Saturday, January 03, 2009

first day of school

ahh.. i couldn't type this yesterday because i came home
at like; 10.35pm and i bathed till 11pm and decided to just
hurrily dry my hair and sleep LOL! i was dead tired man!
first day of school and i'm out till so late!

ohyah, the day before when i receive the msg to wear SJAB
full-u to school i went berserk for 3.14159 seconds becus i
was DAMMIT looking forward to wearing the JC uniform
LOL! ok the one for yr 4,5,6 haha! omg!! i love it, it looks
dam nice and JC-ish! AHH! it feels like i'm already IN JC!

soo.. we had parade in the morning.. the one we practised
thru the holidays.. apparently meant to impress the year

the parade went smoothly and i'd assume everyone was
impressed with rvsj's drill :X keke.. lure the year ones in
HAHA! i'm the year one training I/C.. must look for good
ones LOOOOL!

theeen... we all rushed to changed back into the school u
AHH! I LOOOVVVEE IT MAN! ;DD and me and jesslyn
went back to class 4D.. 4D 4D 4D.. i nid time to get used
to this.. i keep saying 3D LOL!

waaah! everybody has grown! ok actually no one has LOL!
they're all still the cute lovable class i know of! LOL my class
is like.. the gathering of all the good people in my level HAHA
i'm so lucky :X

then me&jesslyn thought tt the class left the front seat for
us and i didn't notice there were like 2 pairs of seats at the
very back la! WTH! T-T yunhan & jiali u sux! LOL

but in the end they randomised the seating arangement and
i got the back.. LOL! with tsesin :DD

guo laoshi is our form teacher ~.~" hais.. i cn alrdy imagine
all the miscelleneous extra extra lessons all taught in ..
but ok la.. having her better than having the fierce teachers..

recess was same as last year! my class girls always takes 3
tables and are seated together! and we're like crapping and
laughing.. esp at my bench LOL! :X omg i love 4D rofl

aft recess they chose the class commitee and the 2 chair-
persons are once again by-default LOL, and then the rest
of the reps are mostly same as last year's and.. i am... the..


i, who apparently doesn't even noe how to use the visualiser;
is appointed to set it up? LOLOLOLOL OMG LLOL!!!
told me AV rep cn skip classes LLOL! HAHA

theeenn.. we had public duty during their activities.. and we
just walked ard the whole school looking for injured ppl.......
it was quite sian LOL!

poor phyllis :( don't be scared! don't blame urself !! :)

and then afternoon had training, i was super high LOL! i
really.. really love my juniors.. they rock so much! so enthu
and so cute.. totally unlike what i was... I LOVE THEM T.T
too bad.. this year till feb or something.. i won't be their
trainer for all sessions anymore.. i have to take care of the
new batch of year ones... D: now that's sad..

omg.. im gonna continue this post later when i come back
because i have to go out for training meeting again.. T.T

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