Saturday, September 19, 2009


When I get the guitar photos from yen on facebook I'll post them
here :X hopefully her comp doesn't hang again LOL.

I've been wasting my time for the past few days.. couldn't get much
work done, altho I'm kinda sure alot of ppl are like me anyway LOL!

I'm alone at home right now, haven't been alone at home at all for I
dunno how many months/years alr, lol.

The song the teacher told us to practise will definitely kill me... the
pause we agreed on at every change-in-chord before we play the
melody again was dam funny LOL! we just pause, then they change
fingering e.g. C to G7 then G7 to F chord, sometimes I'm playing
chords too.. den i shout "go" then all of us play again. LOL, by right
we can't do this, but he said that if anyone lags behind, that person
has to solo the song LOL! we're all nice ppl that don't want to sabo
each other~ ok la actually its just because we all have equal chances
of being that noob that's left behind.. LOL. except pnghang, she's
damn pro man! O_O

I'm actually starting to skip meals again... this time I swear I'll have
the determination to reach 52-50kg. anything below that and I'll be
too thin le LOL! Haven't eaten anything since I woke up.. I'm kinda..
starving, but I'll get used to it.. T_T


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