Monday, August 31, 2009


Teachers' Day concert was kind of amazing today, even though I
thought it was lousy at first..

The RV "Wondergirls" performed "Nobody" on stage and it was
amazing.. super duper amazing.. even the 2 guys which danced
in the background were cool LOL! their voices are so beautiful!
the rapper was impressive too.
There were many talented singers after that.. and 2 jam bands!
They were all so awesome, although it left my ears ringing for a
pretty long time, LOL!

After school, went out with some 4D people to watch TheProposal!
There were quite alot of us, I was kinda surprised! Even though the
initiator didn't go at all tsk~ our lunch was at yoshinoya. abi, yanran
and sandra ate at some.. HK restaurant that sells maggie mee at 6
dollars rofl. rich ppl xD

we headed straight for the movie at 1.20 after lunch, and it was a
pretty nice movie, although it lacks the wow-factor. its alot better
than 吓到笑. I laughed hysterically at the last part when they were
interviewed by the G-guy in order to verify the truth of the relation-
ship between the boss and andrew LOL! The G-guy went to ask
the boss, "What's your favourite colour?" Then she answered, "Blue."
and he said WRONG LOL!!!! HAHAHAHA LOL! omg i love this kind
of qianzhou humour.

we all pangseh-ed yunhan and decided to head home after the movie.
When got ppl to talk to, I'm willing to give up my direct bus home xD
ok what I'm dam amazed at for the day. I Put my wallet in the front
pocket on my bag, the part without a zip, normally if ppl steal of touch
or whatever, I can feel the movement de, but kendrick took my wallet
out of there without me realising at ALL CAN?! Omg, he made me
realise how prone I actually am towards being robbed.. I better not
put it there ever again.. my precious wallet, I only got it for a little
over a month, I can't lose you T.T Ok actually I'm just worried about
the money in there, even though there wasn't alot anyway.. i'm
reminded of how I left my wallet on my KFC tray after eating and
didn't realise it until I was at the MRT, and then when I went to look
for it, it got emptied into the rubbish bin le.. thanks to ailing n liuqiao..
they actually dug it back for me, aw I'm still so touched.. *_* ok that's
way off-topic..

Today was fun, entertaining and whatever other synonyms there are..

I know.
I know it very well.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


I had a strange dream, it led me to one irrelevant realisation..
I realised that I never have the thought, "This must be a dream." in any
dream in my whole life, even if I'm in fantasyland.

I'm typing this right after I had the dream, I forget them very easily LOL.

There was a new teacher at school, I can't rmb the face anymore
He asked us alot of questions.. when jeffry said something that made
him angry, he told jeffry to stand up and used a large rod to hit his
hand, and it looked damn painful. The teacher had a point system on
the whiteboard, based on how well we perform during his lessons, he
would deduct or add marks. He gave jeffry a "-3". To those people
who answered correctly, he gave them 3 marks each.
Then some time later.. after he hit jeffry, he called a random register
number, "11". That's me. Then I stood up, he didn't ask me any qns,
he just told me to walk towards the front while holding the rod in his
hand, it was obvious he wanted to hit me. Without hesitation, I blurted
out, "Why?!" He had the angriest face I have ever seen.. he just
shouted at me, "Just come to the front!" I kept asking "why, why??"
he walked towards me and hit me hard, he then went to put a "-3"
beside my name on the board.

He faced the class and said, "This is what happens when you question
the authority of your teacher."

my dream ended here.. and i rmb I felt extremely sad when I woke up.

this reminds me of the L^2M incident.. I was walking to the toilet with
yunhan, holding a pin in my hand. She caught me with my fringe and
she scolded me like hell and wanted my chairperson to put my name
in the management diary. What was I doing? I was walking to the
toilet, coincidentally, I wanted to be a good student that day and go
to the toilet to PIN my HAIR. And i get scolded.. i told her that, she
didn't believe me a single bit. How many people hold pins in their
hands to the toilet? i felt so wth. some teachers really don't give students
any chance to explain themselves.. maybe this was the reason for my
dream... whether you're good or not, there will still be people in this
world who would do EVERYTHING to find faults in you.

wa, i can link a dream that far, LOL!


Should I continue being so stubborn and anticipate regret?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

arrow pencil!

