Thursday, June 18, 2009


lol, can't wait for.. er, 7 hours+ from now xD wahoo~ i'm going cycling
(again) with phyllis and charlene~ gosh, I can't believe how much I
can't wait for it.. didn't go out with them at all yet so far for the hols

these are the donuts from donut empire! xD Some doorgift which both
my mum and my dad got(one person one box of 6 donuts leh!). they're
so beautiful and cute ... i wonder how i got myself to eat them T.T

lol i ate the pink one xD
yunhan and ruoling came to my house today.. wait no.. YESTERDAY.
originally we were supposed to discuss and start on physics but we spent
way more time cooking and playing daidi LOL! gosh, we made chawan
mushi and maggie udon for 4 people! (3 of us and my bro xD) God it was
so fun.. like one of the only times I actually COOK.

and i hate washing up.. T-T curse the cleanliness-freak-nature of mine..
wym came to stalk me in audi. LOL! xD Since the moment she logged in,
I could predict that, HAHA! XD played the WHOLE night.. xD me and
pirates stayed till.. 1+ lol.. playing the happy box thing and bp-ing to get
money for the happy box thing, LOL!

anyw, we had tonnes of fun xD like playing tab instead of normal, and
other stuff xD this was before wym came, amazing right? La Bouche -
Be my Lover, the super ultra mega long song.. 5 people scored over a
million, out of 6 people.. LOL! (top 4 from my FAM de :X) LOL!

wym join DeUnknowns la~ :D (LOL) ok i shall stop brain-washing..

riight.. i got some maryjanes thing worth 150k.. and a 5k shoe.. and a
7 day checked mini(i love it xD, its a cash item).. the den items i got
from exchanging 2k by 2k dens.. (ouch) i've spent well over 200k den
LOL! i got 100 happy tickets.. LOL.. the 2nd 50tics which i tried using
gave me the cash item xD woo~

haha ~ it has been such a fun night xD

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