Sunday, September 27, 2009


I have to study, I really, REALLY have to start getting serious LOL!

ok I've told myself that several times..
I didn't even finish half of what I planned to finish today..

everybody else is mugging like hell.. and I've been a total slacker..
I swear.. tomorrow I'll NOT on the comp! (unnecessarily hehe..) as
long as I'm not preparing for language arts paper.. I WON'T on the
comp either! I'm gonna mug mug mug UNTIL I DIE! that includes..

hm, I wonder why ppl think that art students have a better life?
because that's totally untrue.. Its kinda hard to explain why.. but
when you do it, you'll know why, pretty much?

weight-wise, I realise it can't drop any more from me just skipping
meals.. after exams I shall start exercising, haha.

talking about after exams.. a HUGE trial awaits me, I'm still thinking
about how to go about doing it.. hmm.. will I end up regretting it? ah
well.. better than to regret not trying at all for the rest of my life!

study. study. study.


I have a pop-up blocker that shows me a pop-up telling me it has
blocked a pop-up... genius.

"sometimes all it needs is to just say it!"

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Jiahui Jiejie and Zhiyong Jiefu's WEDDING!

Finally got myself to upload these photos to blogger! OMGOSH. the
wedding of my cousin Jiahui jiejie and zhiyong jiefu was amazing man!
it was so grand. Held at the holiday inn hotel I think? opps, anyway,
here's my congratulations to both jiahui jiejie and zhiyong jiefu! Its
finally time to wed, how long has it been? when you guys first dated,
I remember I was only primary 1! that was like, 9 YEARS AGO!

May you both live in bliss and enjoy this long-lasting love for the rest
of your lives! :D

The torture of the bridegroom has begun.. it started with chilli biscuits.. OUCH!

From my knowledge, he tolerates spiciness, so they said he finished the task
easily while his "brothers" suffered LOL! hahaha!
This was the real challenge, he has dreaded chicken feet all his life! LOL

Still~ forced to swallow it LOL! HAHAHA, darn, he didn't have a
scrunched up face!
The pink vow sheet was written by I think the bridesmaids? LOL.. it was
so funny when they let us hear him say it aloud during the wedding dinner!
He tried to locate the correct key to the room but all 5 keys turn out to be
wrong LOL! but he did enter the room later on, hahaha
aw! image self-explanatory! xD

Jiefu so shuai! Jiejie so gorgeous! HAHA

YAY! Ow family female cousins!~ I love that traditional gown..

JINGCHA! that's me and my bro haha!

I forgot why we laughed LOL.

Their wedding car! its so super cute, zhiyong jiefu was the driver all the way

In the hotel suite. OW family male cousins! (obviously one of them is my bro)
all the lao das are sitted HAHA!
ME and OW family female cousins and cousins' girlfriends! both of them are on
the right side haha! (both me and bro are the youngest)

Finally at the dining hall, while waiting for the ROM my cousin took a
picture of me HAHA!
(Hopes that no adults visit) I DRANK RED WINE! 3 MOUTHS OF IT! HAHA!

yeah.. bitter, but to me its still acceptable~ do I actually look drunk? cos I'm
nowhere near drunk! muahaha
bro looks so sleepy ..

Me and charmane jiejie!
Bro, me and wanchan! (mother side cousin)

My favourite wedding photo of all~

Saying the "I-do(s)" it was so sweet

Evening gown! omg I love it so much!

CHEESE~ mass of cousins

Finally last photo, another random shot at the lobby area outside the dining
The wedding was amazing. Though it was kinda weird since she's the first
one among all the ow family children to get married! and it feels weird! but

Saturday, September 19, 2009


When I get the guitar photos from yen on facebook I'll post them
here :X hopefully her comp doesn't hang again LOL.

I've been wasting my time for the past few days.. couldn't get much
work done, altho I'm kinda sure alot of ppl are like me anyway LOL!

I'm alone at home right now, haven't been alone at home at all for I
dunno how many months/years alr, lol.

The song the teacher told us to practise will definitely kill me... the
pause we agreed on at every change-in-chord before we play the
melody again was dam funny LOL! we just pause, then they change
fingering e.g. C to G7 then G7 to F chord, sometimes I'm playing
chords too.. den i shout "go" then all of us play again. LOL, by right
we can't do this, but he said that if anyone lags behind, that person
has to solo the song LOL! we're all nice ppl that don't want to sabo
each other~ ok la actually its just because we all have equal chances
of being that noob that's left behind.. LOL. except pnghang, she's
damn pro man! O_O

I'm actually starting to skip meals again... this time I swear I'll have
the determination to reach 52-50kg. anything below that and I'll be
too thin le LOL! Haven't eaten anything since I woke up.. I'm kinda..
starving, but I'll get used to it.. T_T


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Lol after school today, me, ruoling & yunhan went to the.. villa something
to eat at the hawker centre there. The cashier, who was an old geezer,
gave us very lousy service.. We were digging for money and he just kept
saying "(In chinese) Hurry up la, we're closing liao!" He said in a SUPER
rude way.. he even threw our change at us, the one dollar coin even fell
down.. Me and ruoling were really on the verge of exploding but decided
against it since quarrelling would only cause trouble..

