Saturday, December 27, 2008
Makes one wonder; when was this first realised?
in short: omg.
school is starting! T_T ahhh!
anyway, went out with the squad ytd xD re-watched twilight
muahahha. phyllis asked me first if i was free to go out on fri
and i told her to ask the others before she ask me LOL! den
aft she managed to yue the majority of the squad, i still dared
to say i dun feel like going LOL! phyllis u better understand tt
that's what's makin me guilty LOL! NOOB!!
cos.. by right, she couldn't understand why i was guilty O.O!
okay we had ALOT of fun, esp eve me and phyllis, we lied to
jesslyn and bingle LOL! bingle's case was alot more fun :X
ok now i have confirmed stephenie meyer did appear in the
movie LOL! for a split second~
when i went home in the night.. me n ph chionged frm like frm
340 hearts? to 500 LOL! tts rather insane for someone with
a super short patience span such as myself :X
school's re-opening..
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
christmas sock!
it was fun! haha, didn't go out with ailing n lydia for so long
le LOL!
had the experience of my life today LOL!
my mum called me up at 8 and i got out of bed at 8.30... and
then.. went to download naruto episodes and then.. i ate........
hotdog bread for breakfast and then.. i prepared to go out LOL!
took me 1 whole hour to think of what to wear LOL!
thennn.. it was raining.. so i went to the nearest bus-stop which
i only had one bus to take LOL! and i waited like.. 20mins and
it didn't come.. omg 156 sucks LOL! so i halted a taxi cos i didn't
really feel like making liuqiao wait for me (LOL) and went straight
to jurong point LOL! they charged 2.80 extra la! omg 8.40 flew
away because of taxi T-T and i met liuqiao at around 11 LOL!
opps im late tsk tsk LOL!! (supposedly 10.45)
sorry lah liuqiao T_T
and we went ard to shop for charlene's b'day present xD i'm nt
gonna say what we bought cos she might read this? LOL! then
qiao was being super qianbian lmao, the fake bread toy tt action
city sells u noe? she went to squeeze the bread super tightly
even tho she didn't plan to buy it LOL! so evil lah! den i pointed
to the 49.95 super gigantic wu gui and hinted for her to buy for
my birthday but to no avail LOL!! XD LMAO..
OHYA! before that we met chiunyuan LOl! omg so cute la he!
he stopped me from behind and i was like.. am i hearing things?
i hear a soft guy voice calling out my name repeatedly LOL!
then i think he became irritated with my "ignorance" and came
to tap my back LOL! omg la! so qiao! haha
anyway skipskipskip, too lazy LOL! we bought oreo crush frm
sweetalk den... aft buying present went to meet with ailing n
lydia xD dennn~~ went to KFC to have lunch LOL! we were
like crapping for dam long and our queue like nvr move de LOL!
qiao went "next time i won't queue at the queue u choose" LOL!
den i jus left my wallet on my tray cos i no hand take lmao.. tts
ok i admit, quite a noob action.. LOL! den we chatted alot cos
the food was rather hard to finish LOL! and lydia n ailing gave
me christmas presents and i was like busy opening them while
the cleaner emptied our trays into the dustbins...(note what is
wrong with this...)
den we went toilet and decided to take mrt go tiong bahru LOL!
dat was when i noticed tt.. my.. wallet.. is..
i totally totally freaked out LOL!!! INSIDE GOT ALOT MONEY
OMG!! LOL!!!!!!!!!.................................................
the 4 of us jus chionged all the way back to KFC LOL! i.. was
totally freaking out lmao! i found one of the workers which i
was quite sure was the one who emptied MY tray and then
she conveniently denied it LOL! she searched awhile the
rubbish bin then jus told me to assume the other cleaners
took my wallet n its lost.. WAHLAO! LOL! then qiao took the
gift wrap of lydia's x'mas present and volunteered to help me
dig the rubbish bin for it.. i tell u. i rly gandong until i wanna
cry LOL! it totally covered all my feelings of freaking out!
she did! she did until the gift wrap puo dong.. she still continue..
waaaa! luckily im good at controlling my emotions.. LOL!
i felt so bad. lydia's gift wrap was dirtied.. and qiao had to
sacrifice her.. i dunno hw to say.. she was like digging the
bin in front of so many ppl!!
then a malay worker called suwa came to assist us.. she dug
up the other dustbin really thoroughly and i could totally
feel her sincerity while helping me la.. another thing tt rly
touched me alot.. well.. it took quite awhile but she did find
my wallet for me! it was right smack at the bottom LOL!
i was so relieved and touched and super overwhelmed LOL!
thx lydia also for trying to calm me down while they searched
x_x" ailing was also veryvery helpful!
i wanted to thank suwa and i did and i didn't find tt enough...
i thought about writing a commenting letter to comment
suwa but lydia suggested i went to tell their manager.. so i did
and he was busy so i jus told a staff to pass down the message..
suwa helped n served me with a smile omg.. WORKERS LIKE
THIS EXIST IN SINGAPORE!!! :D i was so thankful and so
touched! i'm alrdy planning to send in a commentory letter for
i have such wonderful frens.. and i get to meet such wonderful
ppl, im super lucky today.
see, bad incidents are what awakens true frens.. and i also saw,
how great people can really be!
THANK YOU LIUQIAO! i totally owe u one.
not for finding my wallet but for being such great people! :D
ok i shall end here cos im tired. LOL!!!
BYE! :D today's great!
christmas luck!
sigh, really tiring haha, but i'm glad ytd
was the last training of the year :D
i'm the sub trainer for year 1s! they are really fun
to train xD and furthermore, they seem to enjoy it~
combined cases were funny.. very enjoyable :X
finally i get to watch! LOOL!!
ah well, going out with qiao, ailing & lydia later xD
hope we have a merry x'mas eve together LOL!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Everything actually has a relatively close meaning to Nothing;
if you draw a circle, they're right next to each other
there was one question that made me really think today.
i seldom think so much about a single question LOL!
"what's wrong with being nice?"
"nth, you're just TOO nice."
"what's wrong with being too nice?"
ok that was it, it made me really think LOL! truth is... i
really have no idea, it can be completely alright, it can be
very very wrong lol.
but hey babe, i can tell you how much you CAN lose out
on by being that way. note: CAN!
gosh a crapper can actually make me think so deeply LOL!
ah, i really said something i totally DIDN'T regret today!
"you have to love to be loved."
heheh~ ^^
sophisticated post, somehow? LOL!
i don't bully you because you're easy to bully;
the amount of fun i get talking to you and my laughter
is already enough to prove that statement right! LOL!
its easy for me to realise how great a friend you are LOL!!
im sorry if this post shocked u LOL!!!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
a morning like any other unlike every other;
no-pictures post.. LOL! saw in the playpark forums
some ppl always do the.. i think "NPNP" thing?
No-Pictures-No-Post, or sth, LOL! xD omg its weird
i get reminded of such things, HAHA
ah well, i'm gonna type about what happened the
past 2 days? xD apparently.. WYM, I LOST T-T
its impossible for me to do a post as long as yours..
LOL! T-T Maybe i can? LOL!
18-12 Thursday
i woke up SUPERR early in the morning because i'm
really pro at dragging the time i spent trying to get
out of bed. LOL.. and then, i think i went audi or sth,
just to play awhile xD i tend to rot really badly just
being absent from audi for a day or two LOL! well.. i
think that day was the day i spent the most number
of sms-es for the whole of december LOL! every
few minutes i'd sms at least once LOL! on average..
anyway.. i headed out of house at aprox 12pm because
my mum wanted to have lunch and shop by herself
nearby clementi mrt as she waited for my dad and my
aunt, which is her sis LOL! so.. we ate char kway teow
and then she had to see me off to the station LOL! at
least i did my part as a filial daughter *-* HEHE! omg,
anyway, i reached bugis 5mins later than our .. erm...
arranged time at 1pm LOL! and i saw many many weirdos
literally lingering around the guardian area LOL! i was just
stoning at some corner playing my PSP while waiting for
the late-comers, NOOOOOB, fire mei and wym LOL! omg,
i know now how horrible it is to wait for people LOL! u shudda
seen my face! it was similar to a zombie, even tho i dunno
what a zombie looks like LOL!! ok whatever LOL..
