Wednesday, December 24, 2008

christmas sock!

LOL! went out with qiao, ailing and lydia in the morning :X
it was fun! haha, didn't go out with ailing n lydia for so long
le LOL!

had the experience of my life today LOL!

my mum called me up at 8 and i got out of bed at 8.30... and
then.. went to download naruto episodes and then.. i ate........
hotdog bread for breakfast and then.. i prepared to go out LOL!
took me 1 whole hour to think of what to wear LOL!

thennn.. it was raining.. so i went to the nearest bus-stop which
i only had one bus to take LOL! and i waited like.. 20mins and
it didn't come.. omg 156 sucks LOL! so i halted a taxi cos i didn't
really feel like making liuqiao wait for me (LOL) and went straight
to jurong point LOL! they charged 2.80 extra la! omg 8.40 flew
away because of taxi T-T and i met liuqiao at around 11 LOL!
opps im late tsk tsk LOL!! (supposedly 10.45)
sorry lah liuqiao T_T

and we went ard to shop for charlene's b'day present xD i'm nt
gonna say what we bought cos she might read this? LOL! then
qiao was being super qianbian lmao, the fake bread toy tt action
city sells u noe? she went to squeeze the bread super tightly
even tho she didn't plan to buy it LOL! so evil lah! den i pointed
to the 49.95 super gigantic wu gui and hinted for her to buy for
my birthday but to no avail LOL!! XD LMAO..

OHYA! before that we met chiunyuan LOl! omg so cute la he!
he stopped me from behind and i was like.. am i hearing things?
i hear a soft guy voice calling out my name repeatedly LOL!
then i think he became irritated with my "ignorance" and came
to tap my back LOL! omg la! so qiao! haha

anyway skipskipskip, too lazy LOL! we bought oreo crush frm
sweetalk den... aft buying present went to meet with ailing n
lydia xD dennn~~ went to KFC to have lunch LOL! we were
like crapping for dam long and our queue like nvr move de LOL!
qiao went "next time i won't queue at the queue u choose" LOL!
den i jus left my wallet on my tray cos i no hand take lmao.. tts
ok i admit, quite a noob action.. LOL! den we chatted alot cos
the food was rather hard to finish LOL! and lydia n ailing gave
me christmas presents and i was like busy opening them while
the cleaner emptied our trays into the dustbins...(note what is
wrong with this...)

den we went toilet and decided to take mrt go tiong bahru LOL!
dat was when i noticed tt.. my.. wallet.. is..


i totally totally freaked out LOL!!! INSIDE GOT ALOT MONEY
OMG!! LOL!!!!!!!!!.................................................

the 4 of us jus chionged all the way back to KFC LOL! i.. was
totally freaking out lmao! i found one of the workers which i
was quite sure was the one who emptied MY tray and then
she conveniently denied it LOL! she searched awhile the
rubbish bin then jus told me to assume the other cleaners
took my wallet n its lost.. WAHLAO! LOL! then qiao took the
gift wrap of lydia's x'mas present and volunteered to help me
dig the rubbish bin for it.. i tell u. i rly gandong until i wanna
cry LOL! it totally covered all my feelings of freaking out!
she did! she did until the gift wrap puo dong.. she still continue..
waaaa! luckily im good at controlling my emotions.. LOL!

i felt so bad. lydia's gift wrap was dirtied.. and qiao had to
sacrifice her.. i dunno hw to say.. she was like digging the
bin in front of so many ppl!!


then a malay worker called suwa came to assist us.. she dug
up the other dustbin really thoroughly and i could totally
feel her sincerity while helping me la.. another thing tt rly
touched me alot.. well.. it took quite awhile but she did find
my wallet for me! it was right smack at the bottom LOL!
i was so relieved and touched and super overwhelmed LOL!
thx lydia also for trying to calm me down while they searched
x_x" ailing was also veryvery helpful!

i wanted to thank suwa and i did and i didn't find tt enough...
i thought about writing a commenting letter to comment
suwa but lydia suggested i went to tell their manager.. so i did
and he was busy so i jus told a staff to pass down the message..
suwa helped n served me with a smile omg.. WORKERS LIKE
THIS EXIST IN SINGAPORE!!! :D i was so thankful and so
touched! i'm alrdy planning to send in a commentory letter for

i have such wonderful frens.. and i get to meet such wonderful
ppl, im super lucky today.

see, bad incidents are what awakens true frens.. and i also saw,
how great people can really be!

THANK YOU LIUQIAO! i totally owe u one.

not for finding my wallet but for being such great people! :D

ok i shall end here cos im tired. LOL!!!

BYE! :D today's great!

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