Thursday, February 26, 2009

16th Birthday

I thought that this year's birthday was the best birthday I have ever had!
there were so many things that happened that made me wanna cry.. like, super
touched.. makes me realise so many things about my friends.. like their superr
VALUABLE smiles they show to me and stuff.. ya, like this very first photo.. i
mean, its such a precious sight!

anyway, this post will seem to go backwards because I'm sorta beginning with
what happened at night in my house.. look! the sky's dark, can tell right? LOL!

These people.. are my WONDERFUL SQUAD MATES FROM CCA! T.T they totally
rock! In school they deafened my ears by screaming the birthday songs in both
languages into my ears.. that alone was enough to made me close to tears.. and I
could never have guessed.. they would give me a surprise visit in the middle of my
huo guo dinner at night LOL! i was TOTALLY SURPRISED. I couldn't utter much
besides "omg, omg omg!" LOL... I've never been so touched in my life! After that I
was already visualising them going out after a whole day of tiresome activities and
returning home so late in the night!


More photos.. thank god my mum insisted on taking them.. so precious! :D
Their smiles are.. so.. geniune!

yeah.. this was before the SURPRISE VISIT! we were just beginning to have our
huo guo dinner XD notice how no one else poses but me.. LOL

This year's cake is really pretty :D perhaps its good to have twins, you save on
one cake! LOL! xD
This was in school! they were all eating recess and we're cutting the cake LOL! xD
another super touching incident T-T i just realise how much i love these things!

That's HOW the turtle should sit! LOL.. not head face ground HAHA although
that's the reason why i like ths turtle series :X
Yunhan, turtle, jiali, me and shuwei respectively! :D

Me and Xinyi darling! :D

The tarts phyllis gave me xD 3 are in my stomach, 3 in bro's LOL! nice!

Capsule letter bottles! :D one is from wym a long time ago! LOL! and the other
from my class :D I totally enjoy reading these things! :D

Gift from the squad! "We Glow" LOL :D WE DO!

Gifts! some are from people who gave them to me quite some time ago O.O

Acknowledgement of cakes time! LOL CHOCOLATE cake sincerely and super-well-ly
made by SHUWEI and YUNHAN! i love the cake, its so NICE! thanks guys!! :D

Oreo cheese cake made for me by xinyi! its super super nice! but the only sad
thing is there isn't any left :(

The fruit cake from Four Leaf LOL! its super nice la! all the cakes are super nice as
a matter of fact! LOL! (the knife is fascinating to me .. LOL, i must be weird)
anyw, just wanna say thanks to everyone who have wished me happy birthday and
those that have moved me(NOT physically) and celebrated my birthday with me in
the tiniest or biggest way! I LOVE YOU ALL! this is a birthday, a 16TH birthday
a WONDERFUL 16TH birthday, because I am lucky to have such fantastic friends!

Monday, February 23, 2009


lol, went CIP today at care corner near commonwealth MRT xD it was some
neighbourhood event.. haha, alot of old people turned up.

it was freaking, the number of goodie bags available.. LOL! like grass patch...! there
was conditioner and alot stuff inside, GOOD stuff! LOL!

tada! me, qiao zi and charlene! HAHA, this was when the whole CIP nearly ended..
kinda.. slack behaviour.. rofl!

this was when we were at the goodie bag counter 1! me, charlene and yuting! haha!
don't we look happy? *cocks brow* LOL.. the "volunteer" and "auntie" image...

yay! finally got the photos from xy darling ^^ us at the bench at the beach at pasir
ris park watching the ocean and feeling the breeze and chatting alot! LOL.. well.. it
did suddenly started raining.. so we cycled all the way back to the kiosk
This was taken at tamp mall GV the cinema door area.. xD the lighting was kinda
cool to me so i wanted a photo taken there.. LOL! psh, actually this has recently
become my profile picture on facebook.. LOL! i've always wanted a picture with
xy! :D
took a photo of yuting and charlene hard at work! haha, we had to tear the coupons and
give the correct number of goodie bags.. like, make sure they don't claim more than they
should.. haha! it was like doing business, a good experience! xD
It could have been more crowded.. ALOT more crowded.. LOL! this was when the
queue started to disperse a little before it became packed again.. btw, that red balloon
belongs to liuqiao, LOL!
ah anyway.. this was my completed shading.. it didn't look that good under night
lightings.. haha.. probably looks better in the morning ~ LOL! i was glad i finally
finished it that day.. like a whole LOAD off my shoulders!

