Thursday, July 30, 2009


Finally spent my Valerie voucher.. it expires on 3rd Aug and luckily
I went to Vivo with yunhan, which made me rmb about the voucher.
LOL, it scares me to think that it could've been wasted..

school ended at around 2+ because of the class photo-shoot, i was be-
side seychee and sandra xD lol triple s~ headed off to Harbourfront to
eat at BREEKS cafe, the teriyaki sauce is so weird o.o chocolate ice -
cream does have a slight bitter taste, its nth as sweet as raspberry or
strawberry or vanilla xD thank god I ate a tiny scoop, shudn't grow
much fatter right? LOL. at night I didn't even finish 1/4 of my rice...
will i get yan shi zheng? XD

around 4.30, we decided to go home lol, for some abnormally lucky
reason, 10 sec after we stepped onto the bus-stop, 166 arrived LOL..
i checked the time, 4.32

the bus was surprisingly empty, the whole lower deck only consisted of
me, me and me.

listened to some music.. insomnia is one i keep playing everytime i'm
on a bus xD slept the whole way through, when I woke up I was metres
away from my stop, nearly missed it, scared me like hell LOL, I would
have had to walk dam far if I alighted at the next stop..

5.00 exactly on the dot. i was half-asleep as I made it back to my home,

didn't achieve much for art, but at least I did something~

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I NEED to lose weight!

Its funny how sometimes you think things are like that but you keep
doubting it just because you refuse to believe in it.. but somewhere
deep down you know its still true

why am I dropping so much hair man!

I realise when I pause before I type again, my mind is blank during the
'pause' o.O

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I have alot of titles like this one, I wonder why, first typable key
on the left side of the keyboard?

Didn't achieve much for art today, the deadline's 13th aug, now I'm
starting to feel dead, LOL! tuition tmr.. kinda sian


can anybody help me download some songs?

Saturday, July 25, 2009





their things are so unbelieveably amazing.. so beautiful and so cheap LOL!
my bro didn't go, so me, daddy and mum splurged like wth, obviously.. I
spent ALOT more than any of them.. well its still their money though muaha

The first time we arrived at that new shopping mall, we headed for the
specs' shop.. its kinda grand and stuff, one of the optimitrist was actually
wearing the "doctor" coat, LOL! my "san guang" dropped ok! and I just
found out that my short-sightedness degree was 150 and 175 degree only!
I said 200+ 300+ because I went to add san guang and short-sightedness
together, they told me cannot like that count LOL.. woah, my eyes ain't
that bad afterall. Cool the contacts have san guang xD sadly.. because of
my dad and guitar lessons, we can only go there on national day to collect
the contacts.. because we made it so special they had to take so long to
get it ready, LOL! darn, I'll have to live without contacts for another while..

LOL, they were like 285RM and because we bought so many things, they
gave me a discount on top of the 50% discount and it became 40SGD!!!!
LOL~!!! I was literally SQUEALING in the shop when my mum agreed to
buy it, XD its pinkish-purplish and half-framed! :D

Malaysia was so fun omg! While dad was buying some muscle ache-relieve
product, I went to the neighbouring shop and got 2 pairs of earrings, they
were so damn pretty and costed 7.90RM and 15.90RM.. LOL! exchange
rate is around 2.43, the shop looked super high class~

went to "colours" to try to find a suitable outfit for mum for my cousin's
wedding, failed though.. instead found this light-blue dress for yunhan, I
was shopping for yunhan and hoching's birthday present anyway xD it
suited her so much I couldn't help but keep staring at it.. hope she likes it

MILK was the BEST shop I've been to today xD I got attracted to so many
clothing, its so very my style, LOL! shockingly.. I bought something bright
pink~ wahaha~ and bright green LOL! my mum said I bought 6 pc but I
think I bought more, :X that was totally.. my HEAVEN! XD

got hc's present too, but I'm not about to reveal it ~ heheh

went to this wedding like-shop, its like so pretty.. and a very strong perfume
smell lol.. got 2 wedded teddies for my cousin and her fiance, its so dam cute,
and not cheap at all to boot.. lol, I got a new wallet there too~ haha, finally
got rid of my rotting wallet.

there were so many things that happened.. I'm too tired to type.....

Had dinner at some hai xian restaurant at night, like, very late at night, becus
we went elsewhere first to get CDs before eating xD (Better not type so much
about this part in case I get sued for it.. you-know-what LOL.)

I'm so looking forward to the next trip there~

Guitar lessons start next saturday! woo!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ba Kut Teh

Didn't achieve much at all for art today.. but at least I learnt how to
colour my drawings with pastel colours.. the colour-pencil way, well,
according to yunhan, she says they're around the same, LOL!

