Friday, September 04, 2009


Ytd on the bus, there was an emergency brake and I literally flew
forward (I was standing) and I totally fell on this guy.. some person
I don't know.. Throughout the whole braking thing, I couldn't pull
myself away, I just kept apologising and staying in the awkward
position.. T_T so embarrassing..

Today was dam tiring.. we wanted to watch the time traveller's
wife at orchard cineleisure.. the movie was at 2.50pm, but we
couldn't make it in time.. by the time we reached there, it was
alrdy 3.05pm and the tickets were all sold out, in the end we had
to decide bet. some nc16 dance movie whose name I no longer
bother to remember.. and G-Force.. in the end we chose the nc16
one.. it was the suckiest movie I have EVER watched. Don't
watch it. LOL!

That was the day which I made myself walk the FASTEST. It
still ended in disappointment.. :( But ah well, I like squad outings
anyway xD

I need to motivate myself to study too.. no group study sessions
for me anymore.. lesson learnt from last year.. put friends near
me and I'll just talk the day away... even if I'm talking to myself..

I hope I visit my blog to remember what I'm supposed to remember..
There's PE theory test on IVLE~

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