THEEEEY arrived at around 12.45pm LOL! i waited for
40 WHOLE MINUTES!!! LOL!! ARGH! T-T but being the
extremely-nice-and-outgoing-me, i didn't explode! LOL;
tsk, now i know how noobs really look like, LOL! anyway,
so we rushed to get the tickets for twilight at 1.55pm and
the movie actually starts at 2pm LOL! lihai right! we made
it for the movie anyway LOL! i was like, "ahh! darkness n
peace!" and then i heard wym n fire squeal LOL! ok not of
happiness, LOL! i initially thought they were just excited
and my facial expression was like O.o" BUT, IN REALITY,
the usual accident of knocking food off the armchair and it
dirtying everything thing happened. LOL! they were
REALLY noisy LOL! i think i could tell the ppl in front of us
were really irritated LOL!! ah well, after wasting alot of tissue
cleaning up, wym came over to the seat beside me LOL....
GOODNESS! its horror on the left of me and PEACE on the
right. LOL!
the movie was realllllllllyyy GOOD!
compared to what i expected at least. LOL
but no movie is as good as the book anyway xD
carlisle was so , SO HOT! LOL.. he's such a perfect-looking
man LOL!
edward looked better in the movie.. cos i really hated it
when they chose robert pattinson as edward T-T i wanted
the.. henry something, LOL! but ah well.. the other one looks
too nice to be a vampire like edward LOL!
Jacob is UGLY! yes really UGLY! LOL! PERFEECCT LOL..
aft the movie we went to find simin xD she waited for one
whole hour at mcdonalds for us! omg, how touching is that!
T-T LOL! she even bought us sour gummies T-T ahh! so
sweet, THX SIMIN! wym bought fries and near the end she
fed me like a rubbish bin LOL!! omg, the temptation HAHA
went to starbucks to sit ard and talk LOL! me n wym bought
some drinks.. and even tho i predicted i'd feel scammed, i
stil went ahead to buy.. LOL! argh, i feel scammed.
we crapped more&more&more.... crapping is fun!
thennn, we sent simin off at the mrt station and went out
again to walk ard.. LOL. yeah went to the LAN shop and omg!
out of the 100-200+? used computers, only 3 people were
audi-ing LOL! 90% of them were dota-ing LOL! omg no-lifers
spending 2.50 SINGAPORE DOLLARS on 1 dota game LOL!
crazy maniacs!!! LOL. i better make sure i don't ever fall in
love with dota after insulting it that much. LOL!!
walk walk walk and soon its dinner time XD went to jigoku
ramen to have dinner. i regretted ordering tt spicy thing LOL!
it was only 2 chilli signs but its really spicy OMG! i wonder how
the 4 chilli sign taste like LOL! xD i ate the fastest! call it pro
and not blame it on myfats. LOL! truth is i don't have any.. tch!
*shrugs* *act cool* LOL!!!
had ice-cream at mc's after that xD
the 70 cents cone.
wym didn't believe i'd call it the 70 cents cone LOL!! T-T
does it sound that noob? LOL!
made funny funny shapes with the ice-cream lmao, i kept
wanting the pointy thing at the top cos it looked like what
the statue of liberty is holding LOL! coco's shape always
looks noob. HAHA! wym's is.. NO SENSE OF ART! LOL!!
fire's is.. FLAT AND FAT LOOOOL!!! :X omg i'm digging
my own grave LOL!!
kept stealing mei's coins LOL!
i almost got away with 5 cents T-T
the ang moh seating directly beside me was really cute
LOL! he actually talked to us even tho i couldn't hear a
single thing.. his accent is too nice T-T
and er. home we went? LOL!!
omgosh! u shudda looked at all their eyes while im leaving!
they're filled with meanings like..
argh! thx people, i know all your feelings too well! T-T
ok, pls don't bash me up. LOL!
19-12 Friday
hmm, went cycling with qhyllis and liuqiao LOL! ok...
phyllis sms-ed me in the morning saying no one else is
going, omg i totally felt like twisting her and flipping her
organs inside out LOL! argh! what's with the squad
outings having such pathetic attendance LOL!
i know the post is alr super long.. LOL! bear with me :X
we ate at subway aft we reached LOL, liuqiao was
dramatically reluctant LOL! we quarrelled over which
pair to get the foot-long sandwich LOL! ah well, ended
up with me n liuqiao LOL! phyllis said this later in the
day but since i rmb, i'll say LOL! i told her, your forehead
writes, "bully me" LOL! and then she was like, "NO! we
were on the phone!" and then we looked at her with the
"got link meh?" face LLOL! and then she went, "how he
see my forehead?" LOL! OMG THAT WAS IT! SHE
so we went cycling aft tt.. the cheap bikes place at pasir
ris park again LOL! haha cheapskate ppl :X
omg its really darn nice to be able to cycle so freely...
but when u wanna act seh. u tend to fall.
i fell super dramatically, the ppl tt saw were like super
shocked LOL! but i stood up immediately, so they just
cycled past LOL! the moment i stood up.. my left leg
felt super painful LOL! there was a minor incision at the
back and the back of my feet suffered 2 cuts that bleeded
with blood and pus LOL! phyllis chionged back tot the
place we left our bags and came back fast with water n
tissue LOL! liuqiao jus stared at my blood LOL!! xD
anyway,thanks to u both, and st john, for lending the
first aid knowledge. LOL!! xD
cycled till super shuang.. even after i was injured, and
feared like hell about my injuries, i still cycled LOL! my
foot hurt T-T esp the part where we cycled near the sea!
omg it was such a fantastic new experience xD
tho my hair covered all my eyes LOL! XD
ok... we ate ice-cream and headed home i guess LOL!
ah well.. i know u feel like punching me now.. the dam
long post LOL!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
SO ANNOYING LOL!! cant post the pics frm today's
cycling T-T
ah well. sigh.
hmm, i woke up at 8+am LOL cos i'm supposed to meet
liuqiao at the clementi int at 8.45am xD man, it was the
first time i wore FBT shorts LLOL! its really... showy n
airy LOL.. comfortable but abit too.. bao lu ba? haha lq
didn't wear it lo! pangseh HAHA jk :X
i reached earlier than her LOL! and i was nearly late xD
ah well.. once in awhile LOL! xD she came frm lakeside..
at first phyllis wanted to go but then her parents don't
allow :/ so in the end its just the two of us LOL! so, instead
of ECP we went to pasir ris park xD cheaper bike rental
LOL! and easier access LOL! xD they charged at $5 for
2 hours for our bikes LOL! per bike of cos xD when i started
trying to cycle i totally looked like a noob LOL! see those
small girls&boys cycle freely "encourages" me indirectly
ah well.. fell down twice.. both because of crashing into lq's
bike LOL! that's what happens when u noe hw to cycle LOL
you dun wanna brake cos its so shuang LOL! ah well.. at
least i alr noe hw to cycle xD the next thing i wanna learn
is roller-blading :X keke~ LOL! uh, and i nearly fainted..
LOL.. dunno due to my injury or hunger LOL!!
hm, we had lunch at BK LOL.. omg BK rocks, their burgers
are damm nice LOL :X ok, i sound like some pig.. aft eating
we were like playing with the BBQ sauce containers and
an ice cube LOL! u noe those table hockey ting, two ppl use
thingys to hit the thing so it slide across the table LOL!
then the cleaner came and we hurry stop.. LOL!
aft tt we crapped dam alot the whole day LOL! and yeah..
jus went home lo xD slept thru more than half of the MRT
journey LOL! xD
went home with a new achievement heh! ^^
bathed alr then went audi LOL! the usual amount of
5-8 people online in FAM LOL! the usual nice ppl xD
all of us went FB hunting LOL~ apparently there were
no-one that would accept a fb with us LOL.. well..
almost.. LOL!
i was kinda surprised cos i bubp halfway den bullet
suddenly called LLOL! i just picked it up and raven,
bullet, wil, pirates(?) and jing were on the phone LOL!
joint convo, noisy but woo, kinda interesting to listen
to LOL! oh myy, they can crap i think :X its like, we
were half typing on msn and half conversing on phone
LOL!! xD interesting right LOOL.. T-T
waaah! i wanna go FAM gatherings / outings.
my schedule doesn't really allow that. sad ):
ah well! meeting NOOB, fire, wym and simin tmr! eh
BYE ^^
Monday, December 15, 2008
Laughy day
need to scold and be angry with SOMEONE first.
this SOMEONE told me at 2.50pm when i was about
to leave the house at 3.00pm that HE/SHE cannot
turn up for campfire. and this SOMEONE was the
one who "yue" me and phyllis out for the campfire
even due to my severe reluctance the day before!
because this SOMEONE begged and kneeled and
crashed his head repeatedly on the ground for me
to go (ok.. i'm just kidding, the exageration is for my
personal pleasure purposes), i agreed to go!
