Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Love for CNY

Isn't it weird for couples to go bai nian when they should
totally be going out together?

My bro's friend that lives opposite us left a gigantic wu gui
(my favourite D:) at my house... and yeah sad to say its not
for me... its for his girlfriend! (probably didn't want to let his
parents know xD) how am I left to feel? envious? LOL

V-day is strange this year. I hope I don't receive chocolate
coins anymore, pft!

1) Should I go back to pei hwa? got time?
2) Should I go to mr hor's house? Most probably? Why not?
3) I dare not wonder further.

Really. Why am I always left with impossibilities?

I'm glad we got to chat again after so long, so distant yet so near.
So far out and not within my grasp. Never will be I guess? Every
time its not this, its that. Lack of refreshingness; creativity? Oh the
fear. Opportunity costs. Econs is my fav subject now, can you
believe it? xD

School work is getting disgusting. I must get into a local Uni..
Don't deny it, people around me are all freaks!

I miss 4D, my days of slackiness! seriously, if I work as hard as I'm
doing now when I'm in 4D, instead of still lagging behind, I'd be titled
a freak la! The stress! URGH! Why can't i find the motivation to slack
this year away?

as wants approach infinity, fulfilment approaches zero.

可是,我还是要 leh.

I have an overwhelming desire to laugh! Someone tell me a joke!
(Please don't say things like, "Sharon" or "Sharon is thin")


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