Friday, July 10, 2009

Gash Bell

Woo, I just spent S$10.45 on a blog shop item, god it looked so pretty, LOL
man I really should stop spending money on clothes..

'when you think you need something, you actually only want it'
ah well, since the fact is that all we humans ever need is air, food and water,
and a workable brain and immune system, organs.. and a body?

whooo~ GASH BELL is totally nice! I'm so addicted to the manga, just finished
chapter 233, its so nice, it pulled me away from One Piece, amazingly, lol..

that's obviously not from the manga haha, the manga's called Konjiki no Gash
Bell, I watched a bit of the anime a long time ago, like.. 3-4 years ago? or more?
anime is just Gash Bell lol, its really nice.. and cute.. and funny LOL.

That's a poster from Gash Bell Movie 1, its really nice.. I'm gonna read till the
latest chapter before I watch Movie 2.. lol, i'm so looking forward to it.

My interest in online gaming has.. died down alot since.. I don't know when lol..
ah well things happen, people change, its a cycle.. like the stupid retarded
digestive cycle I keep going on and on about.. people eating their own shit and
stuff, LOL.. ok that's just crazy, imagine a world deprived of food. it might just
happen, tsk.

I really hope this doesn't drag me away from reality, rofl
I'm not empty again.

(repetition) NO SCHOOL~ WHOOOO~

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