ok la dun so guo fen le lah. LOL, i forgave this
SOMEONE since he's treating us to bubbletea and
apparently many sec 2s turned up, so it wasn't
so weird.. and, we had FUN ^^
me and phyllis met at tiong bahru plaza at around
4pm and then she saw my mother and i at the united
uniforms.. i think its the 6th floor xD Lydia was there
too lah! super coincidence.. and omg, i shan't hide it
la, her mum said i turned thin n beautiful (glimmery
background) O~HOHOHO~! OOOO! HOHO~ ok its
called.. "an shuang".
then my mum had this.. 20 dollar popular voucher,
so i spent it on some art materials which i don't need
a-t-m. XD whatever.. they just looked so addictive n
pretty so i just bought LOL! phyllis bought a $1.80
ballpoint pen.. i hav nth to say.. LOL! We crapped dam
alot at subway before going to buy our food.. the ppl
working there were like staring at us with the "hey!
are u here to eat anot?" kind of face LOL! :X
Aft the meal phyllis told me to play cards. so we
started with blackjack. and as usual, i was just being
a loser. (i pick up an extra card n look at it and if it
will cause me to burst i put it back claiming i didn't
see what the card was. you know? this type? LOL)
anyway.. then we proceeded to cheat.. it was fun
because we kept cheating. LOL then.. we played dai
di. at first phyllis said what "u wanna play triplets?"
i just said ok while thinking "what the hell is that?"
She put 3 fives down and told me to just put any 3
same number cards that i have down. SO!! i put my
3 twos down. she stared at me with a "WTF?"
expression and said "pass..." LOL! then i put another
3 cards down and she put another 3 cards down....
then i say "ehh.. i no more 3 similar cards le, can i jus
put any 3 random cards?" she said.. "no" and i looked
at her with the "HUH?? WHY??" expression. Then
she said.. "do u know that we are playing dai di?"
i laughed n laughed n laughed non stop
on the subway "sofa".. and i dunno if ppl were looking at me
LOL! omg i laughed till it was so xin ku.. like stomach super
pain tt kind of ganjue u know? LOL
and i realised.. i shudn't play anymore before i explode.
(while laughing, phyllis expression was like, "WTF??" LOL!!!!!
campfire was fun! we did frenship dance and LOL!
chengfang's platoon used our titanium dance which
was the RV mass dance LOL! PWN! XD ma'am jac
was like, "COPY!! GIVE ZERO!!" LOL!! xD
went home in phyllis's dad's car, he's so nice to send
me all the way home *_*
ytd was really a great day! mostly thanks to phyllis xD
oh.. and we took neos.. LOL!
Friday, December 12, 2008
(using bro's comp xD) LOL!
anyw. this is frm a LONGG time back.. LLOL.. never
ever had the chance to post it T-T its,
Fire,Me,Wym,Simin :D
its veryvery rare to see me laugh likedat LOL! omg..
who was the pro photographer? LOL.. NOW THAT'S L-O-L LOL.
aww! the bonded-dunno-how-many-of-us. LOL! :D
ahhh.. done with what i'd wanted to post. alright.
(this pic is taken frm wym's blogg. LOOOL)
and omg. i saw the 13th couple in audi! LOL! x_x~
DeUnknownz YAAAAH!! LOL! :DD my FAM :3
this is quite a screwed up game.. and a 6min song shud b
a 1mil point -confirmed- LOL! xD
this proves tt snowmen are bigger than snowwomen LOL!
ahhh~ anyway off-topic awhile. LOL!
ok actually they are cakes.. LOL.. artish cakes?
i found them a LONGG time ago.. never got to share ):
wym cpled. FINALLY! LOL! omg.. today
we spent so long chatting at lobby LOL!
FAM battles are kinda cool.. i wanna join~ LOL!!
WOO! so happy today :X
SJAB chalet
i woke up at 7.30am and left house at around 8.20am..
LOL.. was wearing squad tee xD AHH SO NICE :x
ehhh.. then i was darn indecisive about wearing shoes
or slippers LOL!.. ended up with slippers since it was..
quite weird to wear shoes LOL (huh!? eve! HUH? LOL)
the chalet was at coasta sands resort o.o"
it was small. LOL (went twice xD)
the whole MRT trip consisted of me, yongen, jesslyn
charlene and eve xD they were like.. psp-ing half the
journey LOL! (mine. LOL)
then we went to buy hog mada's(read the name bckwards)
birthday present which was a t-shirt and a oreo cheese
cake! WE SO NICE RIGHT! OMG LOL. paid 2 bucks per
person LOL! xD den... we went to get the BBQ stuff, haha~
it was kinda fun? because.. i kinda.. slacked. LOL! well! at
least i carried alot of things ok! LOL.. kept playng cards
when we reached the chalet XD
theeeennn~ went to E-Hub's PastaMania to have lunch
LOL.. i never knew it could be such a sickening thing to
have everything served to you creamy. LOL.. i left like..
1/3 of my spaghetti untouched. LOL! WASTREL! T-T
aft tt... walked a LONNGGG LONGGG way to some ulu
place to rent bikes LOL.. (i dunno how to cycle.) it rained
pretty heavily LOL! x.x"
OMG! phyllis could cycle after like.. 45min-1hr of learning!
so shibai!!!! T-T i'm gonna go some park to learn wth my
brother someday~ ARGH! T-T I'M GONNA BE ABLE TO
omg.. i'm damn sleepy... i guess i won't type about the
BBQ at night ba.. LOL! at least.. MOST of the things i
ate were cooked LOLOLOL :X
there's meeting tmr again~ aih!
(btw, WB liuqiao. LOL)
(with pngy LOLOL)
WOOOOO! HEHE.. even tho we succeeded at the 3rd
try due to severe lag LOL! xD currently..11 hearts. ok
i know its kinda pathetic. LOL!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
failed attempt.. ):
ahhh, i feel so noob; the idea actally..
F A I L E D . . .
argh. photobucket has some uploading errors!
or is it really my computer's noobiness? LOL!!
can anyone recommend any other image hosting
site for me? T-T WAAAAH- such suay-ness...
what happened today..
OH, interview with juniors xD it was longg and
realllyyyy draggy.. but it was .. somehow .. er..
effective in a way xD the teams are roughly out,
so YEAH. LOL~ and again.. we went out for lunch
aft CCA LOL.. went to suntec.. the.. food place.
ehhh.. i felt so scammed by the price of the food
i purchased! ARGH! nvm.. eve got scammed with
me LOL.. i think jesslyn n adam was scammed too
LOL!!! :X the fried dough flitters(issit?) were
crispy but cold T-T
Phyllis's coming my house tmr for ... the makng
of the noticeboard decorations; LOL! hope its fun~
HEHEHE, a day to look forward to.
wait. its past midnight.
okok... BYEE LOL
Monday, December 08, 2008
haha, i'm uploading them on photobucket and taking
the HTML code and pasting them LOL~
darn. i'm dumb to not think of this earlier. LOL!
ahh.. haven't tried it yet.. dunno if it'll work, and
the last time i used photobucket there seemed to
be problems with the uploading LOL!
ahh whatever.
today spent ALOT of my parents' money on new
year clothes LOL! reaaaly damn alot.. their pockets
all got hole alr LOL! :X keke... finally there's sth
HOT-PINK in my closet.. i'm finally thru with the
black-and-white-clothes-only closet. LOL! WEE!
finally got a jean-skirt frm OP.. again.. ex LOL!
AMK hub is rly a shopping paradise. and omg, i
never knew i'll love BEGA so much LOL.. their
clothes are so nice! seriously! and they're like, nt
too old or nt too young. just right for my age LOL!
Bro got 2 shirts.. 1 frm OP and 1 frm converse xD
dad got a STIFF shirt from crocodile and mum
bought the most LOL! all of them were frm BEGA
:3 ~
aft shopping we went to my uncle's house to collect
some stuff.. and suin bian visit them lol. AHH! omg
OSCAR(cousin's dog) has grown SO MUCH! but its
still so charming & CUTEE! :D they have a silver
parrot with blue shiny feathers LOL.. its such a
pretty bird :D I'd want a dog as long as it doesn't
need to answer to nature's calls LOL!!! :X
Had dinner and home we went.. i'll try photobucket
aft CCA tmr.. and hopefully it works!
oh yeah... (School Days TV which is an anime, had
a horrible ending LOL! when i mean horrible, its
like HORROR. LOL! x_x" i watched till the 4th ep
and i stopped.. my fren watched till the end and
regretted HAHA- but its cool! u cn try watching de
last ep if nth to do HAHA, its the 12th ep. the idea
i liked abt the ending is this scene where the girl n
the guy were in the same house.. and then the guy
got surprised cos the girl sent him a sms.. and it
said goodbye... and alot alot spaces. then the guy
keep scrolling n scrolling n scrolling... den it said...
