Sunday, August 30, 2009


I had a strange dream, it led me to one irrelevant realisation..
I realised that I never have the thought, "This must be a dream." in any
dream in my whole life, even if I'm in fantasyland.

I'm typing this right after I had the dream, I forget them very easily LOL.

There was a new teacher at school, I can't rmb the face anymore
He asked us alot of questions.. when jeffry said something that made
him angry, he told jeffry to stand up and used a large rod to hit his
hand, and it looked damn painful. The teacher had a point system on
the whiteboard, based on how well we perform during his lessons, he
would deduct or add marks. He gave jeffry a "-3". To those people
who answered correctly, he gave them 3 marks each.
Then some time later.. after he hit jeffry, he called a random register
number, "11". That's me. Then I stood up, he didn't ask me any qns,
he just told me to walk towards the front while holding the rod in his
hand, it was obvious he wanted to hit me. Without hesitation, I blurted
out, "Why?!" He had the angriest face I have ever seen.. he just
shouted at me, "Just come to the front!" I kept asking "why, why??"
he walked towards me and hit me hard, he then went to put a "-3"
beside my name on the board.

He faced the class and said, "This is what happens when you question
the authority of your teacher."

my dream ended here.. and i rmb I felt extremely sad when I woke up.

this reminds me of the L^2M incident.. I was walking to the toilet with
yunhan, holding a pin in my hand. She caught me with my fringe and
she scolded me like hell and wanted my chairperson to put my name
in the management diary. What was I doing? I was walking to the
toilet, coincidentally, I wanted to be a good student that day and go
to the toilet to PIN my HAIR. And i get scolded.. i told her that, she
didn't believe me a single bit. How many people hold pins in their
hands to the toilet? i felt so wth. some teachers really don't give students
any chance to explain themselves.. maybe this was the reason for my
dream... whether you're good or not, there will still be people in this
world who would do EVERYTHING to find faults in you.

wa, i can link a dream that far, LOL!


Should I continue being so stubborn and anticipate regret?

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