next week is definitely very stressful.. and tmr is so important i'm already starting
to rejoice silently. LOL! haha!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Lol, went out today with xinyi to celebrate our birthdays together xD
we've promised since a long time ago to do so, and yea, i don't wanna
break promises.. especially with someone who is so important to me in
my life. :)

photos will come maybe.. tomorrow or some other day, really have no
time to put them up today, probably due to laziness? and most of them
are with xinyi, so might as well put all of them up some other day! haha!

apparently i missed 2 very important events.. mock comp and eve's
birthday celebration T.T I'm feeling super bad now because of that! i
really wished i was there to wish her happy birthday and to see my jnrs
through mock comp.. but ah well, there are more important things in
my own life.. xD

xinyi made me a oreo cheesecake, it was quite big and squarish, it is the
best cake i've ever seen ANYONE our age make! LOL! again, the photo
of it will come later, but omg, its a gorgeous cake. she made it very late
last night after returning from cca, just so it stays fresh longer.. i'm so very
touched by that fact, she's really really my best friend.. and it'll probably
stay that way forever.. cake aside, she's really thoughtful and caring and
perfect as a really fantastic friend! I LOVE YOU DARLING! :D haha!

we went cycling for like, half an hour because we had to rush for a movie
at tamp mall and we're at pasir ris park and it started raining.. and the
uncle was super nice! he gave us this receipt saying that the time remain-
ing will be returned to us the next time we wanna cycle, he's damn nice!
I knew i was never blind about people who are nice and open-minded from
the very bottom of their hearts! I showed her the horses there and the sea,
it was nice and refreshing, we chatted about alot of things regarding her n
my own school life, and about the past.. its really been a long way! we've
known for nearly 7 whole years!

ha! and our long-time-ago wish was granted! we said onceuponatime that
when we both turn 16, we'll celebrate by watching NC16! haha! and we did!
:D its title is slumdog millionaire.. i really REALLY recommend the movie,
its one of the most epic movies i have seen since a very long time! its really
nice and heart-warming.. and beneficial to know.. the differences between
PG movies and NC16 movies.. they're probably worlds' apart! i really
enjoyed it! everyone should watch it! O_O! and they checked our ez-links..
LOL, apparently they only look at the year, so I got away.. anyway it was
only 3 days away, i don't believe they'll be so qianbian. HAHA!

It has been a SUPERBLY valuable and fulfilling day spent with xinyi, I'll
never forget these days.. since we rarely get to be together! sounds like a
couple in love? LOL haha.. xD

at night went to V8 (wym's recommendation) cafe at bugis junction LOL!
the food was fantastic! all of my family members said it tasted nicer than
swensens.. and it was SO much cheaper! went to shop around and didn't
really have time to buy clothes.. so i was sad! :( LOL!

home we went! didn't have time to eat the cake! I hope there's time tmr!
its CIP tmr, hope I'll turn all that stress into enjoyment! CIP is meant to
be enjoyed! so I'll enjoy it to the fullest! haha! and phyllis, thanks alot in
advance! you really understand sharon's wants! LOL! haha, a hug would
be good too? rofl! i'm kidding.. i might split into a billion pieces upon
contact with you! LOL, I'M JOKING! :X thanks a bunch phyllis! haha.. I
bet there will be more people I'll have to thank, even if its just a verbal
gift, everything is precious! :D


Thursday, February 19, 2009


didn't have time to post about this yerterday, but i just had to, LOL! tues during CID,
we were brought to NUS museum to look at some of the students' projects.. some were
really REALLY impressive but some were like crap! argh!

This entire room is one installation art project, everybody's wondering and exploring
around it~ lol :D i don't know if we were actually allowed to touch the papers on the
desk but look! one guilty culprit anyway, LOL! i can't tell who that is xD

oh ya! this was my favourite out of all the things i saw there! its a woodcut print.. and
its like, super gorgeous! it looks even nicer as the actual piece.. i wonder how some ppl
can have so much patience to do this, LOL! making a quarter of this would likely be
impossible for me alrdy, rofl!

HAHAHA! this student is called Lim Yew Kuan LOL! when i first looked at it cos
Jiali told me to, i totally mistaken it for Lee Kuan Yew LOL! so cool can? i was like
thinking, "omg the minister mentor actually does art!" LOL!