"Goodbye." LOL! and then.. he got stabbed. lol, try
watching, its quite cool.. the idea LOL.. xD)
Sunday, December 07, 2008
blogger, i keep failing to do so LOL! i feel so noob
... xD well. whatever, i'll just briefly go thru all tt
happened this past week or so? xD
Last tuesday~
(reminds me of the jap "ten-ten-ten-ten.." clip cos
that guy said nobody taught him how to say tues
in english HAHA! :X)
ahh, jesslyn, phyllis, liuqiao, bingle and me had a
"date" at BB westmall.. to get er, army green
ponchos xD well.. since we did use it in the end..
apparently it didn't go to waste xD it costed $4.30
lor! Bingle was late for like.. 1 hour? actually it was
only about half an hr but WHATEVER, he's still
late! damn him!!! HAHA :X when we called him
after we met he was still sleeping lah! wtH`
he came to find us at KFC where we saw an old
man working there who keeps staring at us. At
first tot he was some old pervert but he just
wanted to collect trays cos he had nth to do!!
Last Wednesday-Thursday~
(well, this was the camping days.. wed was at pulau
ubin xD thurs was back at changi beach haha)
tis'll be brief cos so much happened! for a more
precise post, visit phyllis's blog LOL! well.. shortly
put; we met at 7 at sjab room and crapped alot! it
was like hella-lot of fun! xD whee~ and then we
played ard with the wooden pole sticks like lil children
LOL!! phyllis kept singing with her god-unlike voice!
so aft a morning's crap, we setted off to ubin at ard..
8-9am? and the whole day was games n games and
MORE games, for all i rmb LOL! i rmb we played
guangdongchaomian and gei wo tempo rdy go! xD
ahhhh!! RVSJ Y3'08!!! LOL xDD it was fun with the
juniors n officers as well! HAHA! campfire was.......
bluntly put-screwed. LOL.. partly my fault x_x"
but ahh.. its like, kinda nostalgic to listen to officers
share their sjab life in the past with us.. it was really
totally different lol!
aft ghost stories.. the fire was put out and we're off
to Singapore again~ xD time passed quite fast i rmb..
andd we pitched our tents and the entire yr3 decided
to stay awake thru the night but obviously failed LOL!
terrible infact- xD phyllis's suggestion was to watch
the sunrise but ah well.. we were totally on the wrong
side of the island! HAHA LOL! i got bitten by mosquitoes
like crazy! and i woke up in the tent scratching like hell!
LOL... xD
this camp only made us love each other more :D
and oh.. i just have to type this retarded incident out LOL..
i asked phyllis while we were packing our tents..
"Oi, can you help me hold the poles ma?"
she was like, looking at me with the "I dunwan" kind of eyes..
then i said...
"If you don't hold it, you must help with the tent"
and she immediately took it. LOL! isn't this the TYpical
behaviour of a noob? LOL!!! XD no-OBS = NOOBS!
Last Friday~
(aiyo.. cleaner work, LOL!)
this day was fun and horrible LOL.. firstly.. the reason why
i had to go out was becus everyone involved in the camp had
to go bak to sj HQ to wash up the used equipments LOL!
dun even wanna rmb anything abt the washing up.. pure
labour work! LOL~~ xD
ahhh.. after everything then we went for lunch n stuff xD
omg eve bought some chocolate drink frm starbucks! AHH
HER MUM TREAT T-T nvr drank it in my life! poor me ):
Yesterday~ (Saturday)
(Went out with SJ people~ xD)
haha! another fun day xD won't type much tho.. getting
tired le LOL! ok la getting lazy le T-T
first off.. we went to hwachong for tt exhibition thingy
so tt cn do some homework LOL.. but ah well, it turned
out to be a useless journey LOL! PSP - Phyllis stupid Pig
HAHAHA XD LMAO! i realised what a sexist i am HAHA
bingle begged for it and i dunwan lend aft so long.. xinmun
jus had to ask and i took it right out of my bag LOL! HAHA
aft tt went to the HUGE mcs opp ngee ann poly and had
a SUPPEEERRR long discussion xD it was fun tho! esp
when we were discussing abt march camp night trail with
all the super haunted ghost stuffs! HAHA SADDISTS !~ :X
aft tt.. i went for the singapore flyer with my family and
had KFC for dinner.. gosh.. gotta note the weight xD
Today~ (Sunday)
(movieee + grandma's house at night o_o)
lol.. the.. title sorta speaks all LOL xD went out with
yunhan, shuwei and jiali (classmates xD) to watch
movie.. only yh and shuwei watched with me tho :X
JIALI hor! busy with a guy hor~ LMAO xD
movie-Madagasdcar 2 (i dunno how to spell ok! u get it! LOL)
its funny! reeaaaalllly shud watch :D HAHA!
grandma's hse was kinda boring as usual x.x" ah well..
wooot! i shall learn to blog on a more daily basis.. LOL!
(DUMB BLOGGER! ARGH! i need to post pictures
before i die of.. lack of picture posts...? o.O)
Monday, December 01, 2008
Byebye mei! T-T
(she went to australia and her plane flew last
night at 9.30pm? LOL!!)
ahh.. i really need to post pictures.. the SJAB
ones and my HK ones.. ARGH! DUMB BLOGGER
maybe i shud just give up and try to ask my
bro to lend me his comp to post LOL!~
Saturday, November 29, 2008
jog with my mum xD it totally turned out as a 3.2km
walk LOL!! xD
every step i took i tried vry best nt to fall asleep LMAO
omg i felt like a pig. i was so exhausted i couldn't even
bring myself to go to the market with my mum after
breakfast LOL... omg x.x"
i jus came up, bathe, charged my phone a little and i lay
flat on the bed and slept all the way frm 10am to now
LOL.. gosh x.x" PIG!!
curses. stoning til 2am right before the morning-jog-day
is seriously deadly. LOL~~
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
sha lala lala~
omg so many days have passed; like forget everything liao.
i shall begin with the day i received my report card ba xD
WHEE! 3.0 GPA ok! no kidding! LOL.. finally i reached my
goal lmao hehehee... it was a torturous journey~ *-* LOL..
mrs khoo gave us each a customised teddy bear! it was
written on the bear's shirt : Sharon ~ Our Anime Princess
well watever, i shall straight hop to competition LOL! (slack mode.)
----[] [] []---- (DANGO!)
we... won second LOL! and omg, robocode was
seriously, somemore jeffry (our team leader) is a programmer
genius! his virtual robot OWNED EVERYBODY! LOL! we
watched the "finals" in the LT and he won the opponent 12 out
of 15 rounds LOL! (its a virtual robot where u program its
intelligence to dodge bullets and shoot bullets)
sorry jeff, i'll work hard next year! LOL! :X
CHAMPION FTW!! (omg, im repeating the 'win' LOL)
eHHH.. i put those so my post ain't too wordy due to
inability to post pictures which is absolutely not my fault.
ahh! cnt rmb alot of things.. so i'll jus hop straight into ytd's
trip with wym,fire and simin! LOL~
ahh... i woke up at 9+ in the morning cos i suddenly rmbed
about the trip while i was lai-ing chuang. LOL! woke up and
asked my bro to bring me to gold axe in GB den dressed up
and failed to convince my bro to go with me so that he could
carry my things for me and off i went. LOL WHAT A LONG
i went downtairs.. and waited like; 20 whole minutes for the
damn bus.. and still, it DIDN'T come. T.T out of frustration
and fear of being late (LOL, how ironic :X), i stuck out my
arm and halted a taxi LOL (hehehe, i waited for the new kind
of taxi before i halted it LOL).. so all the way i went to bugis
MRT in that taxi xD the uncle was chubby and cute :D
then i had abit of motion sickness LOL.. was trembling while
going down the escalator LOL! x.x" ahh.. weak body! LOL!
(DUN CALL ME NOOB. HEY. T.T) i was carrying two BIG
plastic bags with wym and fire's presents LOL... gong give de
xD the first ppl i saw were wym and fire, gosh. even without
my specs i could recognise them from afar. LOL! xD wym's
sense of fashion improved huh? :x LOL!!! xD haha, jk, i'm sure
it has always been better than mine T.T"
Simin came soon after and there is our happy reunion!~ :D
there's only one SMALL problem. the cork is unscrewable. LOL..