Thank god their food is damn nice! xD The chef and order-taker were
nice unlike him..

Art was not progressive today.. let's see how much I can finish tmr~
I'm lucky cuz I'm kinda near completion xD

I regret forcing myself to run 4 rounds in under 10 minutes on monday..
I can't walk properly now and my right thigh hurts like...........
at the first round I wanted to stop and walk..
at the second round I wanted to stop and walk..
at the third round I saw guys who were alr at their fourth round..
I.. wanted to stop too but jesslyn kept on running..
at the fourth round I wanted to stop and walk..
at half the last round.. jesslyn went ahead of me..
I was finishing..
so I just kept running till the end..
I couldn't breathe at all while doing that..
Nearly hyperventillated again..
I should run more..

One should not force oneself to run if one hasn't ran for such a long time.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


LOL? Are my eyes playing tricks on me?

maybe they have male fashion.. but I just laughed so hard
when I saw that xD
you just have to watch this LOL, about this guy being the stupid
student and the teacher by himself, ITS HILARIOUS, I watched
it more than 5 times and I still laugh like mad each time LOL!
LOL kopitiam funny prank.. I think done by the same 2 guys who
did the RK house No Pork xD

its so friggin' kiampa-ish LOL

Friday, September 11, 2009


Its 9/11.. sad to think that a few years ago a tragedy occured in
new york.

I felt horrible when I received yunhan's sms on my way to school to
continue painting my O level final piece. I felt so horrible I couldn't
even bitch about it to anyone -.- But my anger doesn't last at all, so
it simmered down and I was completely back to normal 1 hour aft
the msg, LOL!

We agreed to go to school to do our art a day before, and at that point
in time, I didn't know about anyone else who was going, and I would
never go to school to paint alone, art room is amazingly boring n creepy

then when I happily boarded the bus to school, halfway through, she
finally smsed me, saying, "eh i not gg today liao -___- my parents
cannot fetch today so i stay back after phys tmr" What a fantastic
friend she is, isn't she? I've never been so .. SURPRISED at being
pang-seh-ed in my entire life man! my parents didn't fetch me either,
I actually took the effort to wake up and prepare and GO TO SCHOOL.
I even cancelled lunch at home because I thought somebody would
be going out to eat with me after art. And that somebody became
nobody and I just got banished home again after art, there wasn't
even maggie mee at home, I even had to go downstairs to buy or I'll
probably starve till dinner.

What made me mad was not her pangseh-ing, it was her lack of a
sense of guilt. Wouldn't a normal person apologise?
Besides.. she could have at least informed me beforehand...

damn! I'm becoming angry again, ARRRF!

I forgave her after I heard about what happened to her on tues, LOL.
She might complain about it to anyone who asks, LOL!

I've been feeling so extremely bored these days. I can't even be
entertained by the comp as I normally would be anymore.. I
wanna watch sorority row~

@______________________@ AHHH

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I've finally found a phone that I really want.
OMG SONY ERICSSON AINO! :D Its like the LG crystal, it has touch
screen AND keypad! just that it doesn't have a see-through keypad.

but still.. its such a very, VERY gorgeous phone *_*
when is it out in singapore?

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


ROD was fun! At least I found it fun. the handover was over really fast..
i was expecting draggy rehearsals.. It turned out quite alright, for us who
haven't been exposed to foot drill for who knows how long.

About the games, the amazing race xD It was quite shocking that we
went in first, I never expected that, but it was probably kinda unfair
since we're a bonded squad, many of the tests could b settled really
fast! HAHA xD the prizes were so amazing, I wasn't expecting to get
so much food! and at the right time! xD

The following photos are stolen from charlene on facebook :X

lol the invitation cards, it had beautiful women drawn on it~ I wonder
who drew it, quite talented LOL


I uh.. dunno what we were trying to do, this photo looks amazingly
random xD
Woo! The year 3s danced "sorry sorry" by super junior and "nobody" by
wonder girls for us! they all rock, I was vry amazed, in the midst of EOYs,
they still dig out time to practice the dance, so touching T.T same for the
year 2s n 1s~ It made me want to learn how to dance nobody xD
Year 2s! :D

