Saturday, August 29, 2009

arrow pencil!

Archery was kinda fun actually, I actually managed to shoot down a
balloon lol! out of the 20 of us, I'm actually one of the 6 who were lucky
enough to shoot down a balloon xD Well I got a pink arrow pencil, its
just like a mini-arrow, super cute LOL. the pic's somewhere down there..

woo! I'm done with mdm Ong's card, even though I'm actually kinda guilty
because I started making it at 11:11pm on thursday night. ehehehe.. LOL

The paper planes just kept increasing.. we had a plane war/ mass flight ytd..
I tried to collect alot.. I managed 24 LOL. It was impossible to stop the "flights",
Was it me who started it? Siqi just happened to fold origami like she always does
when she's bored during lessons. I'm just being normal by playing with what she
folded.. (those I treat as rubbish I pass to shuyinn LOL!) And the plane was
folded in an.. unsuitable manner to fly.. so without knowing, I decided to aim and
hope it strikes yunhan.. and i tossed it out and it flew back at me.. I got a newly
modified plane and it managed to fly further.. and I dunno why the plane war
just started.. I'm kinda sure keeheng started it! The picture didn't show all the
planes involved in the war, I'm kinda sure there were alot more planes than

This was taken on wed after my CCA, when my dad was fetching me home.
There was this BMW car with the EXACT same carplate number '9392' as my
dad's car LOL. It coincidentally appeared in front of our car! my dad was being
a happy person by repeatedly saying, "Yay! 我驾的是 BMW!"

Just found this while scanning through my handphone-taken photos.. this was the old seating arrangement I believe..I really cannot remember that we used to seat like that o.O one thing's for sure, yanran had always been within my view. LOL!

paper potted plant. Copyright. You Si Qi.
In memory of the paper potted plant which I took care of using various methods
such as ignoring for a little beyond a week.
It has been thrown away by its creator, sob sob.
A drawing by my brother in Primary 5. As of last year teachers' day when I
went back to pei hwa to visit my teachers, this was still on the wall. random
but yeah, its so amazing o.o
Likewise, this is my drawing when I was 11. still on the wall~

another random photo. When I saw this I almost believed that our prime
minister creates artworks..
Ok, here's my arrow pencil! xD I think I'll never bear to use it..

Man I'm getting increasingly random.. autosoap incident in HongKong last year.
something I'll never forget LOL.
I wanted to take a picture of this because I haven't seen this in singapore before,
and my phone approached it to take a photo, after that, my phone was drowned
in soap and it nearly died on me. poor phone. my bad. LOL. I still rmb that my
mum told me i was stupid in the toilet.. when I went out she told my dad and
my dad said I was stupid. Then I became sad. Then my bro came and they told
my bro and he told me I was beyond stupid. And I became very sad.
ok LOL. I felt stupid T_T
I'm not sure if I have time to go back to primary school on Monday~ let's hope
I do? I wonder if lesser ppl are going back this year..
I want to watch TheProposal!

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