There was an even funnier incident, we went to write "sth sth Lelouch" and that
our country was Britainia/area 11, LOL! it was the guest book inside the museum,
i couldn't stop laughing when yunhan wrote that in, LOL! she's pro can? LOL!

anyway, valentine's cards from juniors and close friends! THANKS GUYS! :D I
love them and I'll treasure them for as long as I live!

More belated gifts! LOL, my teeth is seriously going to rot.. LOL! oh my god, I can't wait for the arrival of my birthday! LOL!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

happy birthday wym!


looks like we will both be 15 the-same-age for 6 days, LOL! *hint*
LOL! anyway, may all your wishes come true! xD

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


physics test was.. hopeless.. LOL! i'd be really glad if I can actually pass.. same
for chem since the teacher put it in such a scary way..

received quite a number of belated valentine's day gifts xD here are some of them
LOL! the pig nt counted rofl, i just saw it and it belongs to hoching.

look at the banana! its like, chao pei me can? LOL its my new handphone strap LOL!
the pig is like, a sheep-pig.. the first time i saw it i couldn't stop giggling cos it looks
totally retarded LOL.. similarly for the banana, i should start a collection on retarded
items rofl.

more edible stuff, the muffins yunhan&shuwei baked together rocks! its like, made
from cookie dough but it rocks as a muffin LOL! new discovery xD they hid like 6
sweets into 6 different muffins and thank god i didn't see it out of the 3 i ate LOL!
i'm gonna grow fat if i keep feeding myself with chocolates rofl, that's the only reason
why i'm sharing them with my bro, LOL!

i'm going to some NUS museum tmr, hope i'll enjoy my CID trip, LOL! while the others
are super busy chionging their PI etc. etc. HAHA!

Monday, February 16, 2009



wow, how long have we met for? this would be our 7th year knowing each other!
wow! LOL! anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING! may all your wishes come true!
sixteen is a sweet age! wait for me! HAHA~

anyway, felt random, decided to share on my art progress for today.. LOL!
i didn't exactly do much.. because i kept thinking about physics LOL! and my
other art project.. the gallery show thingy. i'm so terrified of tmr's physics!

Anyway this two pictures show what I've done for today.. from the first to the
second, i took like.. an hour? LOL! this shows that shading ain't easy!
appreciate the art baby! LOL

It doesn't look that nice and clear in photos for mine.. but i'm still quite proud of
what i can actually produce LOL! i thought mine would turn out like crap!

i understand the image might be disturbing for some people.. sorry!

sorry jesslyn.. i felt so bad for disappointing you i think.. i had to confess how I
really felt before i regretted it, ok.. most probably i have just shifted my
obligation.. but yeah, i DO feel guilty! i'm sorry!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

valentine's-actual day

yoo! omg.. i'm posting a little too often xD
anyway, went out in the afternoon with eve, pnghang and phyllis to watch
the curious case of benjamin button~ HAHA! it had a super nice storyline
but sadly its way too torturous for me to watch LOL! its like.. 2 hours and
46 minutes long? and there's too many boring scenes xD people all around
were sleeping and dozing off LOL!

my dad fetched all of us to tiong after he picked up eve and phyllis frm RV,
so nice right? HAHA! my valentine's day gift from him ba? we reached tiong
and ate at griller.. the coke was like.. jug-like, sadly i forgot to take photos of
it LOL! its so interesting~ pnghang came after we sorta finished our lunch...
oh ya reminds me, the movie ticket is like.. 10 dollars.. my heart totally
smashed.. i spent way over-budget today, argh!

During the movie there was this guy who went "HO-HO" at a funny scene..
and it was like.. he was the only one l-o-l-ing and furthermore it sounded so
damn retarded LOL! phyllis started laughing at his laughter and i joined in
followed by eve LOL! we were laughing at the guy's hoho but eve was laughing
cos phyllis wouldn't stop LOL! it was a total awkward situation LOL! pnghang
only giggled (i think, LOL!) phyllis fell asleep like twice.. pnghang slept LOL!
that's how boring it was i guess? LOL!

after the movie we walked around and shopped and eve bought the name-
sticker thingy LOL! i never thought about purchasing that kinda things.. and
i actually kept thinking which was better to me LOL, winnie the pooh or mickey
mouse! HAHA! i think i have a warped mind which thinks many unecessary
stuff LOL! ok.. the english there sounded.. strange.. LOL!

after that they all accompanied me to boonlay MRT cos i had to go to jurong
point.. damn touched can? somemore eve had to go home early.. and phyllis
lived at tiong and she still came along! when we were ar tiong! so gan dong can?
pnghang was also nice la! she supported my idea of going to JP T.T aww, i have
such great friends! LOL! you guys rock!

i went to JP to look for my audi FAM people.. haha, they're actually cousins.. so
i felt super awkward the first time i met them! its like, they've known for forever
LOL! while i'm a total stranger! LOL! anyway they're super nice people! LOL!
Raven, Gohrilla and Bullet! xD 17, 28, 16 respectively! haha! the ages shouldn't be
wrong ba? xD i saw the photos of Gohrilla's sons.. one 6 years and one is 4, they
are super cute la! omg! LOL!