PINK BUNNY AND THE PLANNER! omg! a planner was what i
needed! how'd you know? LOL! CUTE BUNNY :D
AND JULIET XD but wait, are u trying to tell me I'm a self-lover?
LOL!! HEY*&@!( even tho i am... T.T" ) THANKS ANYWAY :D
sooo, we went to have lunch xD wym went alone to look for the V8
restaurant which is super isolated in a SMALL corner. LOL!! xD
i never knew someone as stm-ish as her could find it! SHOCK! HAH!
:X keke, so evil.
It was a high class restaurant, so there was service charge and GST
and stuff like that. I brought 100 dollars out so i was fine xD simin din
have enuf money (i think LOL.) so we headed for mcdonalds'/KFC!
LOL I WANTED KFC. T.T" full seats tho. Mc was the same... LOL!
*points and laughs* RETRIBUTION :D LOL!
OMG! simin the pro managed to hog us some seats xD WHAHA! :D
SUFFER U STANDING IDIOTS!! :X (talking about the ppl who dun
have seats.) me and wym bought STUDENT MEAL (FTW TEH
GENIUSES! LOL!) and mei bought regular meal for nuggets xD
(omg why am i rmbering the waffle song LOL!!) we had so much fun
in mc's LOL! crapped like hell! :D omg, i feel totaly comfortable with
them alrdy! despite our limited meetings xD fries fight was
CHLDISH. but hey, i was involved too T.T" as the victim. LOL!
shud've taken a shot of that D: AWW!
theeeeenn~ i think we went to bugis junction! LOL! simin bought a watch
there xD the guy was like, "$5 for the one on display and pay extra
$1 for a new one" OMG LA! I BELIEVED LOL! he was kidding LOL!
then i tried on some ridiculous shades :X mei wanted shades too!
LOL! wym was with a hurting foot and... erm... a hurting stomach!
LOL! gosh! she's jus FANTASTIC x.x" i mean it. She's totally laughy!
i love ppl who laugh :D
travelled ard bugis junction~ and found nth catchy! LOL... wym
wanted to go down an up escalator LOL! darn! i was hoping she'd do
it and trip to death. damn! LOL JKJK HAHAAH! :X theeeeenn~ i
think we went to the toilet LOL!! (SORRY LA! I HAD TO PEEEEE T.T)
sha lala lala~ ok i hav no idea why the title's like dis. LOL!
aft tt... err.. OH! we wanted to go to a LAN(chi) SHOP! but.. the one
at bugis dunno hw to do business lo! walao! i asked for 4 computers
then she looked at me with super bitchy eyes and went, "sorry, only
16 AND ABOVE. can come during school days." WDH? its like, FINE
LA. I DON'T LOOK SIXTEEN TO U. but hello! its aLRDY a school
holiday.. and BESIDES, we're not even in uniform! MORON!!! T.T"
so we had to travel to dhobyghaut LOL... x___X"
me la.. act smart la.. i brought everyone to grand cathay building the
LAN and found out there wasn't audi LOL!! LOL!!! X.X" so... we had
to backtrack to PCBUNK.. and halfway we had to cross this small road
sorta like jaywalk. but then. the idiotic drivers don't stop for 4 HOT
BABES LOL!!! MORONS :X PCbunk... so we played abt 1 hr+ LOL!
simin was sitting at the chair T.T i felt kinda.. bad for her x.x" i cud
carry on playing longer LOL! but due to my extremely kind kindness,
i decided to stop! LOL!!! XD (actually, the pc stopped, so it stopped me.)
aft tt, we looked for dhobyghaut Xchng LOL! xD
found it.. and i forgot what we did there. LOL! i could rmb our
second toilet trip. HAHA! LOL!!! :X
simin had to go home, so we went to her purple line with her :D
omg we're such nice people :D
and me,wym and mei went to bugis again to have dinner xD
initially, wym wanted jigoku(LOL) ramen :x but we decided on V8
in the end since we missed out on it in the morning and it was
cheaper (i think.) LOL!
omg! the salmon spaghetti was niceee! but eat too much also
darn ni. LOL xD crapped alot there also! LOL!! :X mei eat
dam fast la! omg pro x.x" wym ate super slow! and by the time
she's done barely half of the spaghetti was gone. LOL!!! XD NOOB!!!!
since there was some leftover sauce, i used my spoon and pressed
it LOL! got the "BUREGHH BUREGHH" disgusting muddish sound
LOL!!! (wym cudn't eat anymore HAHAHAHA!)
paid our bill and homeee we went~ *_*
hehe, bye for now. when are the pictures gonna work? T.T"
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
i'll try to make things short. heh~
alright... there's a theft incident at my school... i suspect
its done by a group of students frm another level lol... x.x"
so far money adding up to about 300 dollars has been stolen
from my class and a PSP as well as a lap top with a damn
expensive harddrive inside it... gosh x.x"
dare bring my PSP to school T.T"
the teachers want us to paint another mural at the outside
the wall.. OMG LA! i don't plan on sacrificing my hols T.T ...
lateee liaoo X:
wym's fun to talk with? LOL!!!! (today had so much fun :X)
Sunday, November 02, 2008
pics cannot post T.T
ah well.. I'll jus have to blog w/o them.. :/
HA! the day before ytd I helped wym solve the audi error
thingy LOL! omg.. i really couldn't believe I was so nice to
stay at the desktop with her the whole time w/o being
tempted to enter audi LOL! but another thing is... I was
finding the prevention methods to some super chim illnesses
anyway! xD maybe it was a bonus for her HAHA! xD ah well,
I'm glad another of my dear friends can enjoy audi S2 xD
OH! I wanted to post the picture of the completely painted
and touched-up wall in school! awww.. curses, i secretly took
out my phone to capture the shot... and now I can't post it T.T
its really nice lor! even nicer than what I imagined xD Painting
the mural was tiring but nonetheless FUN! heh!
keeeeeh.. i shall update my results again.. LOL! altho my school
doesn't use the traditional L1R5 anymore.. I'll still say mine LOL!
ok.. currently the best L1R5 I can get w/o taking into consideration
the CCA points is.... 12 (provided I get a B4 for HCL)
Language Arts (Its similar to english but its with a bit of literature)
Higher Chinese
B4 (the marks for my paper 1 is still unknown, but this is what I'm hoping for :X)
D7 (there'll be moderation~ hehe LOL)
Mathematics (combined E + A-maths, but its 80-90% A-maths)
Art (practical paper, preparatory work over 3 weeks + final painting)
Singapore studies (Its like history, we learn mostly about other countries tho)
keh! for this I'm getting my PSP TODAY! LOL!
when we meet I bring for u to play? :D
ahhh finally,
I've arrived at the shopping trip YTD!
Originally, we planned to go as a group, me, yunhan, shuwei and Jiali,
but due to the tight and delayed training schedule, jiali couldn't make
it! tai ke xi le :X (u shud've seen yh with a dress, it wasn't so bad LOL!)
keeh~ so it was left with the 3 of us.
Shuwei woke up at like.. 12pm LOL! when we were supposed to meet
at 12! LOL! curses! xD hahaa joking~ so me n yh went ahead first, we
went to dhobyghaut first~ went to plaza sing to walk ard and we ate
lunch at mos burger! omg la, they'e so stingy with the chilli! LOL! but
i love their fries and nuggets xD and its... freaking ex.. lol! I'm money-
minded but since its my parent's money, i dun care! HOHO (spoilt brat)
aft eating.. we went to the arcade in the station nxt to PCBunk lol, saw
someone para-ing and someone DDR-ing and someone playing the...
guitar thing LOL! (looked like O2jam/DJ MAX xD) err, then we went
into PCBunk to watch the ppl play! haha, i saw how ppl do techno party
BU using 2 hands but clearly obvious, using 2 hands limits ur ability to
perfect more haha.. it was obvious xD (1 HANDERS FTW! LOL) it was
suprisingly empty despite being a saturday afternoon o.o"
Shuwei smsed and said she was on her way to bugis, so we made our
way there too, it was only a few stops away, so we could take our time
HAHA! but we reached earlier anyway xD Went to uzumaki (i forgot, its
the japanese ice-cream shop LOL!) and bought cones... and wdh! it was
such a scam! $6 for something tt doesn't even taste half as nice as a $4.50
anderson's cone! CURSES! GIMME MY MONEY BACK! xD
met shuwei at breadtalk and we went to bugis street and junction to shop
LOL! the only thing tt caught my eye was a black vest! it was uber cool
LOL! $29.90~ but its so freaking nice! I set my eyes on it and it will never
get away un-bought! LOL.. lmao.. xD darn.. if only I could post images T.T
they both bought 0 clothes, yh bought a manga colouring guide book (darn,
i wanted it T.T damn nice lo!) and we bought tone erasers for our copic
markers~ xD LOL.. it was a 2 dollar eraser lmao; had dinner at yoshinoya,
and home we went! it was aprox 8pm by the time i reached home xD dark~
dark~ sky~ LOL! my mom was worried sick! HAHA! ok.. i shan't be saddistic
LOL... thX MOMMY *-*
I'm goin' to Hongkong from the 13th to the 18th of december hehe, so dun
blame me if ur sms costed u LOL! HAHA! :X
Sunday, October 26, 2008
update on results
oh ok.. anyway, chinese&physics suck! take my word, do not
take physics in year3 unless your future depends on it like me!