Archery was kinda fun actually, I actually managed to shoot down a
balloon lol! out of the 20 of us, I'm actually one of the 6 who were lucky
enough to shoot down a balloon xD Well I got a pink arrow pencil, its
just like a mini-arrow, super cute LOL. the pic's somewhere down there..

woo! I'm done with mdm Ong's card, even though I'm actually kinda guilty
because I started making it at 11:11pm on thursday night. ehehehe.. LOL

The paper planes just kept increasing.. we had a plane war/ mass flight ytd..
I tried to collect alot.. I managed 24 LOL. It was impossible to stop the "flights",
Was it me who started it? Siqi just happened to fold origami like she always does
when she's bored during lessons. I'm just being normal by playing with what she
folded.. (those I treat as rubbish I pass to shuyinn LOL!) And the plane was
folded in an.. unsuitable manner to fly.. so without knowing, I decided to aim and
hope it strikes yunhan.. and i tossed it out and it flew back at me.. I got a newly
modified plane and it managed to fly further.. and I dunno why the plane war
just started.. I'm kinda sure keeheng started it! The picture didn't show all the
planes involved in the war, I'm kinda sure there were alot more planes than

This was taken on wed after my CCA, when my dad was fetching me home.
There was this BMW car with the EXACT same carplate number '9392' as my
dad's car LOL. It coincidentally appeared in front of our car! my dad was being
a happy person by repeatedly saying, "Yay! 我驾的是 BMW!"

Just found this while scanning through my handphone-taken photos.. this was the old seating arrangement I believe..I really cannot remember that we used to seat like that o.O one thing's for sure, yanran had always been within my view. LOL!

paper potted plant. Copyright. You Si Qi.
In memory of the paper potted plant which I took care of using various methods
such as ignoring for a little beyond a week.
It has been thrown away by its creator, sob sob.
A drawing by my brother in Primary 5. As of last year teachers' day when I
went back to pei hwa to visit my teachers, this was still on the wall. random
but yeah, its so amazing o.o
Likewise, this is my drawing when I was 11. still on the wall~

another random photo. When I saw this I almost believed that our prime
minister creates artworks..
Ok, here's my arrow pencil! xD I think I'll never bear to use it..

Man I'm getting increasingly random.. autosoap incident in HongKong last year.
something I'll never forget LOL.
I wanted to take a picture of this because I haven't seen this in singapore before,
and my phone approached it to take a photo, after that, my phone was drowned
in soap and it nearly died on me. poor phone. my bad. LOL. I still rmb that my
mum told me i was stupid in the toilet.. when I went out she told my dad and
my dad said I was stupid. Then I became sad. Then my bro came and they told
my bro and he told me I was beyond stupid. And I became very sad.
ok LOL. I felt stupid T_T
I'm not sure if I have time to go back to primary school on Monday~ let's hope
I do? I wonder if lesser ppl are going back this year..
I want to watch TheProposal!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Lol, for some weird reason while crapping about the month of the
ghost today in class, I found out from keeheng that today, nong li
7/7 is chinese valentine's day LOL! I was thinking, "Why the hell
did they place chinese valentine's day on ghost month?" And I was
also thinking why we, as chinese, followed the western valentine's
day o.O hmm...

I brought my guitar to school today for CCA.. and I felt my heart
smash so many times lmao. First, it collapsed on the ground when
I left it to stand against the divider.. then, after school, I allowed
ppl to take it out of the casing in hope that someone might be nice
enough to tune it for me.. but it just got brutally abused T_T it
looked so retarded when keeheng held it as a violin LOL! the guys
left in class after school made up stories about how seychee play
the guitar, swim, run and did archery at the same time, and just
this alone, made me think I wouldn't need to laugh anymore for
the next few days LOL! And when I taught kendrick how to hold
and play the guitar the correct way, he told me, "你懂,I cross
leg damn pain 1 leh!" I stoned. Jeffry sat on the table and demo-ed
and I got it. And it was.. WHAT THE HELL MAN. LOL.

like how am I suppose to think so much!

and, guitar was.. kinda.. i mean, EXTREMELY boring at the start,
I told myself so many times I'd quit for sure. But near the end, they
let us play some tab, and I learn how to do chord :D so.. I guess I'll
turn up? Please don't abuse my precious (cheap) guitar!

SYF needs at least 16 people.. I wonder if I'll be able to stay committed.
Darn it, I need to have dead skin around my fingertips because to me,
classical guitar strings hurt a hell lot when I play chords.. I really cannot
imagine acoustic.. and I wanna play acoustic T_T

I realise today, 3 hours of guitar is detrimental to one's mental health,
and can be fatal.

