Thursday, January 01, 2009

happy new year 2009! :D

omg time flies! HAHA! and i really love this year because..
I TURN 16 THIS YEAR LOL! :X i've been wanting to be 16
for 4 years? o.o" LOL!!!

new year resolutions.. i guess its good to list them down
since the point of blogging is to go "wow" when i reread the
posts a couple of years later LOL!
- school-wise.. hmm, i plan on doing my best this year and i
aim for GPA 3.5 hehe, that's an average of A2.
- computer-wise, i plan to stop gaming.. especially on wkdays
and exam period~
- ok.. weight.. tsk, i'm beginning to get a phobia of dieting.. LOL
ok i'm aiming to lose probably 4-5kg more~
- MONEY! i wanna save lots and lots of it! HAHA there's so
many things i want LOL! i plan to get a lappy by 18 :X
- ok it may be too early to say now but, BY HOOK OR BY
CROOK, i'm gonna get into a university LOL!
- ambition-wise.. hmm.. its making me more indecisive as the
years pass.. LOL
- Work hard for my Art O-levels :D
- Find a suitable physics tutor.. and work hard on my higher
chinese which sucks amazingly badly...
- Get my brother to work hard and score super well for Os!
- Clear up my desk which looks like a book-dump..
- Finish my homework before entertainment, e.g. TV!
- TRY to buy clothes using my own saved cash.. i've been
spending too much of my parents' money x.x
- Put in effort in SJAB and live up to the hopes of my friends~
- Put MORE effort in remembering peoples' birthdays LOL
- Not to nearly lose my wallet again..
- Be more careful with myself and others LOL, omg so cliche
eee *goosebumps* LOL!
- Have more social awareness~

ok.. i can't really think of anymore since i'm crying deep down
in my heart because i wished holidays continued LOL!! but ah!
i'm sure looking forward to seeing my friends again heh!

i'm left with chem and maths.. i dunno if i'll be doing them
anyway LOL! gosh! i finished 17 zuowens and 1200 word
essay ok! LOL!

YEAH! my school uniform changed! WOO! i'll be wearing
the year 4,5,6 one! WOOOOO! HAHAHA XD

Audi hmm.. the love party should take place on saturday.. LOL
currently at 950+? hearts LOL.. i think? need around 150 more..
my initial aim was saffron and its enough.. but omg.. cuphea looks
nicer than saffron and aster is the beginning of shiny rings T-T


then again, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009! HEHE

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