Monday, March 16, 2009

UG camp

ah, finally got motivated enough to post about UG camp. xD

Day One
eh, i found it ok, as in, the discipline was kinda satisfactory already..
and it feels really different being a senior than a junior.. its like..
there's this strange feeling when you're finally leading others when
you have been a junior/cadet for 4 or more of such camps and been
scolded n tortured like crazy.. it really looks very different as a snr..

I'm guilty i actually thought that the seniors found joy in torturing
us. i'm really guilty now... its when one becomes a senior that one
truely understands how painful it is to punish someone who once
belonged to the same platoon.. same junior-category as you.. who
was once your friend.. its painful to see them suffer :(

anyway.. off-topic, the discipline was good to me so ya.. it was ok
for an introduction to the camp.. the camp I/C was alicia and i must
say she has shown fantastic leadership..

from day one i could see that at least my platoon.. Soul, the juniors
were VERY heavily dependent on the seniors about getting stuff
done.. you see the EXTREMELY exhausted seniors falling out one
by one and the juniors like.. still never do anything to help.. i just
hope that they will seriously shout more... and help out more.. n
stuff.. but their discipline still did improve overall.. so i must say
i'm proud of all of them for getting through the camp!

Day Two
this was i think by far the most torturous day? a few ppl i think
started to have fever.. including ppl frm yr4.. poor things.. :(

the discipline on this day did significantly improve, and i was so
proud of them..

the only thing i really rmb is the chnging parade thing.. actually i
knew the officers didn't meant for it to be a changing parade but..
it seemed like one alright.. nvm, i'm still VERY VERY happy with
jesslyn's decision to change with the juniors.. to full-u, cos it was
really... the only way to make things fair! it hurts to see them.. all
suffering from a lack of a well-deserved rest.. it really hurts .. all
their faces were seriously, perpetually dead.. i'm glad they could
sleep after that..

camp I/C was kialuck, and i'm VERY VERY VERY surprised and
VERY EXTREMELY proud of her lah!!!!!! to me, she's like 10 mil
times better than the camp I/C i was last year.. she has shown
ALOT of leadership n responsibility.. i'm just.. really stunned and
really proud of her.. like, beyond words. memories of the courses
just keep gushing back into this very-occupied brain..

Day Three
nth much also, haha, weijie was the camp I/C and once again.. he
did not lose to the previous 2 I/Cs.. he has also showed great
initiative and responsibilty.. its almost.. amazing! its no longer the
super crappy n lame weijie tt i know of xD

games were fun! the "netball" match we had xD it was very tiring
but still fun! haha! oh ya.. i wanted to talk abt sleep, LOL! its like..
yen n a few others slept half an hour of didn't sleep AT ALL on the
first night.. xinmun looks totally dead LOL! i slept 2 hours+ haha!
i'm smart :X
the second night more ppl slept like 45 mins? i slept 2 and a half hr
LOLOLOL! ok forget it i feel piggish.. so its 5hrs in total~ nt bad, i
still rmb during basic/advance i slept like 2 n half hrs the whole camp
becus i was so scared since i was course I/C LOL!

i really wonder how some of the yr4s survive the camp with so little
sleep, LOL!

all in all, it was a good camp with most of the objectives well-met! :D
alot of leadership was shown, and it further increased my confidence
level of the year 3s :) the juniors also displayed a big improvement in
their discipline levels, so i guess it was an all-rounded achievement :D

that's camp for you, have fun!

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