Sunday, December 21, 2008

Everything actually has a relatively close meaning to Nothing;
if you draw a circle, they're right next to each other

ok, whoever you are LOL! if you're associated to this

there was one question that made me really think today.
i seldom think so much about a single question LOL!

"what's wrong with being nice?"
"nth, you're just TOO nice."
"what's wrong with being too nice?"

ok that was it, it made me really think LOL! truth is... i
really have no idea, it can be completely alright, it can be
very very wrong lol.
but hey babe, i can tell you how much you CAN lose out
on by being that way. note: CAN!

gosh a crapper can actually make me think so deeply LOL!
ah, i really said something i totally DIDN'T regret today!
"you have to love to be loved."

heheh~ ^^
sophisticated post, somehow? LOL!

i don't bully you because you're easy to bully;
the amount of fun i get talking to you and my laughter
is already enough to prove that statement right! LOL!

its easy for me to realise how great a friend you are LOL!!

im sorry if this post shocked u LOL!!!!


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