I think so too anyway.. lol

I can't believe I took so long on one single bigger dove.. only managed to
finish colouring 2/4 of my chick-like doves..

maths was a breeze.. now for my 2 science As... (hopefully)

Kendrick was so nice to get bakuteh for us(art students) from IKEA
and then come back again on his own, LOL.. it was nice! even the
avocado drink was nice! (I really hate avocado, as in the fruit/veg),
its surprising I like it.. was it milk?

Thanks Kendrick! haha~

ah well, CCA tmr.. I didn't touch art at all tonight.. I'm kinda regretting~
I'm starting running from tomorrow, so I'm going to bed soon so I won't
fall asleep LOL.

getting contacts on sat, GOODBYE SPECS! :D

Monday, July 20, 2009


God, seems like I'm near-temporarily quitting audi again..
Sometimes I really wonder why my bro is so influential, most of my dinner
choices are influenced by his decisions.. when I can't decide on something,
he chooses something random and I deem it the best, like, somehow.. LOL.

Twins. And telepathy really exists. LOL xD
its cool to be twins..
he made me "addicted" to pangya, its the only game I ever play now...
I've been cutting down ALOT on gaming... and I'm an idiot to have found
out about 1337 ONLY recently.. T_T

weee, that's the best thing I ever did, a near perfect 3-hole blue lagoon game xD
Hole-in-One on second hole and Eagle-d on 3rd. woo! I beat my bro, like one in
10,000 times...

I'm having tuition in 14hours...

I may just go on a diet again.. and run every weekend as well as the mornings in
school, there's a reason for my choice of the word "may". 50% chance I'd abide..
predictable LOL. Man, i regret eating like a pig today. xD

it was crystal jade (ate more than mum n bro) for lunch before harry potter and
BREEKS Cafe at night for dinner.. god, THIS FEELS FAT T.T

Even though harry potter wasn't that nice, but it ain't as bad as what all my friends
say either.. lol. At least this one was funnier than all the rest xD (in my opinion)

Orchard LIDO 1 totally AMAZED me. it really deserves the title of largest digital cineplex in SG

time passes so fast.. i'm always reminiscing about the times when we were still
young whenever I'm waiting for something with my parents, its really amazing
how parents love kids, even though they can be quite an annoyance at times

random thoughts. school again.. LOL

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Had 1hr 20min of both lang arts and chinese.. its horrible, really mortifying..
lol.. gave me a BAD headache
(Even though it happens every thursday of the week, yeayea, I'll get used to it..)

Ah and MORE headaches.. this morning my maid woke me up at 5.15am
instead of 6.15am.. god, it was so, so wth, and I only realised after I've finished
preparing to go to school.. that includes TYING the FREAKING hair. I hate
this the MOST. but ah well, maybe god was preventing my nightmare from
continuing.. I had the weirdest nightmare EVER.

it was so scary I remember waking up trembling.. its about Yunhan comp-
letely AP-ing me at school while sitting right in front of me.. it was freaking
weird.. and strangely terrifying.. I can't rmb other details that really scared
me.. just abit of it.. I just rmb perfectly being so frightened about it when I
woke up. The part I remembered was that she took one of the food stuffs
that the form teacher bought for the class which was supposed to be mine
and she just threw it on the ground and stepped on it. Then guo laoshi
reprimanded her for it, she just looked at me with a UBER bushuang face
and she threw the cake I already got and smashed it on the floor as well..
then I think something worse happened after that.. but ah well, I'm one of
those people that never ever remembers my dreams.. just one while I was
still in lower primary.

God, all the Euphemisms I tried thinking of ended up as sarcasms, seriously
what's wrong with me LOL, can't I stop thinking of new ways to suan some-
body? lol.. sometimes you just look at people and you can't help but do so,
there has to be this part of the population that exists to entertain~ xD

ok, I'm kidding

ART! we're left with like a few days less than a month to complete our prep
work.. like 8 WHOLE BOARDS. god, how's that even humane? ok I DO agree
that we've been slacking.. ok maybe its just or-bi-quack. LOL, these few weeks
to come won't be easy.. I'll rest-assure -_-

Well, horrors aside, at least I can learn classical guitar~
woo! :D

Monday, July 13, 2009

cut my fringe..

Noo.. I cut my fringe.. the fringe I loved.. the fringe I took such a long time
to grow...

ah well, I can sort of predict the responses I'll get at school tomorrow, it
certainly won't be pleasant...