Sec3 physics is alot harder than sec2.. ah well, at least for RV's
special stream -_-" horrible gua... I got D7 but whatever, almost
everybody around me got F9.. LOL! ah well, since like.. more
than half the cohort failed.. there'll be moderation~ keke~ LOL!
okaay, i'm at chinese right? right.
C H I N E S E S U C K S L O R O M G!
i got back paper two.. and i got a pathetic B4.. wahlao, i rly hate
higher chinese.. i rmb in primary school, my CHINESE never fell
below A* (tts what i got for PSLE too :x) LOL! why's it so hard in
sec school... zzz... i have to get 55/90 for my paper 1 in order to
have an overall B4... my aim for languages are B4 lol... ~
I'll have to hope I get A1 for singapore studies (its like history) and
uh, dun screw the languages.. GPA(Grade Point Average) PLEASE HIT 3.0 LOL!
(GPA is something that is used in the united states. It takes the
grades into consideration and not the score.)
4.0 GP(Grade Point) = A1
3.5 GP = A2
3.0 GP = B3
2.5 GP = B4
2.0 GP = C5
1.5 GP = C6
in conclusion.. for my school, getting a C6 means a failed GP ):
ah well as u can see, i'm aiming for an average of B3, LOL..
for me is damn hard. I better start working harder since my
dream (i wouldn't say dream :x) my A I M, is to take masters'
degree :x I love being a specialist and profession in one particular
aspect xD (university is not a wish anymore. Its something tt I
HAVE to enter.. T.T )
Who is the judge?
The judge is God.
Why is he God?
Because he decides who wins or loses. Not my opponent.
Who is your opponent?
He does not exist.
Why does he not exist?
Because he is a mere dissenting voice of the truth I speak!
~Movie – The Great Debaters
The time for justice, the time for freedom, and the time for equality is always, is always right now!
~Movie – The Great Debaters
omg... this movie really rocks. Its about racism in america
during the 1930s? haaha, its about a negro (african indian)
college with this debate team tt really did exist. The movie
was made with factual evidences xD
So uh, for ppl who like debates. Try watching it.. its kinda
old but, its still worth a watch. And for those who call ur
friends niggers n such. don't. xDD
even tho i'm sometimes racist.. guess i better change.. LOL
riiiiggggghhhttt~ i've been doing something unhonourable
in audi recently... but its just so addictive LOL! Guess I'm
just a normal human being simply overwhelmed in the name
of money...
:X Gah. BYE!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
results - part of it
to last time? lmao.. xD
ok whatever... today and yesterday got back some results
lol. ah well, first up is chemistry section A MCQ lol.. ok la,
its what i expected, got 21/30 which is a A2 lol, not bad for
a subject that I'm super weak in la LOL! xD
haven't got back chem sectionB and C, but i hope I get a B3
overall grade for chem LOL!
next is maths ba, i scored 71/80 for paper 1 and 57/80 for
paper 2.. wahlao, paper 2 is super duper screwed la.. zzzz...
sian, but ah well.. maybe i didn't try hard enough. xD overall
percentage is 80%, so its still ok la... lol. although its like, 10%
away from my initial target of 90%. sob. LOL
ART! LOL, omg, today yunhan was damn scary la... wahlao, i
scored well for art then she didn't then she took it out on me la
WAHLAO! lol, ok la, but i still feel vry unfair for her xD She
should've gotten higher.. maybe A2. lol. i got 76/100 for art which
is damn good LOL! i still rmb half a year ago we all thought that
getting an A1 for art is IMPOSSIBLE! LOL... i still think so but...
ah well, lol. highest was 78, nobody got C and below xD so i guess
its a pretty well-done paper ba? lol... better than our overall
performance for mid-year i guess. heh.
so far... all the marks i know are all As xD LOL, omg i'm starting to
feel reallllyyyy happy LOL! hehe, my 3.0 GPA is within reach! heh!
LOL... (thick-skinned) cos, my mum promised to bring the family to
japan one of these days if my GPA manages to hit 3.0 :X eeheee!!
quite alot more papers to go... hopefully can score more As xD
ohya, incase anybody(which i highly doubt there's somebody) is
interested in knowing what I do after exams.. LOL.. here's what xD
I'm currently watching hunter x hunter anime lol, and i usually play
audition... hmm... and there's this maths worksheet tt i've to complete
-_- (sian) and uh... busy painting the walls in a room in school with all
the other art students~ pretty that much i guess... I'm glad i'm sort of
stress-free now, makes me younger a million times xD haha~
ok.. longest post in a long time i think? haha, xD BYEBYEEEEE~
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
blogger problems
post any images... I've been waiting for days and days and
its still unable to post images... T.T
well ... I just wanted to show some of my audi achievements
and some of the recent animes I watched over the past 3
months? xD looks like it'll have to wait then. LOL!
I'm currently chasing Vampire Knight Guilty, Katekyo
Hitman Reborn, To aru Majutsu no Index ... ya... these
are the few that I like xD
well.. my last paper is this friday and its maths xD Hopefully
I'll score super well! xD My target is 90% and above wahaha!
after this friday I swear I'm so gonna slack LOL!!! its so weird,
most of my friends have exams which ended long ago, like, only
RV and RGS still have ongoing examinations.. argh. JEALOUS!
hope i can upload the images soon... lol!
CIAO CIAO! xD (reborn ~)
Thursday, October 09, 2008
2 weekends and 3 self-study days? LOL! haha.. at least
its starting... sian, bro's exams ends tmr, while mine sorta
"starts" tmr... eeeee... siannn! stupid bro and stupid school;
hmph :X
I promise to blog sometime soon, about what I've been doing
for the past few weeks (esp. about the comp part, LOL)
HCL paper 1 and SS paper, HERE I GO! goodluck everyone!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
omg, its been awhile? haven't it? xD
omg who missed me? LOL...
I haven't blogged for like.. freaking long x.x" my blogger
google, onemanga, mangafox and some other important
websites were inaccessible la! i was totally dying x.x" now
my computer has some "cnt see the desktop" problems...
and I somehow managed to view these websites LOL!
ahh.. dug out this photo frm my files, found it very nice;
and realised i nvr uploaded it before xD its the poster of
the Flyer's building process (ok, fine! obviously T.T)
Saturday, September 06, 2008
FD comp!
lol... first I'm gonna start blogging bout fri.. which rocked alot
too LOL! xD
LOL.. i was so excited the day before that i couldn't sleep and
ended up staying up really late xD waaah.. but feel kinda bad
for dissing training for this (even tho we're not needed T.T);
but whatever! baobei more impt xD LOL!!
yay! we went damm early, met at like.. nearly 9am and baobei
prepared breakfast for me! omg so touched! but its a little too
much LOL! but anyway thanks baobeii xD at 9.15am likedat,
we started heading to AMK hub on the train :D long and chatty
ride! been long since we were able to chat like that xD
aft we reach, the escalators haven't started working yet T.T
climb like shit can?! LOL.. super tired when we reach the cathay
floor! hahah! kinda noob right? LOL.. bought tickets for hana
yori dango-FINAL at 11.05am and Wall-E at 3.10pm xD super
movie date! hahah! we had lunch in bet. at newyorknewyork.
their main courses were not bad.. but their apple crepe kinda
sucks T.T like eating rubbish LOL! AHH FRIED MARS BAR
zomg.. wall-e was dam nice also! but hana yori dango really caught
my heart LOL! xD
but we each took one home xD yayyy! "qin lu zhuang" LOL!
we also both got tis chio baby xD LOL! it was love at first sight
when we saw this LOL!! xD now we have two kinds of earrings~
the one I made for my team!! YAAAAAAH! JXYYCOEPPSL WHOOSH BABY! WHOOSH WHOOSH BABY! LOL! hahah! :D chio righttt??! its damn meaningful ok! i decided on puzzle because a jigsaw would never be complete if one piece is missing! HEH! I'm sucha genius hoho! tyty! LOL! :D
for sec two teamm!!hehehh!!! u guys put alot of effort n heart into the competition... so... I decided to make a heart in ur card xD with a "JY" in the middle ok! xD LOL! hope u guys like the card! another effort-FUL EFFORT by me! xD
behindd :D
materials I used for theee cards! xD LOL! i used ABIT of my ultra-super-duper-valuable-yet-priceless-in-my-eyes-super-nice-and-zai-pens-that-you-probably-won't-have-money-to-buy COPIC MARKERS! ARGH! BE DAMN THANKFUL LOL! xD WHAHAHA! :DD
and aft so many weeks of trainings n stuff... JXYYCOEPPSL emerged...
