Tuesday, August 19, 2008


ah.. been going crazy for the past few days due to over
dosage of examinations xD LOL!!

Physics has just passed.. I'm almost 100% sure I'm going to fail!
F-A-I-L, sth that has never happened before!!! T.T" AHH! comp
games are ruining me! I GOTTA stop! HMPH.. its impossible.....
uh, recently been going out reallllieee often with friends after the
exam days to have lunch tgt (no cca hah!) kinda slackish... wa, so
disappointed with myself, shud STUDY more girl!

today yunhan went school and started complaining tt her dad
confiscated her PSP and prevented her computer from being able
to gain internet access.. LOL! it is a TERRIBLE thing that happened
to her but if it happened to me, i think i shud be able to concentrate
better on my studies lo... sian.. my results are dropping cos of that;
who can help me? xD tuition teachers? teachers? doubt so! X:

lalala.. nth to blog about nowadays.. just crazy fun-filled school days
which are too much for me to type out xD I haven't been drawing
for a long time.. now currently working on one that has remained
stagnant for a couple of days now~ its a girl brushing her teeth
halfway when a wild guy entered through the window~ (the girl is
staring at the boy's face in shock! xD)
Sth likedat la xD
Look forward to it bah! haha..
I've still gotta colour it at photoshop~
gonna take quite awhile..

btw simin my shooting game = soldier front
incase u're curious xD
Trickster Soldier Front AuditionSEA


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