Wednesday, May 14, 2008

results~ MidYears'08

Sigh? xD
lmao- been doing well and terribly for my MidYears...
-totally contradictory- dunno wat i'm saying LOL! x]

I shall solemnly review my results.
Maths: Paper1 [69/80] Paper2 [66/80] Overall [84.375%]
-target of 90% unreached-
Chemistry: [45.5/90] Overall [50.6%]
-target of 50% reached-
Art: [60/100] Overall [60%]
-target of 50% reached-
Physics: -
-target of 65%-
HCL: [119/200] Overall [59.5%]
-target of 65% unreached-
Language Arts: [20.5/30] Overall [68.3%]
-target of 55% reached-
Singapore Studies: [30/40] Overall [75%]
-target of 65% reached-

well, at least those are what I got back so far...
hope I can update the results that i haven't got
back soon... And seriously hope I can fulfill the
targets T.T

I should seriously consider stopping gaming...
maybe I'll try by playing audi moderately and
watching anime to begin with x.x" someone
HELP ME! LOL! I need serious help on chem!
Can't believe even though I fulfilled my target,
I totally felt like crying when I got back the
pathetic results.. and seeing people around me
get like mostly As...


obviously.. I'm stronger in maths...
haiz.. I still flunk my other subjs like nobody's
business T.T cheer me on; I'll score well nxt time!

NEVER regret the person you are;
ACCEPT who your parents made you to be.

*acceptance is the key word :))

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