Tuesday, May 20, 2008

wym's quiz o.o

I'm like L-O-L when I found out i tio tagged XD
so far i've ignored all those frm fren's and fren's fren's
and fren's fren's fren's (WHATEVER) blog xD

But I have to show wym that I DO INDEED. visit her blog often ):

LOVE ! behold! a extremely gan dong-ed wym! (U BETTER BE XD)

A) people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B) tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. these people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. continue this game by sending it to other people.

#1 if your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?

I won't be saddened/maddened!(or at least I hope so, ppl usually don't like to hear this from inexperience individuals such as myself =x) I'll just treat it as he was never someone worthy of my heart/love and time. (:

#2 if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?

To turn the world into a happier place. No religion, no gods(no insults to religious ppl.. x.x), no limitations to how much you can believe, no emo-ists, no rejection, no heart-wrenches, no broken n unmendable hearts, purity, no betrayal, no bad feelings, no grudges, no spoilt bread, no rotted fish, full of rainbows and bright colours, no violence, no fights, no arguments, just a happy optimistic world where everyone can smile truthfully! Basically, a perfect world. LOL!! (that's why dreams are called DREAMS xD)

#3 whose butt would you like to kick?

anyone's but my own LOL!

#4 What would you do with a billion dollars ?

donate to charity. (if u believe this it means u dun noe me well, GO BANG THE WALL, LOL!) I'll visit canada, japan and norway, yup just these 3 nations by far x] there are reasons, perfect reasons why i'd visit those nations ;P TEEHEE~ I'll do business, probably in terms of design, beautiful, cute and attractive collectables or decoratives or furniture (: jus as a hobby.

#5 what's your ideal lover like?

Someone who only has eyes for me, and me alone. its that 'simple' (:

#6 which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

Loving someone. heh.
To me it doesn't matter if its two-sided or just, unrequited. Its the bliss I get to feel, the non-emptiness that I have when I'm in love with someone xD Well, right now, I feel realllllly empty, there's noone I like ):

#7 How long do you intend to wait for someone u really love?

Time is not an obstacle in love. (: I believe this statement says all!

#8 if the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

Asking the obvious? Of course I'd feel sad... and probably cry like for months and years till I forget about it? Come on, which girl won't feel this way? Even if they say otherwise, u know they feel that way somehow or another~ I won't do anything to get in their way though (:

#9 is there anything that has made you extremely happy?

The days where I hear the things that I wanted to hear the most. The day I met xinyi (: The day I find out that my parents loved children so much that even though they were an infertile couple, they paid money in tens of thousands continuously just to bring me and my brother to this very world. The fact that I am able to exist because of my parents' feelings, makes me VERY, VERY happy. I must emphasize this. (: The day someone told me I was important to him/her.

#11 What takes you down the fastest?

All you gotta do is say these words, "-person- says not to do this, so I also won't do lor, you leh?" Basically, people who succum to peer pressure, who takes popularity as optimum importance, who doesn't listen to you, a person important to you who does not show that you are an important friend, who decides to listen to the majority, rather than a pathetic friend like you. yup, these people OWN me (:

#12 How do you see yourself in ten years time?

Personality-wise, who I am right now. I don't believe in changes, I want people to accept me for who I am (: I am who I am! :D

#13 who is currently the most important people to you?

My family. I can't live without them. I need moral support ((:

#14 what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?

Fantastic, literally flawless ^^" Its what I think but she's still not good enough to be a president (: LOL (OMG WYM DUN KILL ME LMAO) JOKE! JOKE! OMG!! its a friggin' joke D:

#15 would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?

Married I guess X: Love is an experience unbuyable with money *-*!

#16 what's the first thing you do every morning?

Feel irritated at the fact I have to get up. LOL!

#17 would you give all in a relationship?

Not right now, probably in future. Because 90% of teenage relationships will only eventually end up with a break-up. Why give it my all? Risking a minimal 10%? haha, that doesn't suit me (:

#18 if you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?

I'm insulted by this statement. lol..
There is only one person for me. That person is still unknown to me but I know it, there will only be one. Maybe more, but not simultaneously. If die die must have answer..
I'd chose neither. Love ain't complete if you're half-hearted (:

#19 what type of people do you hate?

Nobody. Hate is a very strong feeling that I don't desire to have within me. (:


pls don't kill me *-*!

Someone's sitting in the shade today;
because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
(man I just love this quote.)

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