Wednesday, March 04, 2009


woah.. its been so long since i typed something here

ah well, i screwed both my sciences, so sad :(
anyway, my mum hired a tutor at my request.. and he's.. mr ho?
quite a good tutor lol! REALLY tall, and i mean REALLLLLY tall!
he's in university first year. I seriously hope my physics improves
with his help.. i hope there's one day I can believe getting A1 for
physics is actually possible for me, LOL!

ah, all these days quite sian, been geekish for over 2 months.. I
haven't touched audi in a long time.. even though i play gb with my
bro and his friend during some nights~ seriously, i find myself weird
and scary to be able to study so much! LOL! Now i'm really hoping
I can score well this year.. it means so much to me~

ohya, for peeps out there who aren't sure of what you wanna do
next time.. this is the subject combi my tutor recommend for JC!
phy-chem-mathematics-econs; LOL. he said gt more career options
in future~

took this career test at LOL! as predicted, my career path
would be the artistic path! haha! either a designer, marketer or a
spokesmen xD actually quite useless la, since i could more or less predict


My group of friends and me, making up to 4, opened a blog shop on
livejournal LOL! its better because there are so many clothes left
stoning in my closet and i don't even plan on wearing them anymore!

it'd be better off SOLD! but ah well, no link yet because there isn't
anything on sale yet, LOL! xD

bought a top from forever21, its like, i tried on 5 pc and only bought 1!
it was like, occupying the time of all the people who queued for the
fitting rooms! LOL.. its brown and it looks nice! haha! (:

i can't screw my studies anymore!

bleh, so random; LOL!

looking forward to going jiali's house this sunday, woot! :D

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