Monday, July 20, 2009


God, seems like I'm near-temporarily quitting audi again..
Sometimes I really wonder why my bro is so influential, most of my dinner
choices are influenced by his decisions.. when I can't decide on something,
he chooses something random and I deem it the best, like, somehow.. LOL.

Twins. And telepathy really exists. LOL xD
its cool to be twins..
he made me "addicted" to pangya, its the only game I ever play now...
I've been cutting down ALOT on gaming... and I'm an idiot to have found
out about 1337 ONLY recently.. T_T

weee, that's the best thing I ever did, a near perfect 3-hole blue lagoon game xD
Hole-in-One on second hole and Eagle-d on 3rd. woo! I beat my bro, like one in
10,000 times...

I'm having tuition in 14hours...

I may just go on a diet again.. and run every weekend as well as the mornings in
school, there's a reason for my choice of the word "may". 50% chance I'd abide..
predictable LOL. Man, i regret eating like a pig today. xD

it was crystal jade (ate more than mum n bro) for lunch before harry potter and
BREEKS Cafe at night for dinner.. god, THIS FEELS FAT T.T

Even though harry potter wasn't that nice, but it ain't as bad as what all my friends
say either.. lol. At least this one was funnier than all the rest xD (in my opinion)

Orchard LIDO 1 totally AMAZED me. it really deserves the title of largest digital cineplex in SG

time passes so fast.. i'm always reminiscing about the times when we were still
young whenever I'm waiting for something with my parents, its really amazing
how parents love kids, even though they can be quite an annoyance at times

random thoughts. school again.. LOL

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