Monday, September 07, 2009

rubbish picking~

as the title suggests.. classes 4D(my class), 4K, 4L and 2A went to east
coast park today to pick rubbish! and unluckily/luckily, our location was
at carpark G, the one at the FURTHEST end.

I woke up at 7am this morning and got everything prepared really fast..
den yunhan told me the prev day to wait downstairs at 7.50am for her
dad's car.. and I was down there at 7.45am because I'm supposed to
wait for the car and not the other way round.. and she smsed me at
8.01am to tell me that she just left her house.. I shan't further
elaborate on how the rubidium reacted with the 70% fluid in my body..

Jesslyn told me at 8am that they reach bedok MRT alr while I only
left my in yh's car at 8.11am LOL! we reached carpark G at 8.48am
while those that took MRT and had to 'hike' to carpark G reached at
9+ LOL! omg and I was thinking we're gonna be late.. To kill time.. I
played some stupid games on my phone and yh's psp, and I realised
how bad I am at driving(PSP game) LOL! I wan to play the bubble
shooter game on samsung touch screen phone! D:

the picking rubbish only lasted like.. 10mins? and I was picking sea-
shells together with rubbish all the way LOL, my mum was so happy
when I gave her the collected seashells xD Drawing on the sand was
fun.. I realised living in the west minimises my chance of doing sand

even tho it was supposed to last 3 hrs.. it lasted only.. half an hr? 1 hr?
LOL! we cheated the CIP hours~

curses.. bingle made us wait so long for him at bugis junction.. he's
lucky I wasn't hungry to the extent of feeding on my hunger to fill
myself.. but he paid the GST and service charge for us at V8 Cafe!

I read some blogs and I'm really looking forward to the juniors'
performances!! :D

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