Wednesday, August 27, 2008

er.. art?

LOL.. waaah, common tests are finally over! xD today's maths paper
was a breeze LOL! x: I have so much confidence in scoring well! :D
ah crap, hav to apologise to the project runway ppl coz i decided to go
for CCA public duty instead! P A I S E H ! ! x_x"

waah lao la! for Art this term, out of the 9 art students, 2 got C5, 1 got
D7 and the rest got C6 (I'm among the C6 ppl); pathetic sia x_x" all
because of that so-not-environmentally-friendly clingwrap sculpture
project! ROAR! argh, screwed my GPA, like, TOTALLY- T.T"

whatever. art can still be fun xD Now i'm depending on my theory to
pull my marks up; i seriously suck at painting (or maybe I'm just not
patient?) xD ... well w/e it is; still have to learn to put more effort
into everything i do; esp. stuff at school...

I better catch up soon... I'm falling behind fast!

sculpting was fun today xD The medium was plaster of paris (did I
spell correctly? HAHA) and i realised tt small chezils were better than
the large ones!! u just knock a hole and dig the entire piece of plaster
out! so damn shuang! xD Last week was damn bad tho... did sculpting
as well and ended up with a bruise on my hand and a friction burn on
my right index finger -_-" so un-cool... Hope this sculpture can pull
up our EOY GPA.. if not really die sia T.T"

Decisions by a governor,
can screw the feelings of his people much.

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