Saturday, December 27, 2008

Makes one wonder; when was this first realised?

in short: omg.

school is starting! T_T ahhh!

anyway, went out with the squad ytd xD re-watched twilight
muahahha. phyllis asked me first if i was free to go out on fri
and i told her to ask the others before she ask me LOL! den
aft she managed to yue the majority of the squad, i still dared
to say i dun feel like going LOL! phyllis u better understand tt
that's what's makin me guilty LOL! NOOB!!

cos.. by right, she couldn't understand why i was guilty O.O!

okay we had ALOT of fun, esp eve me and phyllis, we lied to
jesslyn and bingle LOL! bingle's case was alot more fun :X

ok now i have confirmed stephenie meyer did appear in the
movie LOL! for a split second~

when i went home in the night.. me n ph chionged frm like frm
340 hearts? to 500 LOL! tts rather insane for someone with
a super short patience span such as myself :X

school's re-opening..



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