3 hours of art tomorrow won't be any better. I thought that ppl are
SUPPOSED to enjoy their CCA in year 4 & 5? I hope I will too in due

我的天啊!Mdm Ong 的卡怎么办?!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Man! I swore not to cry at all while watching 命中注定我爱你..
episode 11&12 made me tear damn!! LOL. its so nice! Its been a
long time since I got so addicted to a drama.. the last ones were
hana yori dango & 恶作剧之吻 xD

I remember something creepy that happened yesterday, I thought
it was creepy probably because this is, according to our ancestors,
the month of the ghosts~

I went home quite early yesterday after going out with some SJ
people to eat laksa at queensway shopping centre. Then I took the
lift up (I live on the 13th floor lol) so when I came out of the lift, I
noticed that the lift beside mine (My flat has 2 lifts) opened at the
same time I came out of the lift. (Both lifts were on the 13th floor
now), and the creepy part is.. there was no one inside the lift, there
wasn't anybody taking that lift on my floor either.. lol.

Both lifts closed and both lifts stayed on the 13th floor. I stared for
a moment but neither one moved. It creeped me out.. so I just
decided to stop scaring myself and enter my gate.. LOL

this is 100% non-fictional.

Monday, August 24, 2009


How can anyone be so good at destroying someone else's happy

Its kinda hard to believe I could put up with her for 6 years.

On a lighter note, HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY LIUQIAO! XD I'm so
gonna make sure she loves this birthday~ (belated though. lol)


This is a very wasted day. Man, I'm kinda lag, I just recently got
addicted to the taiwanese drama "Fated to love You". lag right.. LOL!

Its like one piece la, making me laugh at every possible laughable
scene xD I better remember to bring liuqiao's present to school tmr..
I'm so pro at forgetting important things.. at least I didn't forget to
sms her at midnight! huahaha~ Although I kinda bet she's asleep...


*Audience is amazed and looks at him like a hero*


*Audience stares at him, all hopes dashed*


*Audience prepares to die*

hehe~ just something I laughed at from the drama that I rmbed xD

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Ah.. this was a ridiculous morning.. MYUK pouch says "Make damned sure",
everything written on the pouch makes little or no sense at all.. rofl xD sorry
random thought

anyway back to this morning, I should've made an earlier morning call to
shuwei LOL! nvm, 经一事长一智!I shall know better next time xD So in-
stead of meeting at 8.45am as planned, it was pushed back to 9.15? lol!
when I was rushing to go to clementi, 4 buses passed in front of me.. I was
busy smsing and forgot to flag the 5th bus and it just drove right past me,
I would have exploded if a 6th bus didn't come almost immediately xD

So we met.. and the whole MRT trip to pasir ris was amazingly long.. its
a very mental thing actually.. it actually only takes 45minutes, which is
kinda normal for those people who take 97 home I guess? It felt.. so long..
It was a sleepy and tiring ride.. considering the time we both got up.

bus 403 is one of the most irritating buses I've ever needed to ride.. we
waited for like.. 20minutes? it didn't even show signs of arriving, 358,
the bus that goes to downtown east.. came millions of times.. I think it
would've been better if we had walked frm downtown east to the kiosk
in the middle of pasir ris park.. and so, we decided not to waste our time
and we headed to white sands to shop instead.. didn't buy much, but I
did buy some stuff, haha~

lunch was at subway. the 5.90 value meal was worth it! haha, but I guess
I somehow caused shuwei to go broke.. ps!

Shuwei told me that the newest section of the army put their ranks at
their chest there LOL, instead of being normal and putting it at the
shoulders.. weird lol. wanted to take pictures of their mass gathering at
subway but decided not to incase we get rifle-d.

talked alot (I just love this about 2-person trips), and before we knew it,
it was one. Time to collect blog-shop stuff~

The missy-GerGer person (the one who orders for the sprees) was to me,
surprisingly chio lol.. she looked like a model for any of the spree pics xD

went to tamp mall and walked around somemore.. tamp 1 looked alot
newer than tamp mall, even though it is xD we passed by "SayCheese"
restaurant haha!

Failed to witness the 238 bucks dress my mum bought at Blum and Co. for
my cousin's wedding dinner.. aw, guess I'll just have to wait..

I might really join the guitar cca.. Its weird to bring a guitar to school.

*EDIT* 22:38


I watched on TV just now.. a taiwanese show, about some people who can
perform to get votes, and this no. of votes would determine how much
money they would be paid for it.. the max was 12,000 taiwan bucks.. which
is 600 SGD. Quite pathetic if you ask me, they are people who cause you
to cannot help but feel sorry for them..