Me and Gohrilla "da-jie" LOL! (that's what Bullet calls her xD) she recommended
the fish spaghetti thing so i tried it.. couldn't finish like half the pasta LOL! she's so
pretty and young la! doesn't look like a mother of 2 to me! LOL!

This was taken at Griller.. the place we went for lunch LOL! candid right?
thanks to my expertise in photography! LOL JOKING MAN! xD
Valentine's is coming to an end! treasure your other half/friends forever! not
only during festivities like valentine's LOL! xD oh.. just wanna share sth interesting
we saw today. outside the GV tiong bahru female toilet, there were many guys
waiting outside LOL! its like so cool la! they're all waiting for their girlfriends who
were in the toilets! LOL! it just looks so sweet! HAHA!
alright, its been a fun-filled yet energy-draining day! LOL! goodnight! :D


(i'm using my bro's comp, tts why i can post pictures! amazing? HAHA!)

gonna eat till my teeth rot, LOL! these are the edible gifts i got! LOL!
(notice theres a rose without a stalk, i demanded it frm hoching LOL! weird?)
ohh boy, my teeth IS going to rot if i eat all that by myself! LOL!! many ppl
actually hand-made their gifts.. more than i expected, at least.. i wonder how
they find the time? LOL! xD

Rose! its from eve + xinmun LOL! so pretty! its so pretty i didn't want to leave
it to die LOL! im trying to preserve it for a longer time by placing it in a bottle
of water HAHA! ingenious ehh? xD

Isn't this amazing? LOL! this is the single-handed work of tsesin! LOL (she's
obviously an art student xD) the bigger piece is actually done using nth but
tissue and pencil! LOL! ah! the wonders of talent! LOL, btw this was taken
on thursday xD

Hoching's! they're all so UBER talented! i'm so zibei being in the same class LOL!
I hoping my piece would turn out as nice as theirs xD so far only about a quarter done~

Tsesin and Jordyn's un-glam-ness HAHA! (Don't kill me if you see this ROFL!)
they're having fun pulling their skirts as high as possible LOL!!!

Taken quite awhile back using the macbook in the artroom HAHA! it looks
18th-century-ish! LOL

Chem test was hard, going out to watch benjamin button tmr! so many ppl
say its nice LOL! after that should be going to JP to meet FAM ppl.. they're
all so old lah! the youngest is like.. 3 months younger than me and the oldest
is like.. 28! LOL! anyway, happy v-day again! :D

Monday, February 09, 2009


Lol! so shuang, so far my year has been a good one since i've
been working tripley hard :X

maths test i got 30/30 rofl! xD as wished! LOL.. right, so far
my maths is kept at 100% because both my assignments got
20/20 also HAHA! LOL! maths rocks cos i can score :X

chem test n physics tests are up next~ i'll aim an A1 for chem
and i'll make do with a B or A for physics :X

Lang arts.. i don't even know if the test we did was graded, LOL!

year Ones coming in tmr, hope i can do a good job from then on~

anyway, END. LOL

Saturday, February 07, 2009

badminton was fun!

lol, I've decided to post more as long as I'm free.. actually
i'm not really free right now.. doing SCS homework LOL!
anyway, if you wonder why I decided on this, its because
some of my friends' blogs are younger than mine and their
post count is nearly double mine LOL!! Makes me feel that
this blog is kinda inactive lol xD

anyway, went to the tuition centre again today and since there
was no tuitioning, no gift-wrapping(due to some miscommuni-
cation on kw's part), melvin(one of the staff) gave us CIP to do
by asking us to clean up the function room a distance away. eve
and pnghang felt that it was rather a waste of time, but i didn't
think so because it was the first time i ever mopped LOL! since
i'm a pampered kid since young :X it was fun for me, watching
everyone clean-up together xD Their bicycles were so cool! they
were so new and so... PRETTY LOL! i wanted to ride and asked
melvin how we could but eve told me not to T.T WHY? LOL!
EXPLAIN!!! :X anyway she said one day I could go to her house
to ride her bikes! waha! i can't wait man LOL!

