Monday, July 28, 2008


ok lah, finally will post about OBS HAHAH!
sorry lah.. past few days busy plus nid wait for my
mother to scan this photo in then send me haha! xD

Guys(3D): Qi En, Jeffry, Yikai, Liu Yi and Kenny
Girls(3D): Shuu Yin, Sharon, Pei Zheng, Tse sin and Yun Han
Girls(3E): Yi Qun, Jia Rong, Wen Li, Song Yan and Yong En
Teacher: Mrs Audrea Khoo! <33>
Instructor: Yan Lin

sweeeeeeeeet righhhhhhhtt? HAR! xD JUNKO ROCKS!
anyway.. that was my group(watch) name for OBS la...
JUNKO was the first woman to conquer mt everest xD
WEI DA RIGHT? yah la of coz.. like me ma! hHAha!

-1st Day-
anyway... I shall begin with the first day ba.. so yada yada
yada.. we pack all our bags the day before and "trudged"
to school den went to gallery then seat down. First group-
mate I met was yunhan lmao! she brought so little bags can?
issit just me? LOL! den we sat in the gallery and ms ek
gave some speech on racial harmony.. I think I slept thru
half of it LMAOOO! :x

sooo... we took the bus to the jetty where we will take the
boat at the jetty to pulau ubin xD bus ride was funnn! hahah!
shuuyinn brought tis chao ji small toothpaste lah! it was
freaking cute! too sad, I'm too lazy to upload that picture up!
HAHAHH!! it was smaller than ur thumb ok! LOL! as expected,
yunhan wasn't looking forward HAHA! spoilt brat! :x

reach liao... then began putting our bags outside our store (tis
is where all our equipment and stuffs are).. den went to some
weird place which they call "hall".. well.. what'd you expect frm
camp 2 LOL! collect valuables.. played some games.. took that
pic u see at the beginning of the post.. xD then, went to settle
our store n food n stuff.. den had lunch den... setted off to.........
ohya, we went to practice kayaking(I DUNNO HOW TO SPELL
LA CAN?! LOL), capsize, rowing.. direction, sterning everything
LOL! kinda fun xD But knowing there'd probably be an 8hr long
kayak expedition wasn't FUN at ALL! LOL! I couldn't rmb much
aft the practice besides having to cook our first dinner at OBS
which was rice xD

-2nd Day-
ah well.. slept unbelievably well the previous night LOL! yunhan
couldn't sleep.. yelling, whining and complaining HAHAH! nooob!
xD so funny, it was quite some entertainment for us! lol! 2nd day
we had to build our own raft which was suppose to support 16 ppl
including our teacher and shouldn't fall apart in the middle of the
ocean LOL! We failed at our first attempt cuz the barrels easily
came apart; but (i don't wish to admit this...), yunhan the GENIUS
managed to work it out somehow and the instructor praised us
as one of the most stable and successful rafts xD PRETTEH! :x

and so...
we arrived at.....
THIS FREAKING WORLD! ... k enough of exagerations xD camp 1
was at least a hundred times better than camp 2 :x all the facilities.
OMG! haha!
so we did some.. stuff? there which I apparently can't rmb much abt.
and so.. here comes the exciting part :x we got to bathe and go to sleep
early aft a wonderful dinner by the cooks there ... and we left our bags
n foodstuffs outside our tents of cos xD . . . in the middle of the night,
yunhan woke up and passed the message down to every single person
sleeping in the tent that .. there was a black dog about 3-4 away from
out tent... tearing down plastic bags and biting food... tell u wad, I was
totally freaked out OMG... LOL.. wad an experience! in the morning
when we woke up, shuu yin found her ransacked bag and all the nice
bread were taken away la LOL! smart dogs. She has like 3 big dogs at
home and is a dog lover... she swore to kill her dogs when she got home

-3rd Day-
er... OHYAH! we ate cooked breakfast at the camp1 canteen and then
began packing up our 20+kg bag to leave for our hike which would
bring us to our 3rd campsite... (in the wilderness..... *echo* *echo*)
5 checkpoints! ah wth! LOL! others only had 2 :x LOL~ some had 8
though HAHA! we found the first one and began walking walking....
then aft walking to the edge of pulau ubin, someone suddenly found
out that we were walking the wrong way LOL... OMG LA... yunhan
was so pissed that she nearly cried !! poor thing... luckily the instructor
told us to go straight to our campsite; PHEW!~ lol..

WILD TOILETS! LOL! we had to walk like a LONG, and I mean LONG
distance to the female toilet xD Honestly speaking, I peed there twice;
alrdy vry lihai alrdy ok :x the road was scary, esp. at night, I'm always
the one walking in front =.=" haiz, sacrifice! LOL! can hear the frogs
mating sound at night lah! LOLLLL!!! pervvs!! xD the campsite wasn't
that bad lah.. can see the ocean n stuff xD good experience~ helped the
guys pitch their tents and they cooked for us wheee~ xD

It was night soon... had kayak expedition briefing and went to bed........
sanctuary duty was in the morning.. but we were gonna wake up ard
that time anyway xD

-4th Day-
whooooosh; sorta and dun sorta look forward to the kayaking!~ they
carried all the kayaks to shore which took a hell lot of time! cus there
was like 60 over people~ LOL! the water at the shore was pretty clear
and kinda refreshing xD (we couldn't bathe at all) saw the sunrise;
purple plus pink plus orange plus yellow plus blue sky... CHAO pretty!
I paired with liuyi on the expedition; he was amazingly strong LOL!
he peddle cn make us travel super fast lah! xD then we were infront
for most of the journey which rocked! hehhh~ didn't get to see any
jelly fish though... SADDD! ):

kayak till dam lei can? the arms, shoulders, back and wrist like wannna
break liao lor! sadd... so tong ku xD But ok la.. mentally wise wasn't tt
torturous xD kinda fun n... good experience? LOL.. no better word to
use xD until like 1/4 of the journey, the tides suddenly went against us,
then everytime peddle like nt moving likedat la... vry xin ku and, er..
irritating la.. ! x( nvm la.. wei le finish the whole thing! muz endure with
everyone! harh! xD

Halfway thru we went on shore at some small island and ate some light
lunch to refill energy xD there was it, my first n last injury -.-" SIAN!
we were moving the kayaks den everybody suddenly drop the kayak
down cos too darn heavy, den my finger kenna kiap underneath; TMD!
bleed lor.. lmao; put plaster den never go n bother about it liao HAHA!
darn pain for the next 2 days sia.. Luckily the tide was with us for the
remaining journey..... so cud smoothly reach our destination xD we were
one of the earliest batches to reach ! harh! so proud! xD 4hrs~ zai bo?
reach liao den wash kayak~~ den toilet~~ den slack (we were now at
camp 2 btw xD) it was around 14km kayaking distance. slightly more~

nice breeze, best campsite xD but this was the night where I slept the
least -.-" muz be the homesickness~ HAHAH! xD

-5th Day-
tada.. last day of cos nth much gua. we were the fastest group to finish
settling our store LMAOO! zai zai zai! xD IM-BA (quoted frm jeffry)
had some reflecting time together.. bought souvenirs (i bought 44 dollars
worth of it LMAO!) then had a debrief. Went on the jetty then on the


Tried to make it as short as I could~ LOL~
there is so many more things I can say xD
but no time haha... BYE FOR NOW! :x

Things that we went through together,
will never ever be forgotten.

Edged in our hearts.
are p-r-e-c-i-o-u-s memories


It's true! xD

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