Sunday, July 12, 2009


I shall begin on a lighter note lol.. everything's just gonna get so damn sad,
sob sob, LOL. alright, I hope it won't anyway

hehe, that's my new wallpaper.. happy cardboard bunnies, those are EARS!
not HANDS! LOL. its so cute, you see one flying in the air and many more at
the back and one in front that seems to be an attention seeker

Below are the ice-skating photos haha, some time ago xD

The squad that I love so much.. almost all the active people turned up for this
very important (personally) outing!

haha, jesslyn's birthday! one more person who turned 16.. that was 9/7 xD taken
right outside 4E container classroom, in between the two stairs ~
I just read the squad blog.. to be honest, I felt very depressed after reading it... I
feel deep regret for even looking forward to handover.. to think the one thing I
wanted to get rid of for the first two years was the one thing that saddens me with
the mere thought of losing it...
I may not have the right to say "Hey! we've gone through so much together for 4
years!" but I may at least be able to say 2? haha.. Its precious.. what I'm going to
lose.. thank god I didn't realise that only after its gone..
This can't be the end.. there are friends whom my mum still knows now that she
knew in primary 2.. when she was 8! for more than 40 years! I'm not going to be
a naive imbecile to think we'll stay that way for as long as our 'forever' may be, but
I refuse to believe right after CCA ends.. we won't stick together anymore. Friend-
ship this deep is one of the hardest to build in the world, how many people do you
actually feel like their meant for you?
handover is so soon.. next week? perhaps the next next? Separation is so near.. it
could be tomorrow on Monday, this would be a good time to hope that
'Tomorrow never comes".
I really hope we stay together even after the handover
"In Life's Garden, Friendship is the most Fragrant"

Friday, July 10, 2009

Gash Bell

Woo, I just spent S$10.45 on a blog shop item, god it looked so pretty, LOL
man I really should stop spending money on clothes..

'when you think you need something, you actually only want it'
ah well, since the fact is that all we humans ever need is air, food and water,
and a workable brain and immune system, organs.. and a body?

whooo~ GASH BELL is totally nice! I'm so addicted to the manga, just finished
chapter 233, its so nice, it pulled me away from One Piece, amazingly, lol..

that's obviously not from the manga haha, the manga's called Konjiki no Gash
Bell, I watched a bit of the anime a long time ago, like.. 3-4 years ago? or more?
anime is just Gash Bell lol, its really nice.. and cute.. and funny LOL.

That's a poster from Gash Bell Movie 1, its really nice.. I'm gonna read till the
latest chapter before I watch Movie 2.. lol, i'm so looking forward to it.

My interest in online gaming has.. died down alot since.. I don't know when lol..
ah well things happen, people change, its a cycle.. like the stupid retarded
digestive cycle I keep going on and on about.. people eating their own shit and
stuff, LOL.. ok that's just crazy, imagine a world deprived of food. it might just
happen, tsk.

I really hope this doesn't drag me away from reality, rofl
I'm not empty again.

(repetition) NO SCHOOL~ WHOOOO~

Thursday, July 09, 2009

E-learning day

LOL! HOCHING DREW THIS OVER CID! cute right?! haha! its done on
photoshop, she taught me a couple of shortcuts and stuff wahaha~ ok this
was quite some time ago lol..
my art painting is progressing very little by little.. hopefully I won't drop
far behind the others.. taking quite a BIG headstart together with yh and
hoching and tsesin, LOL!
tmr's e-learning day! woo! no school! even though I'm supposed to study
at home, i'm going to watch ice-age 3! muahaha! LOL, god i'm in such a
good mood.. even thought I didnt feel like going for expert tournament..
i never manage to make it past round 2, audi's lag is starting to really get
on my nerves.. lol
woo! NO SCHOOL! :D
eve! photos!! lol~

Monday, July 06, 2009

ice skating

woo! I've finally learnt how to ice-skate! LOL!
that's like a success after 2 tries at ice-skating.. once was
like.. maybe a year or more ago when i only skated around
40+ minutes xD kinda shi bai..

but god, i'm so proud of myself today, I kept rejecting the
hand that was put out for me incase I feel like falling! as in,
i didn't take the hand or touch it at all. totally forced myself
to either balance or fall

it was so fun to learn how to skate.. and to know eventually,
it was kinda tiring and my inner feet hurt like hell.. lousy
skates hmph T.T there were more learners than those who
could skate today, LOL! most of us manage to skate a little
on our own without the help of anyone..


man, i wanna skate again, its so fun! i wanna skate super
fast like xinmun and jesslyn! wooooo~ is this what they
call a sudden addiction? and to think just yesterday I was
totally traumatized by the idea of re-trying..

and when we were taking off our skates and preparing to
leave, I saw Bullet LOL! audi fam mate~ he saw me first
actually, he was just sitting right in front of me at the seats
area(kallang there the ice rink) its like, so super coinciden-
tial LOL! tsk tsk, was that his girlfriend? LOL! keke~

it was so~ so so so so so~ so so so FUN!
I wanna skate again sometime! :D (although I think I'll lose
the skill and fall again the next time I try, LOL)