Friday, February 06, 2009


wah, i've been feeling really PHYSICALLY horrible for the past
2 days, been having a slight fever and flu and yet i still go to
school. I really hate missing chemistry practical sessions as well
as art and language arts test.. so i had no choice but to attend

its been so long and i haven't even received my math results T.T

pills are horrible LOL! i'm supposed to take like 2x4 and 1+1 pills
and 10ml of cough syrup everyday, that's insane for me man! well,
that's the doctor's advice but i'm cutting down on the dosage of
fever pills :X like, by 2 xD

Everyone seems to be falling sick nowadays, i hope i don't spread
my illness to some other people.. going to school seeing everyone
happy and healthy is the best introduction to a new school day xD

there was this.. test on the level of self-esteem on wed and if you
score 0~4 it means that your self-esteem is high and good LOL!
me and yunhan both score 1 point ROFL! i couldn't believe there
was anyone in the class with self-esteem as high as mine LOL!
hi-5 man :X SELF-LOVERS FTW ROFL! haha :D

going tuition tmr, playing badminton with friends afterwards. hope
i'm well to play by then.. i haven't touched my own racket in years

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