Last but not least, year 1s!
The dances all looked very effortful and well-prepared, considering the
time of the year it is right now. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole entire
ROD concert.. I can't believe I actually felt emotional -.- I thought I won't
at all.. since anytime before today I was wishing to get out of SJ asap...
The most important thing that I realised today was that...
the experiences that st john gave me, are experiences that are 1000x
better than that of ANY other CCA. I'm very sure everything I've been
through in st john will stay with me for the rest of my life.
Thank God today's not the end for my squad, heh! :D
Thx for the farewell gifts and food and performance etc.
Thank you lihui for the belated present! it was a real surprise for me!
I'm leaving my CCA.. and to think I'll be leaving my class soon..
sigh, 16 is a sad, sad age.

Monday, September 07, 2009

rubbish picking~

as the title suggests.. classes 4D(my class), 4K, 4L and 2A went to east
coast park today to pick rubbish! and unluckily/luckily, our location was
at carpark G, the one at the FURTHEST end.

I woke up at 7am this morning and got everything prepared really fast..
den yunhan told me the prev day to wait downstairs at 7.50am for her
dad's car.. and I was down there at 7.45am because I'm supposed to
wait for the car and not the other way round.. and she smsed me at
8.01am to tell me that she just left her house.. I shan't further
elaborate on how the rubidium reacted with the 70% fluid in my body..

Jesslyn told me at 8am that they reach bedok MRT alr while I only
left my in yh's car at 8.11am LOL! we reached carpark G at 8.48am
while those that took MRT and had to 'hike' to carpark G reached at
9+ LOL! omg and I was thinking we're gonna be late.. To kill time.. I
played some stupid games on my phone and yh's psp, and I realised
how bad I am at driving(PSP game) LOL! I wan to play the bubble
shooter game on samsung touch screen phone! D:

the picking rubbish only lasted like.. 10mins? and I was picking sea-
shells together with rubbish all the way LOL, my mum was so happy
when I gave her the collected seashells xD Drawing on the sand was
fun.. I realised living in the west minimises my chance of doing sand

even tho it was supposed to last 3 hrs.. it lasted only.. half an hr? 1 hr?
LOL! we cheated the CIP hours~

curses.. bingle made us wait so long for him at bugis junction.. he's
lucky I wasn't hungry to the extent of feeding on my hunger to fill
myself.. but he paid the GST and service charge for us at V8 Cafe!

I read some blogs and I'm really looking forward to the juniors'
performances!! :D

Friday, September 04, 2009


Ytd on the bus, there was an emergency brake and I literally flew
forward (I was standing) and I totally fell on this guy.. some person
I don't know.. Throughout the whole braking thing, I couldn't pull
myself away, I just kept apologising and staying in the awkward
position.. T_T so embarrassing..

Today was dam tiring.. we wanted to watch the time traveller's
wife at orchard cineleisure.. the movie was at 2.50pm, but we
couldn't make it in time.. by the time we reached there, it was
alrdy 3.05pm and the tickets were all sold out, in the end we had
to decide bet. some nc16 dance movie whose name I no longer
bother to remember.. and G-Force.. in the end we chose the nc16
one.. it was the suckiest movie I have EVER watched. Don't
watch it. LOL!

That was the day which I made myself walk the FASTEST. It
still ended in disappointment.. :( But ah well, I like squad outings
anyway xD

I need to motivate myself to study too.. no group study sessions
for me anymore.. lesson learnt from last year.. put friends near
me and I'll just talk the day away... even if I'm talking to myself..

I hope I visit my blog to remember what I'm supposed to remember..
There's PE theory test on IVLE~

Wednesday, September 02, 2009


It was kinda amazing to watch the guitar instructor perform
21 guns by Green Day in front of us LOL! he was singing and
playing it on the guitar.. its SO AMAZING. It made me want
to quit guitar less now! :D

My Heart Will Go On can actually be played by the 1st string
alone.. so amazing.. I learnt the A, D and E family chords as
well, omg, today has been surprisingly less boring and more
productive, these 2 seldom coexist for me LOL!

Can someone encourage me to run? I really need to run..
its so strange how I can't find back that determination I
had During June-September 2007.

and yay, I got my tuner, don't have to beg ppl to tune for me le xD

Dunno if I should consider this a flaw of mine but..
as long as you put a "friend" beside me, I just can't shut up. LOL


I tried to make it in time for a 1st sept post.. lol
12.00am, nice time LOL!

I can't believe I finished chem, the DHS paper, its so amazing xD

I forgot to practice my guitar, again.
lessons resume tomorrow.. byebye teachers' day!