Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Lol, for some weird reason while crapping about the month of the
ghost today in class, I found out from keeheng that today, nong li
7/7 is chinese valentine's day LOL! I was thinking, "Why the hell
did they place chinese valentine's day on ghost month?" And I was
also thinking why we, as chinese, followed the western valentine's
day o.O hmm...

I brought my guitar to school today for CCA.. and I felt my heart
smash so many times lmao. First, it collapsed on the ground when
I left it to stand against the divider.. then, after school, I allowed
ppl to take it out of the casing in hope that someone might be nice
enough to tune it for me.. but it just got brutally abused T_T it
looked so retarded when keeheng held it as a violin LOL! the guys
left in class after school made up stories about how seychee play
the guitar, swim, run and did archery at the same time, and just
this alone, made me think I wouldn't need to laugh anymore for
the next few days LOL! And when I taught kendrick how to hold
and play the guitar the correct way, he told me, "你懂,I cross
leg damn pain 1 leh!" I stoned. Jeffry sat on the table and demo-ed
and I got it. And it was.. WHAT THE HELL MAN. LOL.

like how am I suppose to think so much!

and, guitar was.. kinda.. i mean, EXTREMELY boring at the start,
I told myself so many times I'd quit for sure. But near the end, they
let us play some tab, and I learn how to do chord :D so.. I guess I'll
turn up? Please don't abuse my precious (cheap) guitar!

SYF needs at least 16 people.. I wonder if I'll be able to stay committed.
Darn it, I need to have dead skin around my fingertips because to me,
classical guitar strings hurt a hell lot when I play chords.. I really cannot
imagine acoustic.. and I wanna play acoustic T_T

I realise today, 3 hours of guitar is detrimental to one's mental health,
and can be fatal.

3 hours of art tomorrow won't be any better. I thought that ppl are
SUPPOSED to enjoy their CCA in year 4 & 5? I hope I will too in due

我的天啊!Mdm Ong 的卡怎么办?!

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