AS I PROMISED!! xDD I took some photos of today's duck tours! woo! MAN DID I ENJOY MYSELF! (except the part where the tour guide explained historical things about kampong glam and little india where I fell asleep on the bus, hehe ^^")
ME SOLO!! AHHH! @_@"
Us in front of the balloon! getting ready to tale flight!!
MAMA MERLION! hahaha! papa merlion is at SENTOSA!!
woots! caught a shot of a passing speed boat!
see!! the duck boat behind us getting into water! so cool right?
closer view of the boat-on-wheels!!! xP cool invention :x
MAGNIFICANT ferris wheel!! who wanna ride with meee? x_x"
Lalala!! today was FREAKING enjoyable! although my bro kept saying "WAH LAO EH! go home better la... play comp better.. all this fking boring shit... kao.. waste my bloody time tmd.. ccb..." LMAO XD hahahahah!!! so fun listening to him complain!!!
-End, a new drawing coming up most probably tomorro!~ Look forward to it!-
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