LOL! I'm so damn proud of the team! they really did their very best! I could totally tell lah! that's the most important right? LOL! xD they rock! J X Y Y C O E P P S L YOU ROCK! XD HAHA! :D the judges were darn generous lol! xD gave us so much points O.O" Jesslyn's command was SEH lor! unfair! she can get best commander de lor! xD si bingle ! SELFISH! lol jk :X k what's over is over anywayy xD even tho we all won this time, must continue to train n nurture our juniors so that they can become even better than us! :D HEH! they did really well tis time too!, defeated the "competitor" N2 LOL! and emerged 1st-runner-up! so darn proud n gan dong can?! xD lihui said tt if she heard our team as 1st-runner-up, they'll totally lose all hope in getting any prize at all... I'm like, wow, they really really look up to their seniors don't they? x.x" ahh.. so touched!
♥ LOL, champion da!!! xD CONGRATULATIONS JESSLYN&LIHUI'S TEAM! :D you were all awesome!
frm some time bak when we were doing up a poster for POP for ningyi's batch! LOL! darn sweet la, everybody gathered to paste small pieces of paper on the blue board xD (that glue stick's mine) *whistle* LOL!
progresss :D
more progresss :D yellow liao!
should b able to tell by now we're doing a rainbow xD ghoSt HanD! LOL!
tada! (this was the only shot i took, forgot take the near-completed one xD LOL! w/e!
today was a freaking great day! :D how i wish everyday could be likethat xD filled with happiness.. contentment... joy.. and such! xD i got two trophies.. one was frm being best cadet in TITANIUM
♥ LOL! xD 2 trophies taken home! but .. i feel darn unfair for liuqiao lah... ):
nvm; in the future.. they shud clearly state how many reserves are required !~
♥end! :D
Friday, August 29, 2008
Xinyi dar♥
hais, today began quite fun for me but it soon got screwed as
public duty neared -_-lll
for the first part of teachers' day celebrations, those who took
part in the "project runway" including myself were busy trying
to create a costume with the theme "flair" xD Our costume was
darn chio la! u shudda seen it T.T" LOL! 3E's one looked japan-
ese-ish xD i liked the waist bow and the socks ! haha jiali was
the model x: (tio forced) and her figure DAMN nice sia! LOL!
RV dance rock! xD The yr3 batch of dance performed today on
stage, it was dam nice lah! and there they were telling me how
much it sucked xD LOL! cheryll looks like a pro dancer la! ooo~
who's the guy u danced with wor? HHAHA! :x
and its time for public duty -____-lll I have no idea why the yr
4s are snatching our jobs but... w/e, if that's part of what first aid
club does then so be it ~.~" Jesslyn had a hard time looking for
sufficient first aid kids as a result la... zzz...
nvm, skip that; our public duty just kept dragging ON and ON and
ON and ON! from 11am it dragged till 1pm Zz! I promised my best
fren xinyi that i would be released at 11am... and it just keeps on
dragging, making me extremely emotionally unstable. I've never
and would NEVER again make my darling wait for me before... how-
ever I'm extremely touched by the fact that she waited at pri school
for me for an entire hr.. and I felt... wordlessly guilty. So for ppl who
are curious as to why I cried; its because of overflowing guilt. damn
RV for not allowing us to call n sms openly! DAMN! stupid school..
ahh.. FINALLY I COULD CALL BAOBEI; thank god I could hold my
tears in while conversing with her on the phone... dun wanna let her
see/hear me cry T.T ... sob... I'm still so guilty now.. I apologised to
her repeatedly and she kept saying it was ok... but..but.. i know its
not ok... she's my best fren, i shud put her above everything else!!
So we met at west mall and went to eat mayim together xD its some
really ex chinese restaurant; but its freaking nice xD We bought alot
alot of food and shared them all together! the auntie was like "要不要
多两个碗?" then we just straightly said no! xD hahah! why would
frens mind sharing utensils and stuff so much? HAHAH! noob :x ~~
then aft that she accompanied me to art friend at cityhall tt area, and
then again, so touched she agreed to follow me there T.T ... sucha
fren can never be replaced by anybody T.T ... and here comes the...
ah well, i bought 3 more paintbrushes there xD and also a double tip
silver+gold, black+white Paint pens xD
well, tt totally made my day x3
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
er.. art?
was a breeze LOL! x: I have so much confidence in scoring well! :D
ah crap, hav to apologise to the project runway ppl coz i decided to go
for CCA public duty instead! P A I S E H ! ! x_x"
waah lao la! for Art this term, out of the 9 art students, 2 got C5, 1 got
D7 and the rest got C6 (I'm among the C6 ppl); pathetic sia x_x" all
because of that so-not-environmentally-friendly clingwrap sculpture
project! ROAR! argh, screwed my GPA, like, TOTALLY- T.T"
whatever. art can still be fun xD Now i'm depending on my theory to
pull my marks up; i seriously suck at painting (or maybe I'm just not
patient?) xD ... well w/e it is; still have to learn to put more effort
into everything i do; esp. stuff at school...
I better catch up soon... I'm falling behind fast!
sculpting was fun today xD The medium was plaster of paris (did I
spell correctly? HAHA) and i realised tt small chezils were better than
the large ones!! u just knock a hole and dig the entire piece of plaster
out! so damn shuang! xD Last week was damn bad tho... did sculpting
as well and ended up with a bruise on my hand and a friction burn on
my right index finger -_-" so un-cool... Hope this sculpture can pull
up our EOY GPA.. if not really die sia T.T"
Decisions by a governor,
can screw the feelings of his people much.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
dosage of examinations xD LOL!!
Physics has just passed.. I'm almost 100% sure I'm going to fail!
F-A-I-L, sth that has never happened before!!! T.T" AHH! comp
games are ruining me! I GOTTA stop! HMPH.. its impossible.....
uh, recently been going out reallllieee often with friends after the
exam days to have lunch tgt (no cca hah!) kinda slackish... wa, so
disappointed with myself, shud STUDY more girl!
today yunhan went school and started complaining tt her dad
confiscated her PSP and prevented her computer from being able
to gain internet access.. LOL! it is a TERRIBLE thing that happened
to her but if it happened to me, i think i shud be able to concentrate
better on my studies lo... sian.. my results are dropping cos of that;
who can help me? xD tuition teachers? teachers? doubt so! X:
lalala.. nth to blog about nowadays.. just crazy fun-filled school days
which are too much for me to type out xD I haven't been drawing
for a long time.. now currently working on one that has remained
stagnant for a couple of days now~ its a girl brushing her teeth
halfway when a wild guy entered through the window~ (the girl is
staring at the boy's face in shock! xD)
Sth likedat la xD
Look forward to it bah! haha..
I've still gotta colour it at photoshop~
gonna take quite awhile..
btw simin my shooting game = soldier front
incase u're curious xD
Trickster♥ Soldier Front♥ AuditionSEA♥
Sunday, August 10, 2008
dun blame me hor! blame work n TRICKSTER♥ LOL..
uh whatever!
anyway! happy 1 day after national day everybody! lol!
kinda too late but well at least I tried ~ kao... I seriously
forgot alot of things that happened over the past 10+
days lah.. k talk about friday first ba xD
had to do public duty and couldn't enter contigent..
had to tend to a girl who fell down n inflicted injuries..
that girl was tended by SJAB's two CCA leaders and
she still dare to AP us and nvr thank us a single time.
so.. we dragged on and on and I lent my New Moon
to yongen and then we chnged into class tee and had
to go back to class to have chem lesson
so aft chem lesson which lasted more than 1 hr.. me,
jesslyn, seychee, tsesin and peizheng went to JEC to
eat koba! LOL.. and dun listen to seychee! I didn't do
anything embarrassing D:! LOL all of us ate like pigs,
seychee ate the least x: then i saw the starch sause
used to go with the tempura prawns, but then they
said it had no taste so i went to add chilli n noodle
soup inside, then non of them wanted to try it D:
HRHMP! so hurt x:
yayyy yayy! can talk about someone I met long ago
called star.. lotsa nicknames xD met in maple... met
once before in real, but tt time i was hopelessly fat!
so so so... just wanna share tt he became kinda HOT
LOL!! xD ok la.. i'm not the least obsessed over such
facts.. just broke up with his gf... now he's back into
flirt mode again! NOOB! (this section is not really ur
business tho HAHA)
fuuu! :3
NDP on TV!
mom agreed to let us order KFC from outside!
