Saturday, February 14, 2009

valentine's-actual day

yoo! omg.. i'm posting a little too often xD
anyway, went out in the afternoon with eve, pnghang and phyllis to watch
the curious case of benjamin button~ HAHA! it had a super nice storyline
but sadly its way too torturous for me to watch LOL! its like.. 2 hours and
46 minutes long? and there's too many boring scenes xD people all around
were sleeping and dozing off LOL!

my dad fetched all of us to tiong after he picked up eve and phyllis frm RV,
so nice right? HAHA! my valentine's day gift from him ba? we reached tiong
and ate at griller.. the coke was like.. jug-like, sadly i forgot to take photos of
it LOL! its so interesting~ pnghang came after we sorta finished our lunch...
oh ya reminds me, the movie ticket is like.. 10 dollars.. my heart totally
smashed.. i spent way over-budget today, argh!

During the movie there was this guy who went "HO-HO" at a funny scene..
and it was like.. he was the only one l-o-l-ing and furthermore it sounded so
damn retarded LOL! phyllis started laughing at his laughter and i joined in
followed by eve LOL! we were laughing at the guy's hoho but eve was laughing
cos phyllis wouldn't stop LOL! it was a total awkward situation LOL! pnghang
only giggled (i think, LOL!) phyllis fell asleep like twice.. pnghang slept LOL!
that's how boring it was i guess? LOL!

after the movie we walked around and shopped and eve bought the name-
sticker thingy LOL! i never thought about purchasing that kinda things.. and
i actually kept thinking which was better to me LOL, winnie the pooh or mickey
mouse! HAHA! i think i have a warped mind which thinks many unecessary
stuff LOL! ok.. the english there sounded.. strange.. LOL!

after that they all accompanied me to boonlay MRT cos i had to go to jurong
point.. damn touched can? somemore eve had to go home early.. and phyllis
lived at tiong and she still came along! when we were ar tiong! so gan dong can?
pnghang was also nice la! she supported my idea of going to JP T.T aww, i have
such great friends! LOL! you guys rock!

i went to JP to look for my audi FAM people.. haha, they're actually cousins.. so
i felt super awkward the first time i met them! its like, they've known for forever
LOL! while i'm a total stranger! LOL! anyway they're super nice people! LOL!
Raven, Gohrilla and Bullet! xD 17, 28, 16 respectively! haha! the ages shouldn't be
wrong ba? xD i saw the photos of Gohrilla's sons.. one 6 years and one is 4, they
are super cute la! omg! LOL!

Me and Gohrilla "da-jie" LOL! (that's what Bullet calls her xD) she recommended
the fish spaghetti thing so i tried it.. couldn't finish like half the pasta LOL! she's so
pretty and young la! doesn't look like a mother of 2 to me! LOL!

This was taken at Griller.. the place we went for lunch LOL! candid right?
thanks to my expertise in photography! LOL JOKING MAN! xD
Valentine's is coming to an end! treasure your other half/friends forever! not
only during festivities like valentine's LOL! xD oh.. just wanna share sth interesting
we saw today. outside the GV tiong bahru female toilet, there were many guys
waiting outside LOL! its like so cool la! they're all waiting for their girlfriends who
were in the toilets! LOL! it just looks so sweet! HAHA!
alright, its been a fun-filled yet energy-draining day! LOL! goodnight! :D

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