Thursday, July 03, 2008

Takeover & Training

Lol. guess some ppl might be thinking;
wow.. sharon finally blogs about take-over? LOL! haha.. :D

ok lah.. i better start liao. Quite alot of emotions and feelings and thoughts and.. whatever... but of course I won't type them all out la (duh) LOL! There are some sensitive thinggs de k! LOL.. ahh well.. like FINALLY or NOOOOO! its takeover! Since i'm optimistic, it'll be "let's do our best!" or sth likedat HAHAH! :D lol.. I really like this sec4 batch alot; and i mean alot; their beliefs.. methods of handling us and discipline n stuffs.. I LIKE IT ALL!:D but... the problem still lies with; can we do better than them? Can we make a greater and better change for SJAB in RVHS? x) I think that as long as there's a will, there's a way. So I believe we definitely can! haha.. c'mon, belief surpasses ability! LOL.. sound so pro right arhh! hahaha!!

Well.. OIC is as expected, JESSLYN LOL! hahah! congratulations lo! because of my mian zi's sake; i nvr congratulate u in real hahahah! scared u haolian! hahahahah!!!! YOU KNOW I'M JOKING LOL! And grats Bingle for CSM lo, its all he ever wanted xD So grats! heh! Grats all the EX-COs for being EX-COs? LOL! k, i'm nt making any sense here hahah! Anyway, sad for me I ain't in welfare, but training rocks too! its my second choice and I love interaction with juniors and training them to perfection! wahahahH! k its not easy. xD But still.. how i wish I was in welfare.. fun and laughter, joy and peace resides there! LOL!~~ :D Nvm ba.. working under scary-xinmun, i'll take it as a challenge? LOL! JOKING NIA! :x

Now.. training links with sth i've been constantly thinking about... that's respect&discipline. How i wish i could define my term of respect in words.. but unfortunately, nt vry possible LOL.. more like.. its just like.. I .. dunno how to describe LOL! x_x" My squadmates tell me that I musn't get too close to juniors before it becomes to a degree of irreversibility T.T" I've been afraid of that too.. but i wanna build trust above all; bet. the juniors&seniors... To me, faith is more important than respect... or somehow.. its the path towards gaining optimum respect! If I can trust them to be self-motivational and self-disciplined.. somehow; I'm sure they'll control themselves well and know when to act in whatever way? ;_; Alright.. sounds kinda layman and slack but anyhow! I still want to be who I am... I believe there's someways I can gain respect by doing that can't I? there must be... ): HELP! LOL! Seriously... I can't scold when I don't feel its right...

Back to squad motto! HMPH! Jesslyn says she doesn't like mottos! LOL! Ah well.. I want one, something outstanding and ... nice-sounding like the sec4's! (i like theirs alot!) :D heh!

Training today was like.. damn fun can! although phyllis totally ruined my can-be-serious-during-training image by talking about the ma'am zahara "stomach out chest in" thing LOL! hHAHAHA! xD So we had many many rounds of fansy drill, dam fun can! :D Although I'm the one screwing everything by either having a delayed bang or going completely out of line LOL! pathetic sia me.. need train more ): Some of the bangs especially during fast march berhenti; were darn DARN qi can?! I was like; being super happy in my heart LOL! Seriously, ningyi even said we improved alot since last few training sessions! omg so happy :D

Andand.. even tho i cnt enter comp; being reserve also darn fun! i get to do everything with the team xD liuqiao&me will love this team forever! :D heh! My hormat hor.. cnt make it laaah.. I bet jesslyn is totally pissed off with me HAHAH! (not my fault! I will promise to practise at home T.T) Tues gonna b first day of CCA session taken by us... hope it goes well.. juggling CCA time and training time :D a challenge worth putting effort into! hah! :)

Ohyah! the phyllis-on-the-march! LOL!
How i wish i can demo to more ppl! it looks completely retarded; completely like phyllis LOL! HAHAH! xD lmaoo! ah well, tmr there's sec3 meeting and 1hr training time! hope its all meaningful and fun! :D I think take-over won't be as horrific as we imagined it to be ba! :D

Strive to do your best!
I'm always behind you!

to catch you if you fall
to give you a tight push when you feel like giving up

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