Saturday, June 07, 2008

tio tagged by lihui :x

Whaha- tio tagged by HuangLiHui to do tis quiz xD
I shall do since I only found out some time later! haha!
Lihui! be greatful! hahahaha! noob :x

/ 10 ] Firsts.
First Best Friend: SEEXINYI♥ -she still is!
First Screen Name: LeGeNdGiRl - lame but full of memories *-*
First pet: Fish...
First Piercing: LOL! earhole gua;
First Crush: Myself
First CD : the... childcare graduation CD xD
First Car: I'll never forget! First remote control one when I was 7-9! :D
First Stuffed Animal: Nostalgic.. TOO BAD I FORGOT :x
First Love: My mum when I came to this world :D
First place called home: The first place I lived in after I was born!

/ 9 ] Lasts.
Last Beverage: Ice milo
Last Car Ride: Dad's car, rode back home from course xD
Last Movie Seen: Indiana Jones (IT RAWKS!!!)
Last phone call: Holy shit, can't believe its yousheng LOL!
Last Song You Listened To: Once upon a Broken Heart - considering to b blog song :x
Last Bubble Bath: 16 years ago. Decipher what this means LOL!
Last Time You Cried: Today... slightly xD
Last Thing You Ate: Apples
Last Bad Thing You Did: Ignoring Lihui on msn! LOL! :x

/ 8 ] Have You Evers.
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Interested in me ar :x
Have You Ever Been Arrested: No... unfortunately?
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: simi?
Have You Ever Been On A Limo: If I said nope, would I get one?
Have You Ever Cheated: Yah, in primary school ting xie :x
Have You Ever Been In Love: Just obession; with myself!
Have You Ever Been In A Car Accident: Yah, in my dreams!
Have You Ever Broken A Bone: Yah, tooth extraction.

/ 7 ] Things You Are Wearing.
1. shirt
2. shorts
3. specs.
4. bra
5. panty
6. ear-stick
7. beauty beyond this world *-*

/ 6 ] Things You've Done Today.
1. woke up
2. eat breakfast
3. went for ANCO course
4. did CPR practical
5. blogged
6. wondering why I'm answering so honestly xD

/ 5 ] Favourite Things.
1. Myself (it never fails)
2. Nice clothes
3. Money
4. Friends
5. anti-homework society~

/ 4 ] People You Tell Almost Anything To.
2. ChuaAiling
3. The mirror
4. God? xD

/ 3 ] Choices.
1. Black Or White: white - its less depressing xD
2. Hot Or Cold: Cold
3. Chocolate Or Vanilla: Vanilla.... cookies n cream actually xD

/ 2 ] You Want To Do Before You Die.
1. Visit Canada, Norway and Japan.
2. Being told, 'I'm glad I met you!'

/ 1 ] Thing You Regret.
1. Answering this question. lolol~

Spent like; 20+minutes doing tis LMAO! xD
Lihui thank me *_*!!

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