mum allows me to go for the econs+math Macau trip! woo! :D
I'm bound to become some gambling or investing addict someday.
I really hope I'm just kidding. But ah well, I didn't make it in time
for April Fool's day~ I only heard 1 joke yesterday, and it was so
lame I bursted out laughing LOL

I nearly fell asleep while walking home.. Like.. land myself against
a very prominent wall and embarrassing myself xD

New discovery! The MRT going from Boon Lay to Clementi isn't
crowded at all after 6.25pm! :) Just a tip for commutors.

Sometimes I wonder,
am I waiting in solitude..
or are we both waiting?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Finally played back after like.. half a year or more? some things changed
in audi and there are alot more nicer songs now! :D

I love the new insane perf mode LOL! It makes your points shoot like crazy! xD Insane perf is like the perfectest of a perfect.. there's actually a range of hits for perfect lol! the 21/26 means only 21 out of the 26 perfects i hit are perfectest perfects, LOL! it sounds funny.. Even after so long, i'm glad i didn't lose all my skill T.T

i'm left with a LOT of WORK. a HUGEE lot. I have no idea how I'm going to finish my homework.. esp when I'm busy audi-ing every night and going out every day... I'm crazy.. totally ruining myself... someone help... help.. help... *echo*

actually I did do some work.. its not that serious.. tmr after physics in school I'm definitely rushing through as much work as I can.. rly don't want to die in JC!

was it revelation?

I learnt a new word today (:

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Its almost been a year since it began.
about half a year since I started regretting.

Its like, its too late to say its too late.

The only thing that stayed in my head after reading the
first issue of 'The Economist' was that Viktor Yanukovich
(If i didn't spell wrongly) is Ukraine's president. LOL. I
know its crap, forgive me~

This night, I've been spamming some american idol videos
on youtube. The bad ones were amusing and the good ones
were really fun to watch. Its so nice to see people's dreams
come true.

Some people wonder why they were such fools,
I wonder why they do.

And yet again, I didn't do any work today...
guilty :(

Saturday, March 06, 2010


Nodame Cantabile! :D Movie one is coming out in Singapore on 11th
March! (Must watch! ok.. the drama is a pre-quel though)

'Music is something that can change your life'

Chiaki & Nodame! (Tamaki Hiroshi & Ueno Juri) one of my fav drama couples!

The more I look at Tamaki hiroshi in the drama, the better looking he is LOL! He's just not photogenic sometimes.. like the movie poster.. made him look like some old man la..

And yes.. this is the drama that triggered my thought that 'Piano is still not too late'. And.. for music haters, I suggest you do not watch this at all. I managed to make liuqiao watch 1 episode of it, and it seems like she'll like it, hehe! There's at least someone who might watch the movie with me.. :)

I'm getting greedy.. Besides piano and guitar.. now I wanna learn Hip-hop. ok the thought didn't just suddenly come to me, I just got the agreement of all 5 of the guitar people since the topic first appeared somewhere during the holidays last year I think? Sigh, what about my A levels?

My friend's brother got all As except for H3 physics and he's super elated.. well he should be! And I wish I could score that well next year too.. I guess in the end, if you're not a genius, it'll all be down to hard work. If I.. for some weird and unknown reason, manage to obtain a scholarship.. I'm really tempted to study in London. Unbelieveable right? The government would pay not only your school fees but also your existence (food and stuff) just because your academic results are good!

If I didn't end up being alright with my studies.. would I have pursued Art? Music? Would my life turn out much more fascinating? Unpredictable?

Alright back to reality. I know I'm practical.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Its late, I wanted to sleep early so that I can concentrate on
studying tomorrow... and I've got guitar lesson too..

I've been watching the anime and the drama Nodame Cantabile
recently, it might've caused me my math mark, but it gave alot
more meaning to my life for the past week. Why didn't my mother
allow me to learn the piano as a child? Its still the biggest regret
in my life.. I really wish to play '100 years' on the piano, one of
the best melodies I've ever heard..

Its funny right? To start learning piano at this age?
(Yes.. I'm waiting for someone to seriously tell me its not.)

I'm beginning to feel like I'm wasting my time in JC.. none of the
subjects besides Econs are to my interest. Am I obliged to score
well for A levels? Somehow, I dislike that feeling..

The concept on tokenism was funny! (GP) up to you to think math.

Nodame made me ponder about what I want in my life.. Paris
sounds like a dream world to be in.. (I know music's too late for
me now, so is the Arts, LOL. I'm not really interested in Art any-
more though.)

Sometimes I really wish I'm just really talented in an aspect that I

All the talks about university.. Would I even end up in one?

There's something missing from my life;
I hope it surfaces soon..

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

happy 17th birthday darling!

