Thursday, June 04, 2009

I need money!

God. I'm in a real need of money!

and I thought ATMs were meant to be relied upon T.T

thankyou daddy for giving me 25 dollars

Went shopping with yunhan and liuqiao yesterday to get some
clothes.. they only brought like.. 50 dollars? and I brought more
than 3 times that... and damn.. i really regretted that.

i ended up spending 78 on a belt and a really gorgeous dress at
Valerie and 27 at NET on this casual top.. yunhan tried it at first
and I thought it looked nice so I tried it..
and i was the only one who ended up buying it.. LOL T.T

then there's.. Night at the Museum 2~ it was funny man, I
laughed till I teared at 2 scenes in the movie and the rest were
just fun laugh-offs xD
(I prefer Night at the Museum 1 though...)

Lol! and before the movie we were shopping at Valerie till the
movie starting time LOL! because we were at opposite ends of
the whole of JP (from the cinema).. we had to brisk walk all the
way, even made a special trip to the loo LOL! and guess what...
despite being like.. 15mins late for the movie? it was still in the
commercials.. LOL! although I semi-predicted that.. but still,
wow la! they scam so much of the movie time xD

before Valerie even.. we went to KFC to have lunch
(ok, why exactly am I posting backwards? LOL.)
they both bought the chicken wrap meal while I decided to buy
the ultimate value combo (revenge.)
the other day.. i bought the same thing and requested for original
chicken.. i got a small pathetic drumstick.

PRECISELY because of this...
i went back again for revenge! LOL! i got a crispy thigh.. its like
3 times the drumstick size? LOL! alright.. that sounded fat.. LOL!

ah my money! oh gorgeous money! don't sublime! don't leave me!
i want an income -.-

alright.. time to waste more tmr.. (they suggested swensens even!)
orchard next D:


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