Thursday, July 16, 2009


Had 1hr 20min of both lang arts and chinese.. its horrible, really mortifying..
lol.. gave me a BAD headache
(Even though it happens every thursday of the week, yeayea, I'll get used to it..)

Ah and MORE headaches.. this morning my maid woke me up at 5.15am
instead of 6.15am.. god, it was so, so wth, and I only realised after I've finished
preparing to go to school.. that includes TYING the FREAKING hair. I hate
this the MOST. but ah well, maybe god was preventing my nightmare from
continuing.. I had the weirdest nightmare EVER.

it was so scary I remember waking up trembling.. its about Yunhan comp-
letely AP-ing me at school while sitting right in front of me.. it was freaking
weird.. and strangely terrifying.. I can't rmb other details that really scared
me.. just abit of it.. I just rmb perfectly being so frightened about it when I
woke up. The part I remembered was that she took one of the food stuffs
that the form teacher bought for the class which was supposed to be mine
and she just threw it on the ground and stepped on it. Then guo laoshi
reprimanded her for it, she just looked at me with a UBER bushuang face
and she threw the cake I already got and smashed it on the floor as well..
then I think something worse happened after that.. but ah well, I'm one of
those people that never ever remembers my dreams.. just one while I was
still in lower primary.

God, all the Euphemisms I tried thinking of ended up as sarcasms, seriously
what's wrong with me LOL, can't I stop thinking of new ways to suan some-
body? lol.. sometimes you just look at people and you can't help but do so,
there has to be this part of the population that exists to entertain~ xD

ok, I'm kidding

ART! we're left with like a few days less than a month to complete our prep
work.. like 8 WHOLE BOARDS. god, how's that even humane? ok I DO agree
that we've been slacking.. ok maybe its just or-bi-quack. LOL, these few weeks
to come won't be easy.. I'll rest-assure -_-

Well, horrors aside, at least I can learn classical guitar~
woo! :D

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