My mum called me in to watch the on-going performance just now.. it was
about this black dog, which was quite huge, which doesn't have any front
legs at all, it was literally running, standing, moving with its hind legs alone,
just that sight alone made me sad.. the owner refused to take away its life,
as cruel as it seems, the owner loved the dog, so much that he spends alot
of money trying to provide the dog enough energy to keep active with just
2 hind legs.. and obviously, at that point in time, I was thinking,

"There must be nothing else in the world which the dog would love more
than its owner."

I saw the trained handicapped dog performing.. and I just couldn't watch
till the end, it wrecked me inside out :( I want dogs, and I don't want them.
I can never bear to watch one die.

I would guess that their score definitely hit 12,000, or somewhere near
there. taiwanese are nice in nature.

Can I receive a living dog which won't die?


Friday, August 21, 2009


The chinese cheng yu ce shi thing nearly killed me last night.. lol...
the last time I got exposed to so many cheng yu was.. when I was
8? LOL. Its terrifyingly demoralising when people know cheng yu(s)
that I don't and they say its very easy... ah well, I'm gonna get some
sweets from Siqi if I hit a 20/30 for the cheng yu section~ hoho~

Went to watch 吓到笑! with Ailing, Lydia and Liuqiao LOL, its been
around 2 years since I last went out with Ailing and Lydia... ever since
we changed classes that is.. it feels so nice to be back again.

Yet another typical make-me-laugh-like-siao film by jack neo xD its
seriously not horror to me la(opinion), the comedy totally covers up
the horror, it made me laugh until I cried LOL! I shall quote smth
which made my stomach hurt so much!


A: "(Some were in hokkien) eh.. 这个compass你会不会读?"
B: "会啦!aiyo! 这么容易!"
A: "Eh.. 那个 "N" 什么意思?"
B: "你笨的啊?这么容易也不会!N 是指 "Nan(南)(South)" 啦! "
A: "哦。。 er.. 那个 "S" 什么意思?"
B: "er.. "S" 啊?应该是指 "西(Xi, he mistook for Si)" 啦!"
A: "真的吗?你会不会是搞错了啊?"
B: "Eh hello, 我是绝对不会错的 ok!"
A: "er... "W" 什么意思?"
B: " W 啊?简单咯!当然是指 Women 咯!所以如果你看到它指向
Women 的话,你就不要过去,因为很多 Women 会很危险!"


LOL, for god's sake they were doing re-service for the army LOL!!
Its ridiculous not to understand the compass XD

Oh god, jack neo rocks XD they included a continuation of money not
enough 2 lol.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Talked about so many things today with some people.. LOL.
I can't believe I can actually laugh at what I say until my jaw
tires out.. LOL

I realise walking home from clementi MRT station is quite tiring..
but it allowed me to see how some old ppl spend their time sitting
at the void decks, quite ke lian la.. I looked at one and turned away
when he noticed me, he had loneliness in his eyes ..

The fact that I actually walked home from the station is abnormal
by itself xD

I can't wait to cycle on saturday! woo!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Just wanted to show these AMAZING shots of the dragon at the deep inferno
5-star course in pangya, its graphics are seriously better than alot of RPGs. LOL!
School ended at 1 today, like every other wonderful monday of
the week, but we had physics at 3.. so we just went Vivo to eat
at pizzahut and come back.

Jiali was dam kelian LOL, she kept saying she had to puke, u know,
the food stuck in the mid of the gullet or smth that kind of feeling.
I took multiple trips to the toilet just because I greedily drank 3
glasses of Pepsi.. and the pizzahut glass quite big lo.. This feels
EXTREMELY fat.. and EXTREMELY sick.. T_T I had horrible
stomachache somewhere near the end of physics... indigestion is
contagious... no more pizzahut for me for now..

My stomach was so upset I couldn't eat much of the wonderful
curry at night either.. :(

Physics result was kinda.. disappointing? although I'm kinda happy
the teacher counted my marks wrongly and I jumped from a B4 to
a B3 as a result xD gee...1 more mark to A2... I expected an A for this
test.. man, I always screw my term 1 and 3..


Yay! Etrue spree stuff FINALLY arrived.. its been forever.. I almost
forgot about it.. but YAY! LOL. because of that, I can go pasir ris park
to cycle~ wooo~ :D


I saw on the news after dinner just now.. quite long ago actually.. about
the hurricane that hit some taiwan mountain village area which brought
major disaster to the people living there on 08/08, one day before our
nation's birthday LOL, inauspicious..

