Monday, August 31, 2009


Teachers' Day concert was kind of amazing today, even though I
thought it was lousy at first..

The RV "Wondergirls" performed "Nobody" on stage and it was
amazing.. super duper amazing.. even the 2 guys which danced
in the background were cool LOL! their voices are so beautiful!
the rapper was impressive too.
There were many talented singers after that.. and 2 jam bands!
They were all so awesome, although it left my ears ringing for a
pretty long time, LOL!

After school, went out with some 4D people to watch TheProposal!
There were quite alot of us, I was kinda surprised! Even though the
initiator didn't go at all tsk~ our lunch was at yoshinoya. abi, yanran
and sandra ate at some.. HK restaurant that sells maggie mee at 6
dollars rofl. rich ppl xD

we headed straight for the movie at 1.20 after lunch, and it was a
pretty nice movie, although it lacks the wow-factor. its alot better
than 吓到笑. I laughed hysterically at the last part when they were
interviewed by the G-guy in order to verify the truth of the relation-
ship between the boss and andrew LOL! The G-guy went to ask
the boss, "What's your favourite colour?" Then she answered, "Blue."
and he said WRONG LOL!!!! HAHAHAHA LOL! omg i love this kind
of qianzhou humour.

we all pangseh-ed yunhan and decided to head home after the movie.
When got ppl to talk to, I'm willing to give up my direct bus home xD
ok what I'm dam amazed at for the day. I Put my wallet in the front
pocket on my bag, the part without a zip, normally if ppl steal of touch
or whatever, I can feel the movement de, but kendrick took my wallet
out of there without me realising at ALL CAN?! Omg, he made me
realise how prone I actually am towards being robbed.. I better not
put it there ever again.. my precious wallet, I only got it for a little
over a month, I can't lose you T.T Ok actually I'm just worried about
the money in there, even though there wasn't alot anyway.. i'm
reminded of how I left my wallet on my KFC tray after eating and
didn't realise it until I was at the MRT, and then when I went to look
for it, it got emptied into the rubbish bin le.. thanks to ailing n liuqiao..
they actually dug it back for me, aw I'm still so touched.. *_* ok that's
way off-topic..

Today was fun, entertaining and whatever other synonyms there are..

I know.
I know it very well.

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