Tuesday, June 17, 2008

camp 14~16 / 06

Whew! :D
Slept for 20hrs LOL!

anyone missed me? haha :x

I just realised how much I LOVE TITANIUM through the camp :x
anyway~ back on track... I'm supposed to blog about the camp!~

And so... on friday, sir fangyu told us that there
weren't any mattresses in the campus; so becus
of the late notice, me and lihui had to stay up till
12-1am thinking of back-up plans and such... and
we slept very little as a result. so that fact was zzz!
the worse thing was... we saw mattresses every-
where in JV -_-lll I'M LIKE; WHAT THE. but
I shall forgive&forget since we wouldn't have had
enough time to play 5 games. Overall, I'm glad I
worked well and hard with lihui and the
confidence games committee on this project ;D

First day of camp began quite emolishly for me.
Sir Sim passed down msg telling us to put our
fingers on our lips... but after replying ma'am a
few times; I kinda forgotten about it... then he
told us to stand up.. for ppl that didn't put the
fingers on the lips. The worst part was.. he
targetted me... he said that since I had been the
course I/C and best cadet before.. I should have
followed instructions... yada yada yada... the thing
is... I'm a human, all humans forget. Sorry to be
rude but, even Sir Sim forgets. He say until like..
I totally felt depressed.. totally felt like crying...
And I THOUGHT I totally lost my morale that I
WANTED to last the entire camp. Ah well.. what's
over is over...
And so begins our long n torturuous hike xD Ok,
before giving details of the hike, I should give u
the conditions for passing the hike. One, it is a
33.85km hike that no other advance course have
ever beaten. The hike lasted aprox 13hours. For
those people who complain about OBS 5hr hike
with a 5kg bag compared to our 5~10kg bag. damn
u (: Try walking even half what we went through.
For a normal human being our age. It is torturous
as hell. And I found out felicia's chi name was wu
huimin HAHA!! XD we were like super high at first;
den aft awhile stopped cos we realised we were
making things more difficult for ourselves LOL!!
Halfway through, my group met an old man with a
reopened blood clot, so we stopped awhile to treat
the old man xD He thanked us profusely haha~ My
group was the last to reach labrador park LOL! tHE
second last group had alrdy been there for 20mins
So we trudged back torturously, and surprisingly
there was no triage like we had expected there to be.
Supposedly due to the lack of time and space? xD
We still had a total of 2 triages back at campus.

Back at JV, we had a well-deserving 1.5hrs wash-up
time and 5hrs sleeping time. THANK YOU INSTRUCTORS :D

We all woke up at 7 to prepare to fall-in xD HAHA! I
FUNNY CAN?! XD Somemore need smack her butt to
wake her up can? The alarm was nearest to her but she
was the last one to get up LOL! PIG! XD JkJk :x
So we had PT session (SADDIST! all our legs were full
of blisters n stuff frm the hike and our muscles are like
totally cramped) and aft tt was breakfast but my
committee had to prepare for the games and we're like
super busy x.x" Didn't even have enought time to fill
our stomaches TT! The games were fun! esp for the
LOL!!! XD We threw flour everywhere until the whole
parade square was white! SO DIRTY! xD Cleaning up was
so torturous till de instructors decided to splash it with
a fire hose HAHA! XD darn cute can? xD

Aft lunch was campfire prep. SO screwed. zzz. I'm still
damn upset with latifah. But the real reason why I cried
so hardly was because of what ma'am zahara said. She
said this. "THIS PLATOON, KUKU ISSIT?" I'm like.. I
wanted to cry on the spot alrdy... Even though its not my
committee, but I know how much some of the members
in the campfire committee had gone through to try their
best to make the campfire a success! I have near a 100
photos to show everyone, how much titanium have been
through as a platoon in a mere 3 weeks. How much we've
bonded, how our love for titanium strengthens each day,
how much pride we have as a platoon. That statement
alone.. what ma'am zahara said alone.. is enough, to destroy
that PRIDE. to weaken OUR BOND&LOVE for TITANIUM.
Thinking about that through the scoldings n punishment,
I couldn't help but break down into tears, seriously I haven't
cried so much in years. I tink its because of me and I feel
sorry about it; lihui n phyllis couldn't hold back their tears
and they cried as well. C'mon, titanium is what I've been
living for each ANCO week. What right have you to say that?
How cruel are you to make us sink so down? We accepted
the scoldings. The punishments. We do deserve it. But calling
us a KUKU PLATOON was a direct insult. How could u?

DAMN. OKAY? DAMN. I've been crying for 4 times coz
of her words. Once during the actual break-down. Once
at night in our bunk. Once After I woke up from my 20
hour slumber. Once right now. zzz.

k enough of the emo shits.
I still love titanium more than my life.

Campfire was a success in the end (:
Our performance was loved by the audience and we
had an encore xD So there wasn't time to do our skit
which might end up kinda screwed xD ...


Last day had debrief and teambuilding games xD It
was so fun can?! the most unforgetable one was the
water bag n obstacle course LOL! They blindfolded us
for the obstacle course and instructors stepped on our
legs! blew at our necks!(goooooseeeebumpppsss) And
did all sorts of funny things LOL!!! haha! we all wore
the blindfolds(triangular bandages) to tie ard our heads
like retards LOL!! den we changed to wearing under-
wears on the outside like superman! LOL!! sir kangwee
took a photo of phylis but i escaped HAHA! XD Then
the instructors used the water bags to throw at us LOL!
we had to dodge or catch it to throw back at them LOL!
We were like running siaoly ard. Then I was trying to
adjust my bandage then sir kangwee came frm the back
and smacked me with a waterbomb LOL! my entire shirt
was soaked LOL! MEAN!! Couldn't take revenge! he was
so fast T.T!

aft all the cleanup and logi returning stuffs.. had a debrief by

My sir sim bounce over the ocean~
My sir sim bounce over the sea~
My sir sim bounce over the ocean~
Oh bring back my sir sim to me~

Bring back~
Oh bring back~
Oh bring back my sir sim to me~ to me~
Bring back~
Oh bring back~
Oh bring back my sir sim to me~

LOL! our actions were so exagerated xD
Luckily the debrief was not by OC junqi or
we will all cry our hearts out x.x"

Home we went. After the long and tiring yet meaningful camp (:
Last but not least, I would like to thank the following.
Thank you phylis for hugging me tight and comforting
me while I cried my heart out.
Thank you lihui for always being there in the hardest
and amazing-most times!
Thanks you both for crying for titanium!
Thank you titanium people for turning up for meetings!
Thank you titanium for making my june holidays a meaningful one!
Thank you for loving titanium!
Thank you for everything!

Don't be sad it happened;
Be happy its over.

Beat as one;
titanium hearts,
Today we'll be together
now until forever;

we've been there for each other;
everything's just right!

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