Sunday, June 29, 2008

Class gathering!

Lol.. long time no post.. here I go xD Like I promised.. I'm going to do the Charity6 gathering post hahahaa~ xD

LOL! k firstly.. muz show off my proud moment awhile LOL! xD haha.. today did chain x7.. kinda unexpected but still it happened xDD the honeypie is my bro in my acc LOL! xD

YIN SHUIAN, COLLIN AND SHUIN JIAN XD Don't they look happy together? LOL! hahahaa.. actually almost no c6 ppl read my blog.. kinda senseless O.o"

LOL! they were playing the marshmellow tossing game xD Claire is the tosser and the other 2 girls are snatching to catch them with their mouth LOL!!!

LOOK AT NOR'S HAND HAHA! look so perverse can! HAHAHHAA XD

Nor again.. -_- obscene position LOL!

We were playing some card game on the tables in the function room until security guard came in and told us to get off LOL! notti ppl :X

My darling dancing! LOL!!! XD She tot it was a video and tried to snatch my phone away n del it LOL! but it was only a photo of her graceful move T.T furthermore.. only 1 shot! *~* cn forgive me ba darling LOL!

sitting in a circle!~

everyone helping out at the BBQ pit xD


night at the balcony~~ xD haha kinda romantic? LOL!

LOL! izumi totally looked like he was stoning lah! LOL!

Our BBQ-ed honey chicken wings !! ;D

Close-up! OISHII RIGHT? LOL!! :X I got help one hor!

BBQ-ed marshmellow xD.. it was totally meltish n liquidish inside! aw.. the camera cudn't capture a clearer image T.T one of my most successful marshmellow barbeques LOL!!.. if that's what u call it? xD

Sausages&marshmellows! lol.. would the sausages taste marshmellow-ish? LOL..

had out dinner at night xD aft tt... ate the ice-cream! WAAAH ;DD HEHEH! yum! cookies&cream and chocolate.. too dark to see but w/e! DELICIOUS! HAHA! jealous right? right? right? righttttt?? :X

Overall the gathering was vryvryvry fun! and I could be sociable once again with almost anyone haha! glad I'm me? LOL! xD Was so happy to see darling xinyi again! hahahaha~ xD big diff was that... almost every single one of them told me i'd changed alot.. but haha.. WITH DUE DETERMINATION! i CAN DO IT! LOL! xD Kids! learn from the almighty sharon! LOL JKJK :X (i'm bound to get punched one of these days xD)

Hope for another meeting in Nov&Dec~ hahaa xD many things have happened.. and to think we're still together after 5 years.. KEH! ;D

Takeover soon... kinda scared? But i want to take-over; its an experience valuable to be earned in our SJAB life hehe.. Since when have i become willing to do this much for SJAB? xD I also dunno.. i rly love the sec4 squad and their beliefs! they rock! (:

Haven't been talking much about titanium have I? LOL! well.. during the last exam day; we had clean-up and abit of practise for POP LOL! While throwing the garbage at the main rubbish dump.. a birdshit fell between me n lihui LOL! i dunno is sway or heng but i decided to b optimistic and name it as heng LOL!!! xD POP would be freaking scary for the few of us.. GAMBATTE WOR!

one check one check 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 *bang* LOL!

When you're there;
I'm rest-assured.
When you're gone;
I'm all messed up.

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