NDP was kinda successful? altho the fireworks could
have been more colourful! xD
the performers' costumes were exagerated! but it was
all by school ppl! (was wym there? xD)
I ate super messily.. dad told me I grew up that way!
ah well.. national day was ok for me :3 this year was
pretty normal I had to admit.. the jet planes tt drew
the heart in the sky was magnificent! at least one of the
planes flew by my house xD
have to go play trickster le, end here! HAHA! :x
Monday, July 28, 2008
sorry lah.. past few days busy plus nid wait for my
mother to scan this photo in then send me haha! xD
Guys(3D): Qi En, Jeffry, Yikai, Liu Yi and Kenny
Girls(3D): Shuu Yin, Sharon, Pei Zheng, Tse sin and Yun Han
Girls(3E): Yi Qun, Jia Rong, Wen Li, Song Yan and Yong En
Teacher: Mrs Audrea Khoo! <33>
Instructor: Yan Lin

anyway.. that was my group(watch) name for OBS la...
JUNKO was the first woman to conquer mt everest xD
WEI DA RIGHT? yah la of coz.. like me ma! hHAha!
-1st Day-
anyway... I shall begin with the first day ba.. so yada yada
yada.. we pack all our bags the day before and "trudged"
to school den went to gallery then seat down. First group-
mate I met was yunhan lmao! she brought so little bags can?
issit just me? LOL! den we sat in the gallery and ms ek
gave some speech on racial harmony.. I think I slept thru
half of it LMAOOO! :x
sooo... we took the bus to the jetty where we will take the
boat at the jetty to pulau ubin xD bus ride was funnn! hahah!
shuuyinn brought tis chao ji small toothpaste lah! it was
freaking cute! too sad, I'm too lazy to upload that picture up!
HAHAHH!! it was smaller than ur thumb ok! LOL! as expected,
yunhan wasn't looking forward HAHA! spoilt brat! :x
reach liao... then began putting our bags outside our store (tis
is where all our equipment and stuffs are).. den went to some
weird place which they call "hall".. well.. what'd you expect frm
camp 2 LOL! collect valuables.. played some games.. took that
pic u see at the beginning of the post.. xD then, went to settle
our store n food n stuff.. den had lunch den... setted off to.........
ohya, we went to practice kayaking(I DUNNO HOW TO SPELL
LA CAN?! LOL), capsize, rowing.. direction, sterning everything
LOL! kinda fun xD But knowing there'd probably be an 8hr long
kayak expedition wasn't FUN at ALL! LOL! I couldn't rmb much
aft the practice besides having to cook our first dinner at OBS
which was rice xD
-2nd Day-
ah well.. slept unbelievably well the previous night LOL! yunhan
couldn't sleep.. yelling, whining and complaining HAHAH! nooob!
xD so funny, it was quite some entertainment for us! lol! 2nd day
we had to build our own raft which was suppose to support 16 ppl
including our teacher and shouldn't fall apart in the middle of the
ocean LOL! We failed at our first attempt cuz the barrels easily
came apart; but (i don't wish to admit this...), yunhan the GENIUS
managed to work it out somehow and the instructor praised us
as one of the most stable and successful rafts xD PRETTEH! :x
and so...
we arrived at.....
THIS FREAKING WORLD! ... k enough of exagerations xD camp 1
was at least a hundred times better than camp 2 :x all the facilities.
OMG! haha!
so we did some.. stuff? there which I apparently can't rmb much abt.
and so.. here comes the exciting part :x we got to bathe and go to sleep
early aft a wonderful dinner by the cooks there ... and we left our bags
n foodstuffs outside our tents of cos xD . . . in the middle of the night,
yunhan woke up and passed the message down to every single person
sleeping in the tent that .. there was a black dog about 3-4 away from
out tent... tearing down plastic bags and biting food... tell u wad, I was
totally freaked out OMG... LOL.. wad an experience! in the morning
when we woke up, shuu yin found her ransacked bag and all the nice
bread were taken away la LOL! smart dogs. She has like 3 big dogs at
home and is a dog lover... she swore to kill her dogs when she got home
-3rd Day-
er... OHYAH! we ate cooked breakfast at the camp1 canteen and then
began packing up our 20+kg bag to leave for our hike which would
bring us to our 3rd campsite... (in the wilderness..... *echo* *echo*)
5 checkpoints! ah wth! LOL! others only had 2 :x LOL~ some had 8
though HAHA! we found the first one and began walking walking....
then aft walking to the edge of pulau ubin, someone suddenly found
out that we were walking the wrong way LOL... OMG LA... yunhan
was so pissed that she nearly cried !! poor thing... luckily the instructor
told us to go straight to our campsite; PHEW!~ lol..
WILD TOILETS! LOL! we had to walk like a LONG, and I mean LONG
distance to the female toilet xD Honestly speaking, I peed there twice;
alrdy vry lihai alrdy ok :x the road was scary, esp. at night, I'm always
the one walking in front =.=" haiz, sacrifice! LOL! can hear the frogs
mating sound at night lah! LOLLLL!!! pervvs!! xD the campsite wasn't
that bad lah.. can see the ocean n stuff xD good experience~ helped the
guys pitch their tents and they cooked for us wheee~ xD
It was night soon... had kayak expedition briefing and went to bed........
sanctuary duty was in the morning.. but we were gonna wake up ard
that time anyway xD
-4th Day-
whooooosh; sorta and dun sorta look forward to the kayaking!~ they
carried all the kayaks to shore which took a hell lot of time! cus there
was like 60 over people~ LOL! the water at the shore was pretty clear
and kinda refreshing xD (we couldn't bathe at all) saw the sunrise;
purple plus pink plus orange plus yellow plus blue sky... CHAO pretty!
I paired with liuyi on the expedition; he was amazingly strong LOL!
he peddle cn make us travel super fast lah! xD then we were infront
for most of the journey which rocked! hehhh~ didn't get to see any
jelly fish though... SADDD! ):
kayak till dam lei can? the arms, shoulders, back and wrist like wannna
break liao lor! sadd... so tong ku xD But ok la.. mentally wise wasn't tt
torturous xD kinda fun n... good experience? LOL.. no better word to
use xD until like 1/4 of the journey, the tides suddenly went against us,
then everytime peddle like nt moving likedat la... vry xin ku and, er..
irritating la.. ! x( nvm la.. wei le finish the whole thing! muz endure with
everyone! harh! xD
Halfway thru we went on shore at some small island and ate some light
lunch to refill energy xD there was it, my first n last injury -.-" SIAN!
we were moving the kayaks den everybody suddenly drop the kayak
down cos too darn heavy, den my finger kenna kiap underneath; TMD!
bleed lor.. lmao; put plaster den never go n bother about it liao HAHA!
darn pain for the next 2 days sia.. Luckily the tide was with us for the
remaining journey..... so cud smoothly reach our destination xD we were
one of the earliest batches to reach ! harh! so proud! xD 4hrs~ zai bo?
reach liao den wash kayak~~ den toilet~~ den slack (we were now at
camp 2 btw xD) it was around 14km kayaking distance. slightly more~
nice breeze, best campsite xD but this was the night where I slept the
least -.-" muz be the homesickness~ HAHAH! xD
-5th Day-
tada.. last day of cos nth much gua. we were the fastest group to finish
settling our store LMAOO! zai zai zai! xD IM-BA (quoted frm jeffry)
had some reflecting time together.. bought souvenirs (i bought 44 dollars
worth of it LMAO!) then had a debrief. Went on the jetty then on the
Tried to make it as short as I could~ LOL~
there is so many more things I can say xD
but no time haha... BYE FOR NOW! :x
Things that we went through together,
will never ever be forgotten.
Edged in our hearts.
are p-r-e-c-i-o-u-s memories
It's true! xD