Friday, March 06, 2009

scratched car

WHOO! 80% for SCS! its depressing to know half of the class failed..
but ah well, thank god mr bryan tan gave them a chance to rewrite
so they'd pass! alright.. SCS did save my butt, thank god!

i just have to state this somewhere can? some guys in my class seem
to have a problem with the way i laugh LOL! is it that weird? I mean,
its not anywhere as funny as Sandra's laughter!!

Mr Ng is like the cutest teacher EVER. i'm not trying to snatch him
from mdm tia, LOL! ok.. so random again

there was year one orientation during CCA today, i wasted well over
an hour of my life hiding in tutorial room 1 LOL! I couldn't even
remember how many times I mumbled "noobs.." its like, maybe
because we hid too pro-ly but, only 1 group looked around the
tutorial rooms! the rest totally gave up! LOL! thank god bingle knew
how to turn the aircon on.. so we enjoyed the coolness in there, rofl

it was.. fun? even though i didn't experience anything LOL.

dad's car was SCRATCHED by some.. "asshole" (said by dad, LOL)

ah well, instead of recce, i'll be going CIP with eve, pnghang, and jnrs
tmr, LOL! its some charity gift wrapping thingy.. which would end by
12 i presume? I usually like wrapping stuff, because its fascinating..
ok i take back my words.. tt sounded, noob? LOL!

sorry jesslyn, i think you sounded rather disappointed :(

camp in a week's time.. i'm looking forward to it and not as well.. sorta
half-hearted, rofl, but i think it should be fun



i started to think about something lol, i think its TOTALLY random
so its yeah, ignorable...

i realised how many singaporean friends i know actually complain how
much life sucks etc. at least once lol.. maybe i did too but.. whatever..
LOL! just gonna share how negative i feel about those mindless complains

i think its ridiculous for people like us who enjoy the life in a first world
country like singapore to ACTUALLY complain that life sucks.
i think that people who genuinely think that way whether or not its becus
they broke up, got pissed off by parents/results or just feel that way cos'
its cool; are plain childish imbeciles. sorry if it sounded harsh.. but yeah,
that's how i feel... and that's partially why i can't stand people who emo
for that same reason.

c'mon, we're


experience the rural life in africa or india where poverty is considered a
norm before you start complaining.


and.. i really need to buck up on my results. LOL, ok, i know i've repeated
that too many times xD

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