Monday, August 16, 2010


Ok. I really need to start mugging like mad!
thx ms sab for making me all stressed up again! :D
I mean it.

only 84 people in the level has met the criteria for un-conditional
promotion.. that's very very very scary! O.O But of course, I have
a PASS but its under conditional promotion :X Ah.. why am I even
engaging in self-comfort. I'm completely in danger..

Today was a.. mixed up day. The CO room was freezing hell. as if
there's an intentional oxymoron. and I'm reminded of what I said
when I came out of the CO room xD "I felt VERY endothermic."

and then after recess there was a group of lower sec girls walking
towards us singing loudly LOL. I mutter after them... "enjoy while
you can~ wait till you get into year 5~"

I really should receive a mug and put it on my desk to warn me
repeatedly about scoring well or else.

I WANNA GET IT OVER WITH! D: Its so not like me to not enjoy life!

PROMOS! I shall charge at you with full speed. If I flunk again, it
must mean I'm either retarded or barred from gaining further ability
to absorb knowledge.

on the brighter side, My dad gave me 5 bucks for no reason :D

If only thoughts could travel;
Its so hard to pen them down.
even harder when you won't know what it'll mean.

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