Saturday, June 21, 2008

Audi license level 18

woohoo~ did my level 18 audi license i think yesterday
afternoon lol! paiseh, severe memory failure hahaha xD
This is the first few parts of the license la.. started chaining
at like the second last "level 7" freestyle x] damn shiok can;
chain till 5 then stop abit sian lah~ but still... the feeling is so
shiok LOL! Since that chain I knew for sure this license
chicken feet le :x

Here's my proudest moment HAHA! I was so damn happy
can! I chained the last lvl 9 freestyle and all the
3 incoming finish move
all continue chaining LOL!
this shot was taken at the 3rd n last finish move xD
I used to think tt there will b the same number of
consecutive finish move awarded as the number of
times you chain before it LOL! But max is 3... too
sad D: My bro was like "wtf!" LOL! xD

Wahlah~ I've completed the license HAHA! ah well..
the 222,000 points ain't my final point cos this ss
was taken when i jus end the whole replay and took
HAHA! (too lazy to wait xD) so yah; my final points
was abit more than 100k more than the required points
of 370k.. so shud be around 470k xD I couldn't stop
grinning the whole day LOL! :X

Promise me; You'll never break promises.

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