First note:

Today went mr hor's house to bai nian! (I did get an ang bao :D)
nearly gambled the whole afternoon away, I earned $5.50 from
black jack! woo! (My max bet was 30 cents!) Earned alot from
being banker :D

Alright. I've decided not to give up yet. Not like anything will
ever happen... Since I haven't confirmed it, I won't give up. It'll
hurt more, but till then, I'll be blaming my own stupidity and
ideal that there is a happy scene in everyone's life.

Should I trust people less? Am I too gullible?
Would I be a happier person?
note the '-ier'.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Flowery flats are in fashion I think, LOL!
I'm wondering if I should buy a pair for myself~

I can't believe CNY celebrations passed so fast
this year. and I'm quite pathetic since its the first
year I started betting for blackjack for.. more
than 6 hours straight? xD It was fun nonetheless.

Did I eat alot of heaty food? I can't understand why my
throat is hurting so much T.T I hope I don't sound too
funny tomorrow.. I'm evil, I'm actually hoping for a BIG
angbao from mr.hor, muahaha

I hope I can make my final decision tomorrow..

its gonna be xinyi's birthday in about 25 minutes :)

Green is a good colour for my Chinese Zodiac this year!
I wore green today!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Love for CNY

Isn't it weird for couples to go bai nian when they should
totally be going out together?

My bro's friend that lives opposite us left a gigantic wu gui
(my favourite D:) at my house... and yeah sad to say its not
for me... its for his girlfriend! (probably didn't want to let his
parents know xD) how am I left to feel? envious? LOL

V-day is strange this year. I hope I don't receive chocolate
coins anymore, pft!

1) Should I go back to pei hwa? got time?
2) Should I go to mr hor's house? Most probably? Why not?
3) I dare not wonder further.

Really. Why am I always left with impossibilities?

I'm glad we got to chat again after so long, so distant yet so near.
So far out and not within my grasp. Never will be I guess? Every
time its not this, its that. Lack of refreshingness; creativity? Oh the
fear. Opportunity costs. Econs is my fav subject now, can you
believe it? xD

School work is getting disgusting. I must get into a local Uni..
Don't deny it, people around me are all freaks!

I miss 4D, my days of slackiness! seriously, if I work as hard as I'm
doing now when I'm in 4D, instead of still lagging behind, I'd be titled
a freak la! The stress! URGH! Why can't i find the motivation to slack
this year away?

as wants approach infinity, fulfilment approaches zero.

可是,我还是要 leh.

I have an overwhelming desire to laugh! Someone tell me a joke!
(Please don't say things like, "Sharon" or "Sharon is thin")


Friday, January 29, 2010


Friday morning (and i really mean morning, 00.00am) was horrible..
Went to gym and i ran the machine at 8.5 for 10 minutes with 3 min
cooldown. it seems really bad to see how much my stamina has dropped!

seriously speaking, I don't understand why I'm going to gym, LOL

so that night (thursday?) I went home and had alot of homework...
(I went home and honestly accepted that I HAD alot of homework...)
So... yeah, I somehow died and revived.

Econs was funny, I was suffering from severe hunger while trying
really hard to concentrate on the lecturer, until ximeng blurted out:
"Is that your stomach growling?" T.T LOL. And PE was well, slack,
so today was alright~

I'm really laughy nowadays, no idea why, jesslyn says I can say
certain things that nobody laughs at and i'll laugh to myself.. I kinda
made myself seem like a retard, LOL!

I'm 17 soon and I don't wanna accept it.. JC seems so stressful.. so..
for a grown-up.. to be honest, i love being 16, i doubt there's any age
better than that... and I think that's the last worry-free age. ah well,
its all part of experiencing life :O

I'm thinking a lot nowadays...
I shouldn't even be thinking a lot...
destressing is a skill (jesslyn agrees)...
I realise how much I love going to qiaozi's house...
Its like my second home now...
And I think everyone has something to hide...
Hiding means no one knows about it...
Pry and grumble...
no one's gonna tell you!
(pft, yes I do feel abit crazy after typing that)

2 years will pass fast.. before I know it! :D

'Time waits for no one.'


Saturday, January 23, 2010


School is so busy.. JC really sucks T.T the principal told
us not to blog about what he said in an indirect way. So
I shall be what he wants me to be, a mature student.
What he says every morning or something loses its effect
if he repeats it every single week anyway.

Frm 9 subjects.. now I only have 6? Why is it 100x more
stressful? Although my timetable is the best among all
PCME classes... the amount of stress the lecturers and
teachers give me is humongous. GP sounds so difficult to
score. I can already predict that I'm gonna screw up my
A levels. :(

My bro is going to a poly.. so he has holidays till April...
and he still can work and enjoy himself with his friends.
I've never been so jealous of him before! T.T

Ah well. I guess this is the fate of all JC students..
I really wonder how I'm going to start my Econs
homework.. its super confusing LOL.

But above all, I kinda like my new class now :)
To all the people who are depressed, cheer up!