My heart just burned badly when I saw people crying over the lives of
relatives which were lost in the chaos.. but can see many people risking
their lives to save those struggling in the gushing stream & rain, and the
people who cried tears of joy to find out that their closed ones were still
alive.. It was sad.. so damn sad. I wonder why my life is so different from
theirs? That's why I say, Singapore is seriously the best place in the world
you can be.

I shall recover from the extreme sadness, but aw, its so sad T_T

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Art dateline extended to 22nd Sept! woo! haha! :D that's such an
amazing extension.. hope I'll drop less hair now, lol.

I've been painting non-stop for both days.. tues and wed of this
week.. from 8-12+ pm BOTH nights. God I totally felt like dying
for the past 2 days..

-1 hour later-

lol, I'm left with question 6 of phy assignment 10, I'm turning into
some freak.. not motivated to game anymore LOL. The wonders
stress can do to a person

Its friday tomorrow, I wonder if I'll play volleyball or play card
mahjong? LOL, first period rocks.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


same title again.

I had a surprisingly fuzzy feeling today lol, it takes one completely by
surprise when you get thanked for by a person who almost NEVER
shows their appreciation. dunno what emo to type for a fuzzy face..
maybe #_#?

yh's birthday today LOL. her dad gave her a watch worth more than
200 dollars.. o-m-g -.- the.. some restaurant at ViVo next to Page One
totally scam our money man! its like 9.90 when BREEKS is like 6.90,
and BREEKs is MUCH nicer and MUCH more filling.. nvm, at least now
can warn ppl not the eat there~

After shopping at 4 shops only, sw, grace, yh and me decided to head
home.. Sandra left earlier xD As usual.. I took 166 home, and amazingly
it came the moment I stepped onto the bus-stop, YH refused to take
166 with me... T_T and I thought I'd have to sleep and listen to music
and stone the whole way home.. but SURPRISINGLY (I've had too
many surprises in one day), Zheng xiao boarded my bus at the RV bus-
stop LOL, so qiao la! Its like, exact timing, exact bus... it was a random
time.. like 5+? she just finished her tennis trials.

Ohya, I just rmbed what I left out aft stoning awhile with my mind blank.

She told some of us (those who got tricked) that our inner teeth had smth
dirty there and made us open our mouth and stuffed the rolled up bunch
of scorch tape into our mouths LOL! why did I get tricked?! T.T damm...
yunhan didn't fall for it.. and kendrick went to stick tape onto my hair
right aft I got bullied! I Used to think taekwando or judo would never ever
be of use in today's society but I realise you cn chop ppl when u bushuang..

I still don't get why they keep saying yanran impale ppl, can someone tell
me the BG story? LOL

Monday, August 03, 2009


God.. I finished Hana Yori Dango manga in 2 days..
its the best manga I've ever read man O_O READ IT!!
(even though I've watched the j-drama long ago xD)

if One Piece was a 10/10, HYD would be a 10/10.
its like, the best shoujo *_*

ok enough with manga.. I felt kinda noob yesterday.. I spent like 10mins
in the afternoon trying to force the contacts into my eyes but kept failing
cos I couldn't help but blink and my eyelid jus kept coming down... it was
so frustrating.. LOL, the same thing happened for 10mins at night too...
aft yunhan left the house, i waited for about an hour before trying again,
and I got the first contact in in 2mins and the second one in in 5 secs.. LOL!

so right, to me its some sort of an achievement ~
congratulate me! haha

right, I just rmbed, had my first guitar lesson with liuqiao, yongen, pnghang
and charlene on saturday, its 5-6pm at the Bukit Batok C.C. xD its not very
far from my house, so its kinda convenient huaha~ its kinda nice to learn a
musical instrument, guitar is such a fantastic instrument to learn, sadly its
harder than learning piano..

aft the lesson we went to have dinner at the mcdonalds outside westmall, its
kinda cool and crazy at the same time since 5 of us were holding our guitars
like some soliders holding rifles and going to war LOL! so many ppl were
staring at us.

oh ya, the shaker fries thing tt comes with every upsized meal that was
introduced just recently in mcs, i felt so stupid.. i went to pour the seaweed
powder onto the fries directly and totally ignored the existance of the paper
bag they provided.. LOL! (by right you're supposed to pour the fries into the
bag and then the powder and then shake,shake,shake.. so yeah, i felt like a
complete idiot T_T)

seriously, why am I dropping so much hair? ...