after that, yuting went home and eve, pnghang and me went to
clementi the newly opened super-squeezy shopping centre to
find food for lunch LOL! ended up eating in the hawker centre
because poor me was broke LOL. I'm so broke and i even went
to buy a hairband and 3 hairnets.. i'm so stupid LOL! now I don't
even have a single dollar in my wallet. anyway i ate ba kut teh :D

we brought badminton rackets.. so went to the clementi sports
hall and disappointed ourselves by finding out that we had to book
2 weeks in advance through phone calls and that it would be going
into maintanence from monday till 8 of march. T.T LOL! anyway,
we found a badminton court located not faraway from the sports
hall and played there for 2hours and 10mins (timed by eve, LOL!)
it was so tiring! but super fun LOL! I felt like I've slimmed down
but then again, that's just a delusion and its impossible to slim down
in just 2 hours LOL!

i'm too lazy to go into detail hehe, so i shall end here~

Friday, February 06, 2009


wah, i've been feeling really PHYSICALLY horrible for the past
2 days, been having a slight fever and flu and yet i still go to
school. I really hate missing chemistry practical sessions as well
as art and language arts test.. so i had no choice but to attend

its been so long and i haven't even received my math results T.T

pills are horrible LOL! i'm supposed to take like 2x4 and 1+1 pills
and 10ml of cough syrup everyday, that's insane for me man! well,
that's the doctor's advice but i'm cutting down on the dosage of
fever pills :X like, by 2 xD

Everyone seems to be falling sick nowadays, i hope i don't spread
my illness to some other people.. going to school seeing everyone
happy and healthy is the best introduction to a new school day xD

there was this.. test on the level of self-esteem on wed and if you
score 0~4 it means that your self-esteem is high and good LOL!
me and yunhan both score 1 point ROFL! i couldn't believe there
was anyone in the class with self-esteem as high as mine LOL!
hi-5 man :X SELF-LOVERS FTW ROFL! haha :D

going tuition tmr, playing badminton with friends afterwards. hope
i'm well to play by then.. i haven't touched my own racket in years

Sunday, February 01, 2009


omg.. i'm staring at the blank page and stoning cuz i'm trying
to remember what happened on sat LOL! omg. the senile age

eh, oh! i had tuitioning CIP at love heart centre like any other
saturday, and omg my tutee Nithya is super violent LOL! she
like.. keep tickle-attack me and her attention span couldn't go
anywhere beyond an hour. nvm.. i doubt mine could anyway
when i was pri 3 xD

aft that we went to IMM to eat, nth much, i kept staring at the
puzzle world shop because the 10% discount card my cousin
has isn't with me.. so i had to resist the temptation.. sad right?

today is a fat day. LOL!

actually.. i went to buffet in the afternoon cus my aunt's baby
is a month old, super cute LOL! it awoken my pedophile side
wahaha, rofl! (stop correcting my spelling LOL!) and then ate
at baystreet 21 for dinner (or was it 27? LOL! the senile again)

found out from my eldest aunt that her daughter started dating
at the age of 14 LOL! i'm like, "didn't you kill her? LOL" she was
so neutral.. i bet if that were me, my mom would've killed me
LONG ago. LOL! she's 20 now.. yeah.. we're 4 years apart xD
my eldest cousin and me are 11 years apart.. i'm the youngest
child on the paternal side (dammit, my bro's still older LOL!)

aunt told me alot about fate all those.. and what kind of guys to
get and the fact that getting a partner could prevent other ppl
from "attacking" you, it was really funny talk. LOL!! she taught
me and made me realise many things actually. rofl!

[blog-hopped to bro's fren's blog(LOL) and psh.. he changed so
much and even dated early LOL! he's the guy who always calls
me fat in primary school! i dunno whether to thank him or not
becus the reason why i went crazy for 3 months and lost 11kg
was because of what he called me, "hey! its henry's fat sister!"]

annoying bastard. psh! LOL!

ah well, pretty long post eh? :x for someone who's as tired as me
right now xD

maths test tomorrow, hope to score full marks. goodluck to all
the test-takers as well! haha, its february! a SUPPPERRRRR
IMPOORRRTANNNTTTT month! LOL *hint hint* rofl.
qianbian xD